Obsidian Portal Launch Feedback



  • deljohn
    Posts: 24
    Langy, to your last point. Speaking for my GM, we are really only using it for basic functionality, so our list of "must have" fixes are:

    1) Image embed - Is not functioning and may be related to the number of images we uploaded (fix in progress already I believe)
    2) Wiki links - Is not functioning and may be related to the number of wiki pages we created
    3) Character links - Not sure why this one is not working. Don't have many characters but maybe it's related to the wiki links issue
    4) Show all
    5) Some way to identify "GM Only" pages - We had a bunch before the reforge and now cannot identify them

  • Stem
    Posts: 4
    I know my personal major gripes now are;

    -NPC and PC characters all lumped together, with no default seperation
    -General layout, everything feels crammed into the middle and awkwardly laid out.
    -Forums, as a GM I can't admin posts on my campaigns forum. That seems alittle backward.
    -Image resizing across the board, and the background image. While the background image seems like a good idea it just doesn't seem pointful to me. I would rather my page spreads across the full browser screen rather than being crushed into this center wall of text!
  • Nestor
    Posts: 10 edited November 2013
    Langy: Yes, they're being addressed. By putting out code that we now have to add to (and maintain on) our pages.

    That's the main issue I'm talking about; for some of us, the re-forge is a step backward, in the sense that we're now forced to do things we didn't have to bother about before.
    Post edited by Nestor on
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Nestor - can you be more specific for those of us not actually following you here? "Broken functionality" - buttons that don't work, image embed etc. Those are NOT being addressed by putting out code you have to maintain. They are being fixed in the...well "core" for lack of a better word.

    What is it that you feel you need to alter to make things 'usable' that requires CSS/HTML specifically?
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    - NPC/PC - I kind of agree...and kind of don't. I actually love the Tagging. Though I have a pet peeve with the term "search by tag" - it's not so much a search as a filter. But I still love it. Yes you have to take the time TO tag, but that didn't really take long. I would love to still be able to segregate - but I want to be able to segregate more than just NPC and PC. My game has all sorts of "factions" and "cliques" for lack of better words - so we'd end up using the tags anyway unless they somehow allowed us to use custom segregation. They have said they may look at it though.

    - general layout - set your default layout to 1600 under "Advanced tab". The layout if defaulting to a minimum resolution. If you use a larger resolution on your screen - well it will look like it's in the middle. However if you up the min and someone uses a smaller resolution the page will spiral off into the scrollbars. That's not an OP thing, it's a "this is how the internet and computers work" thing.

    - Forums - known bug and being worked on. Sorry if that's not the answer you want - but I've never seen a computer system released without bugs - "acknowledged and fix in process" is a hellava lot better than what you get from a lot of companies that ignore you completely.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    1) Image embed - Is not functioning and may be related to the number of images we uploaded (fix in progress already I believe) - it is and as I said above to Nestor - welcome to the world of software.

    2) Wiki links - Is not functioning and may be related to the number of wiki pages we created - I've seen this in a couple of places, and have no more info than you do. I'm in the boat of "it works for me..."

    3) Character links - Not sure why this one is not working. Don't have many characters but maybe it's related to the wiki links issue - also in the boat of "it works for me...". Might I suggest putting in a bug request for those buttons if you haven't done so already?

    4) Show all - huh? (Sorry, I may be awfully dense, the coffee today isn't great...but context?)

    5) Some way to identify "GM Only" pages - We had a bunch before the reforge and now cannot identify them - go to http://yourcampaign.obsidianportal.com/wikis - scroll down to "GM ONLY Wiki Pages" and "GM ONLY Adventure Log Pages" - does that help?
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    @Dawnhawk, I assume that the "Show All" is referring to the link we used to have to "show all" the wiki pages in a list.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Oh...well in that case: http://yourcampaign.obsidianportal.com/wikis does that too. :)
  • Nestor
    Posts: 10
    dawnhawk: Sure, I could regurgitate most of what's been posted on this thread if that helps, but for now, I'll take a quick tour of my humble campaign page and point out the ones that come right up.

    * The startup page is the dashboard, not the front page.

    * I had formatted my banner image with the campaign's name proudly displayed on it, thus making the separate listing above it redundant. Of course, with the resize, the logo is now cut off and the image now looks like crap. And why the heck does displaying the title and the OP logo require so much damn page space?

    * What do I do if I don't want a background image? I don't care for it; it makes it harder to focus on the content and serves no purpose other than to make the page look busy.

    * The content is all smushed up into the center, leaving huge empty space to the left and right (so we can see the background image, I guess?)

    * The menu used to be horizontal across the top, now it's vertically down the side. What's the benefit of that, other than to take more space away from the content?

    * The adventure log has even less space, what with this calendar menu (that could just as easily been implemented with a couple of pulldowns) hogging all that space.

    * I happen to prefer seeing all the PCs separated and listed first. They are, after all, the heroes of the story. When you see opening credits for a movie or TV show, you don't see the names of the main characters buried in the middle of a list of all the supporting characters. Even IMDB makes a point of listing the main characters first in the cast page.

    * I went into the Settings page to clear out the CSS code I had to put in, just so I could compose this list and noticed that the Items section will be deprecated. Really? What was the logic behind that, pray?

    Mind you, I have yet to use the Forums or Wiki sections, so I can't say what frustrations I may find there.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to add the chunk of CSS code I copied from some other thread to try and at least ameliorate some of these issues. Y'know, the code I didn't have to use before.
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    @Nestor. Which issues? Can you be specific? Because the code is, in most cases, place holders until the real fix is in. For example, the white text on grey background will be addressed. (IIRC) In the meantime, you simply copy and paste a single line in a box to fix it.

    If you had no customization (as my campaign), then I don't see what your issues are. At least, not any that have been recognized and are being addressed. Enlighten me.

    First, the editor is BETTER (except for White text on grey colour scheme).
    Second, site is MORE flexible in that you can CHOOSE your colors, upload your backgrounds and banners more easily, the settings are clearer AND, if you ARE so inclined, there is now a place for CSS, where before, you had to place it in every item (I might be wrong on that one, I didn't use CSS)

    If we walk through the menu ( *CAVEAT* basing myself on screen capture of the old site), from top to bottom:
    * Dashboard: all new and very cool.
    * Front page: The same functionality minus the Dice roller. Let's Compare the old page to the new one:
    ** Welcome DM( access to profile): Now settings.
    ** Manage Campaign: Now in the Setting menu, same access:one click.
    ** Party: Also available on new page, better graphics.
    ** Search This Campaign: now at the top of the page.
    ** Latest Update. Also present on new page
    ** Edit Button: Still present, same place.
    ** *Conclusion*: front page contains SAME content, better laid out (IMO)*
    * Adventure Log: All the same functionality but loss of the 2 right hand blocks (Party and Latest Updates) but added navigation by date
    ** *Conclusion*: Adventure log is the same. Minor loss at worst.*
    * Wiki:All the same functionality but loss of the 1 right hand blocks (Party) (I only have a partial screen shot of this one)
    ** *Conclusion*: Wiki is the same. Minor loss at worst.
    * Characters: Ah, here there is ONE change of significance: NPC and PCs mixed together. Otherwise, nothing of note except better visualization of character, better search function and , so for the better, some for the worse. Even the editor is better.
    ** *Conclusion*: Characters is overall better but should not mix PCs and NPCs. Hardly earth shattering*
    * Items: not much different, better integration/standardization? This feature has been depreciated
    ** *Conclusion*: Items same or better*
    * Forums: Here is the first major mistake, they removed the sub-forums but they are restoring htem. Assuming the current look holds, they are/Will be BETTER than before.
    ** *Conclusion*: Forums need sub-forums but, once this functionality returned, they should be better*
    * Calendar: hard to tell from the screenshots but seems pretty much the same, but with more feature (Google calendar) AND, with the integration of the calendar in the Dashboard, better and more useful.
    ** *Conclusion*: improvement overall
    * Maps: Generally better but there are several bugs here that make it difficult to judge. However, with the improved editor and the linking to the wiki, adventure log and characters, it IS improved once they iron out the bugs.
    ** *Conclusion*: better, but need bugs fixed.
    * Comments: Gone in Reforged. Much complaining. Considering the little overhead, probably should have lept it.
    ** *Conclusion*: removed. Probably a mistake.

    All in all, the site is better and far more flexible. From an "out of the box" perspective, the site can be more easily changed, colours in particular, and the editor (your main tool) has been re-organized to make sense. I can certainly understand people who had heavily customized implementations having a fit, but people using the plain-vanilla OP? I'm sorry, I MUST be missing something because EVERYTHING is better, or almost and most major issue are being fixed. Can you list me specifics? Lord knows, working off the screenshots and my memory, I can't cover everything.

    And, I would note, it's only been ONE WEEK. OP is being VERY responsive.

    My 0,02$ CDN. As always, YMMV.

  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Sorry Nestor - but I have to say you made me laugh. Sorry because I doubt that was your intention - but I'm afraid I find attitude generally amusing. At least you have a vibrant personality even in text. Though - if your intention was to offend - well better luck next time. :)

    * The startup page is the dashboard, not the front page. - Ok...that's not a CSS thing, so I'm not sure this applies to the question. However it is valid feedback for the OP crew.

    * I had formatted my banner image...{cut for space} - This is valid under the context of the question. So the feedback would be - could we include in the Advanced tab the ability to "hide campaign title" and perhaps a resize option for the dragon OP?

    * What do I do if I don't want a background image? - Upload an image that is just a colored or neutral (white/black/grey) block. Problem solved, no css or html required. Or request a "none" option be added as a background choice - that would be a reasonable request.

    * The content is all smushed up into the center - change your min resolution. OP is using a flexible layout to accomodate for that the fact that people use different screen resolution. The option is available under your Advanced Tab. Be aware as I mentioned above however that this will affect people with differing resolutions to your own. That's just a Internet thing. You can be slightly more flexible using CSS - using percentages rather than default values - but the non-CSS option is there.

    * The menu used to be horizontal across the top, now it's vertically down the side. - Also a valid answer to the question. Ok...well technically it's "proper design" technique. People look to the left hand side of the screen before they look anyway else (they've studied this...). Technically horizontal bars often get lost in what we call "banner blindness". Since OP is designed to provide customization - the "default" option should be the better "design" option. That being said a good request that I've seen elsewhere on the forums has been to provide some basic "css templates" for members to use - so you can choose a layout via a click similar to choosing a background now. Perhaps you should add your name to that request since it would a perhaps a reasonable resolution.

    * The adventure log has even less space - same as "smushed" above.

    * I happen to prefer seeing all the PCs separated and listed first. - As I said above - I kind of agree. They have said they may look at it soon.

    * I went into the Settings page to clear out the CSS code I had to put in, just so I could compose this list and noticed that the Items section will be deprecated. - Yah that I can't answer - though I think there may have been a post about it elsewhere.
  • Nestor
    Posts: 10

    I suppose it comes down to personal taste. You see some of these changes as positive, I see them as negative. Moving the menu from a horizontal to a vertical orientation is not an improvement, IMO. Adding a (to me) totally unnecessary month/year graphic on the right of the adventure log is not an improvement. Jumbling the characters is not an improvement (at least you agree in that regard). And so on.

    So no, the out-of-the-box setup is not better for me. You're happy with it, fine, enjoy it. But this is not the OP I signed up with two or so years ago, and the changes it's gone through have not made my experience in any way more enjoyable.

    P.S. I realize you probably posted this before seeing the preliminary list of issues I posted in response to dawnhawk's question.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113 edited November 2013
    "But this is not the OP I signed up with two or so years ago"

    Ah...the root of the problem. I hate to be a bit of a b-tch here, but this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine with people when it comes to computer system, but actually it IS the OP you signed up for two years ago. Because the OP you signed up for includes articles 7-9 of the TOS.

    Nothing personal - I just have little sympathy when people have a sense of entitlement to "static" that they should have known they didn't have - and frustration over presumed expectations that weren't verified. And no - ignorance of the TOS does not justify it in my mind.

    edit: sorry type 7 and 8 should have been 7-9.
    Post edited by dawnhawk on
  • Nestor
    Posts: 10 edited November 2013

    Glad I provided some amusement in your life, although I'm not sure if your intention with that comment was to ridicule me. If so, whatever.

    Are some of the things I listed fixable? Sure, I recognize that. The point I've been trying to make, and that seems to be lost on a number of folks, is that I find myself having to make those fixes when I didn't have to before, and that some of those fixes (such as removing the title area, or changing link colors) do require me to either create or copy CSS code.

    The bottom line is that the value of this site to me has been reduced with little or no gain in return.

    Edit: Just read your second comment. You misunderstand, my expectation was not that OP would remain forever static. I'm a software professional, I am very well acquainted with the process of revising software to deal with changing requirements and practices.

    But if the changes I see are not an improvement, I have no reason to simply accept them just because they're the "Next Best Thing". Belittling or ridiculing me simply because I don't happen to agree with the direction the site is taking does not support your argument well.
    Post edited by Nestor on
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    The intention to ridicule was not in existence. I assure you. Simply pointing out that I acknowledge your frustration, but I likely wasn't going to respond in a way you'd necessarily appreciate. As mentioned above - the sympathy is lacking, though my original suggestions were intended to perhaps alleviate some of your pain should you be able to see past your entitlement.

    If the value is reduced to a point of critical - you have some options.
    1) Walk. It's an option. The features of this site could be replicated with a MediaWiki, Forum system such as phpbb, Google Calendar and a database if you really wanted to.
    2) Make reasonable suggestions of exactly what and where you would like fixed, and HOPE they agree with you and do so. This is their website after all.
    3) Make use of the "Advanced" features you paid for with your ascendency, taking care of the requirements that are necessary to do where where applicable as this is a "provided as is" service.
  • Nestor
    Posts: 10
    Actually, I'd already made the decision to walk. Unlike other folks, I just hadn't felt it necessary to announce it. :)

    The comment that sparked this interaction was itself motivated by a post by Langy that struck me as not understanding the source of some folks' (including me) frustration, i.e., that we were now forced to engage in customization when before we had acceptable functionality out-of-the-box. I simply felt it necessary to mention it in the hopes it could help clear things up. I suppose my mistake was in falling for the trap of trying to justify my opinion when challenged to support it.

    My decision to no longer support OP is entirely personal. I simply don't agree with the direction the site has gone. You may disagree with my perception, and you're fully entitled to. Doesn't make my opinion less valid, any more than mine does yours.

    And with that, I bid you good day.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    (TL;DR at the bottom...)

    I want to throw in my two cents here too, although I don't know how useful some of you will find them (two cents doesn't go very far after all ;)), but this is the first time since I started being a moderator a couple years ago that tempers have been flaring here. For the most part, I've been seeing people on both sides of the issue making pretty valid points, and discussing the issues at hand, namely things that people both like and dislike about the new Obsidian Portal. That's a good thing. But I want people on both sides to remember that this is something that most of us have invested time in, and time is our most valuable resource. Feeling like we have lost that time can be rather disheartening or frustrating.

    For those who have been complaining that the reforge has broken their custom designed page, especially those that were part of the Kickstarter, that was part of the deal from the get go. We've known for a long time that when this rolled out, the layout would be completely different, which means the CSS we've designed wouldn't work. To those few that haven't kept up with any news, the forums, or updates on the Reforge from the OP staff over the past few months, and still have custom content that has been affected, I'm sorry for the shock, but there is no going back, and there are those of us that are willing to help to get you back to where you want to be.

    For those of us that are defending the Reforge (as that's really what we're doing), bear in mind that not everyone wanted this, and their frustrations are not invalid. The new layout and design is significantly more complex, and while updating can still be done without using "advanced" techniques like HTML and CSS, it is a new system to learn (I only just today saw that you can change the max content width, for example). The community here has always been strong because we are so willing to help each other and this has been the most "well behaved" boards I've ever been a part of on the internet (and still is). I hope that we can remember why this community is great and continue to help each other, which includes listening to the frustrations of those unhappy with the reforge. I hope that we can keep things from getting personal (any more than they've started to) and focus on the issues raised.

    With that being said, I'm not upset that my sites are broken, and in fact, I'm excited, because once all the kinks are fixed (and don't get me wrong, there are many, and some are not minor), I think that the options we have at our disposal will be that much greater. I've designed or helped designed two campaign of the month winners (with Dark Queen of the West having arguably some of the most complex CSS I've seen on OP), and i knew the update was going to break them. I wasn't wrong. They've kind of exploded. Neither of the games are currently ongoing (DQ has recently been put to rest) and so I will probably only work on them to learn the new layout of Obsidian Portal, but not to get them up and running again. I have spent many hours working on these games (took me probably 12 hours to figure out the custom map interface I designed for DQ) and now it's broken. However, were these games still running and not dead or on infinite hiatus, I would happily spend more time fixing them and making them even better, because that's part of the reason I did it in the first place.


    Whew... so that ended up being a much longer rant than I was expecting, but the TL;DR of it is that some people are frustrated, and have a right to be, but there are those of us that are willing to help, to either get your sites fixed, or to show you how to fix them so that you don't need our help. There are a lot of new features that aren't immediately obvious too, and plenty of us are willing to help show you around them. And remember, we're almost all volunteers that have no stake in Obsidian Portal other than the community and the love for the game.
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    @nestor I respect your decision and, incidentally, thank you for voicing it without throwing a tantrum like some other posters.

    You might want to comeback in a few months to see if they implement some things that might address some of your objections such as a setting placing the menu bar on the left or on the top. One of the main objectives of the Reforging, and the most time consuming, was the backend. We don't really see it but the new framework probably makes implementing "selectable" looks much easier. Example: the speed with which they were able to roll out a setting for the content width. Less than 24 hours.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    "TL;DR of it is that some people are frustrated, and have a right to be, but there are those of us that are willing to help, to either get your sites fixed, or to show you how to fix them so that you don’t need our help. There are a lot of new features that aren’t immediately obvious too, and plenty of us are willing to help show you around them. And remember, we’re almost all volunteers that have no stake in Obsidian Portal other than the community and the love for the game."
    Thanks Gaaran, for being a voice of reason and calm.
    I will say that this is the first time I have seen any actual bad forum behavior here at OP, and it has been sad. There are a lot of negative things from the Reforge, and plenty of positive as well, so I get both sides, but we have always been better than the recent sniping.
    I am one of those volunteers that Gaaran spoke about- happy to help, just send me a pm. I am not a coding guru, nor a member of the Vanguard program. I do have a site that I am mighty proud of, the best, most active players (over 300 logs, most written by them) and have a lot invested in a # of sites around the Portal. So feel free to hit me up if you want some help.
    "A God...Rebuilt":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com
    "OP's COTM April 2012":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/a-god-rebuilt-aprils-cotm/
    Unabashadly pushing for 300 fans!

    PS- If Micah and crew don't bring back the comments section for each campaign I will have over 1000 more edits to do, so I feel all of you that are having issues!

    Just trying to help out.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Oh, I suppose I didn't point out that I'm one of the volunteers as well, so I'll do that now. I'm here to help. :)
  • deljohn
    Posts: 24

    1) Image embed - Is not functioning and may be related to the number of images we uploaded (fix in progress already I believe) - it is and as I said above to Nestor - welcome to the world of software.

    Me: Thank you, is there an in-flight movie? :)

    2) Wiki links - Is not functioning and may be related to the number of wiki pages we created - I've seen this in a couple of places, and have no more info than you do. I'm in the boat of "it works for me..."

    Me: Understood, it actually works for a test site I set up so I will get in a bug report as it does not seem to be a common problem

    3) Character links - Not sure why this one is not working. Don't have many characters but maybe it's related to the wiki links issue - also in the boat of "it works for me...". Might I suggest putting in a bug request for those buttons if you haven't done so already?

    Me: Yep, bug report will be created. Just wanted to see if we were maybe doing something wrong.

    4) Show all - huh? (Sorry, I may be awfully dense, the coffee today isn't great...but context?)

    5) Some way to identify "GM Only" pages - We had a bunch before the reforge and now cannot identify them - go to http://yourcampaign.obsidianportal.com/wikis - scroll down to "GM ONLY Wiki Pages" and "GM ONLY Adventure Log Pages" - does that help?

    Me: These two were related. "Show All" was my ill-advised shorthand for wanting to see the full list of wiki pages without the top four lines of each page showing up in the search results. Viewing GM Only pages was a similar request but having the site segment what was viewable by players versus the GM Only pages. Your solution was perfect for both requests and the GM is so happy right now that he wants to buy you a beer!

    Thanks very much for the assistance!

  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    are we able to delete Maps? I don't see a button anywhere to delete one.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113

    >Thank you, is there an in-flight movie? :)

    Oh I wish - that would make trying to find the particular a reference of the li of the ul of the div that is messed up so much more relaxing, wouldn't it? Granted...that is likely one of the reasons we have Netflix and Hulu - so maybe the answer is yes! ^.^

    >Understood, it actually works for a test site I set up so I will get in a bug report as it does not seem to be a common problem

    This may also be one instance where the Vanguards could sort you out in short order as well. Worth a try?

    >GM is so happy right now that he wants to buy you a beer!

    Hehe the sarcastic Canadian in me is not sure if that is a good thing or not...however I don't believe I've ever been known to say no to a Keiths. Or a nice Belgian.

    Anytime! I'm sure about a half dozen would have jumped into to help if I hadn't.

    Sadly...not at the moment. It's on the "master bug list" that Baelrathus has going in this forum.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    For those of you that want help, that do not want a Vanguard to step in, first, I want to offer my services- feel free to send me a pm.
    Outside of that, I really want to remind people who have been here a long time, and tell those new folks, how it has always worked here on Obsidian Portal, and why I was always so proud to be a part of it.
    Make a forum post, or reach out to someone whose campaign you like, and say, "How can I fix x?" or "How did you do x?" I knew zero code when I got here, and asked people, who helped me learn! Don't say, "It's all broken" we all know that- and I went through that as well. Myself and Keryth have nav bars that are custom, which means every page must be coded! Let someone know how they can help, and especially if you want to do it yourself! I have had lots of Skype sessions with people here to go over how to fix things!
    Please, be patient, and most of all, be nice to each other. I am a Palladium books guy, so I get enough nasty over there- lets get through this together!
    "A God...Rebuilt":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com
    "OP's COTM April 2012":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/a-god-rebuilt-aprils-cotm/
    Here to help anyone- Send me a PM

    Just trying to help out.

  • Seantaur
    Posts: 1
    been a member of the portal for awhile but not active :( hard to find players in Salt Lake... anywho as someone with no skin in the game I think the the reforge is ok. there is some ovious errors in judgment but any roll out will have them... maybe not so many white on grey rookie mistake but id still use it if I had a game.

    One of the things tht is kuel about the portal is people aint jerks like some sites, lookin at past posts some folks are mad others aint but I think today's posts were undignified toward the not happy with crowd but hey its all good

    just sayin aint nuttin broke that cant be fixed by someone
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    I finally encountered the issue with elipses causing weird-looking text. I have no idea _why_ it's doing it, other than the culprit is the text-rendering style in the p tag's css.

    So, to fix it, just stick this in your css:

    @p {
    text-rendering: auto;
  • Stem
    Posts: 4
    I feel it's worth pointing out that this is a FEEDBACK thread. After reading over it I've seen a few people being shot down for providing the very thing they've been asked to offer. Are all our gripes valid and not just personal grievances? Probably not. Are they still worth airing as part of the feedback? I'd say so. I know whenever I request feedback in a professional capacity I want as much as possible to give me the broadest idea of how I can refine and improve going forward. Personally most of the response I've had to my own feedback have been helpful, but I don't see any point to those bickering and claiming peoples feeback is just 'people throwing tantrums'.

    To those that did reply to my concerns so far, thankyou.
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    Just tested the returned subforums. Looking good. I like the appearance and the way the posts and subforums nest.

    My only gripe, rather minor, is that when you post in a subforum, you have to choose, from a drop down, in which forum/subforum it goes. That being said, the drop-down is well formatted, so it's not a major issue. Perhaps make it so it always defaults to you position in the forums?

    Minor though because the actual threads where you reply to a post are handled on the right-hand area. It only becomes an issue when creating a new thread.

    Question to the Devs: who can create posts/subforums? DM only? Players too?
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Well, I will admit, when I first saw the status of my sites after the Reforge, I was depressed, overwhelmed, and, yes, pissed.

    I knew the changes were coming, but had let myself believe that because my main site did not use CSS, I'd be fine.

    I was wrong.

    However, after perseverance, determination, and ALOT of work, my site is back.

    And, honestly, looking better than it did before, I think.

    There are still things that need to be cleaned up, I'm busily streamlining my Adventure Logs to look better and better work with the new setup, for example. And there are minor tweaks throughout the site that still need to be made, but it's all good.

    There are still issues with OP - The Image Embed and the non-fucntioning Grooveshark links leap to mind.

    Was it alot of work? Yes, yes it was.

    Was it worth it? Yes. Yes it was

    I invested alot of time into making my Shadows site in the first place, and now I've invested more.

    I'd like to thank the community here on OP for their help. Between the forums constant updates and people answering my annoying PMs, Shadows Over New York is back.

    For those still despairing or frustrated, take a few breaths, step back from your site, and when you are ready, start fixing things one by one. It's how I handled it. Focus on one issue, correct it, then either stop for the time being, or move on to the next.

    When all is said and done, and you've finished fixing what you have, you might be surprised and find that it is better than before.

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shadows-over-new-york
    "Campaign of the Month - July 2013":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/shadows-over-new-york-julys-campaign-of-the-month/

  • Laslo
    Posts: 7
    If we are supposed to use http://yourcampaign.obsidianportal.com/wikis as the page to "view all" wikis, then I have a complaint.

    This page does not use the background panel. So since my background graphic is dark and my text is dark I cannot read my text.

    If we are not supposed to use that as a "view all" then I suggest a View All Wikis is implemented.

This discussion has been closed.

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