Top 10 Movies? Pretty off topic.



  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    PBP is...odd - I prefer to interface with a chat room, as it allows for a more real time feeling, versus PBP - I'd be more than happy to play in a PBP campaign, if I knew how to play (No scheduling conflicts ftw!)
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    You guys are awesome ^///^....had it not been for Embirsiphone's surfing...I would be sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling =D
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Making monsters is a bit tricky it's easier just to modify the preexisting.. and items are great fun to make and easy if you know a trick, take a simple common place item.. a handkerchief for instance and then imbue it magically lets say this handkerchief has absorbed the tears of many distraught women, originally used my a succubi is his schemes. Now any man that holds this handkerchief will find himself the object of aggression from women, and maybe even a few men. However other men will see him as more intimidating than before.. basic charisma bonus.. if a woman holds it though it serves as a distraction of voices filtering their heads with tricks and lies :D

    it is awesome and no you really don't..
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    yeah, play by posts always seemed... hard to manage. tried to play in one in a game my friend called "scion" (don't know if that's a real game system or not). Basically we played as the gods of a world, and it was really cool at first, until people started missing deadline, and everything sort of just fizzled out. I think the only real way it could work well is as a simple rule-less story. that way people don't have to wait for adjudications on rules, and stuff before doing anything.
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    I tend to be good at I get to do it...hence my Red Hand lol
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Ahh, the old legacy artifact - those are fun! The more story, the better!
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I've been wanting to figure out a way to get a PBP campaign to work, because it'd help out (Now that I work, I have less time to game than is warranted by my hobby.) But unfortunately, there's no easy way to adjudicate. Although Obsidian Portal is the ideal companion to a PBP style campaign, I think.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    yeah, I agree, this has everything you'd need to make one work, as well as it could.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I suppose the only trick is moderating dice rolls. The way i figure it could work, is when it got to combat, maybe THAT part would have to be via a chat program (AIM/flash/what have you), but everything else could be done via Posting? I'm not sure...
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    I want to give it a try so if anyone ever starts one you can count me in..

    The best part of that item is I just made it up on the spot.. :D

    Legacy items are fun.. I once created a genie lamp that when it was opened you were sucked into a world and expected to solve all their probelms as their god, after you leave you are connected to the people of the world in the lamp and they'll 'pray' to you constantly, fight wars in your name and any number of things because your a god.. eventually though this will drive your character insane :D I created it as punishment because my brothe wanted to be 'all powerful'

    also silence is going to be MIA for a bit her computer needs a tiny break :D
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    I think you'd have to play in a diceless system, perhaps using the amber system of rules where players bid on stats and skills, and no one knows who the highest and lowest are. THAT would require a chat I'm sure, but after that, whoever has the highest mental stat wins at chess for example. there are modifiers, and it's pretty simple, but sounds good for a pbp.
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    I have to agree on the dice roll combat.. then one person could be a designated writer for the battle and post the happenings after the chat log of the battle is finished.. that way it doesn't interupt the flow of the posts in the forum
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I remember when this thread was about movies.

    I have never been able to get into PBP. One person who decides to be difficult (and most gaming groups have at least one) makes the whole thing fall apart. I like the concept, but find it too disjointed in practice.
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    I think i've done that once, bidding on stats.. I can't remember how anything worked though...
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    never hurts to try.. the key is finding people who are laid back enough..

    I remember that too.. only vaguely.. i was actually about to suggest a 'guess the movie quote' game an hour ago but it just never happened..
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740 edited August 2010
    yeah, definitely Dusk, it takes the right group.

    I don't remember how anything worked really either, but I bet I could find the rules for amber, don't have to use the game world. Also, that's not me volunteering to put it together, at least not yet.
    Post edited by gaaran on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Gaaran, you got your fingers in too many pies.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Well i think it'd be better if the people who want to play, all chip in at first that way they;re invested enough to not want to be difficult.. :D
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Oh yeah, definitely, but someone would have to officiate over everything. and in creating the characters.

    Also, I think we've probably derailed a good 5-6 threads tonight. Nice work everyone!
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Woo! do we get a prize?

    Well I can't officiate as I've never done this before.. sooo yeah.. not it!
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    It was a group effort ^^
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Job well done, I say. I would tip my hat to you, but it is holding my brains in at the moment.

    Rase, the Pie God thing is sticking around, pal.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    You know, I don't think derailed is a good word, I think steamrolled fits better ;)
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I've found that pretty much any topic, when discussed by gamers, will ultimately return to...well, gaming. I think I derailed this one. In a feeble effort to get this boat back on track, I hereby replace one of my Movies with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

    I completely agree that one person being difficult makes the entire thing worse than warm jello in the middle of August - but I would be interested in trying to deal with it for the sake of being able to (shhh, don't tell), make a post or two while at work. But diceless does seem like it'd be for the best. I just know I wouldn't be able to DM - I've got most of my creativity wrapped up in the Planescape setting, at the moment - Unless we wanted something there, but even then, I don't know if I could keep it very interesting for very long (Low DM self-esteem). And with that, it's time for this DM to go to sleep - It's 4:30!

    Also, not it for officiating! *Finger on Nose*
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Well, I think the idea has begun to take root, so we'll give it a little time to grow and see if anything comes of it. I suppose I already have the community page for the Fantastinomicon... NO! I can't take on another project just yet...
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    No, not steamrolled! Steampunked?! Darnit, I'll never live down the pie-god... ...I should create a Godslayer named Jack Horner - but that might be a liiiiiiiiiiittle too Cliche.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Not just yet, gaaran? How about in 5 minutes? I'll do graphic work for food! I mean, for D&D!
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Jell-O is bad enough already with out you tainting it further with such a rhetorical scenario, Mister Cidrean. It is cow bone scrapin's for crying out loud.

    I would be willing to do something like this, but I feel it necessary to point out that I have two active, wholly unrelated campaigns, plus I am contributing to two of JimTriche's projects and one of Gaaran's. I am tapped like a damn keg.

    Don't get excited. It's Heineken.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Ask me again in 5 minutes :). maybe Jack Bauer could take on the pie-god, I don't know about little jack horner...
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