Requests for new game systems

edited September 2007 in Feature Requests


  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Please add any requests for new game systems here. It's very easy for me to add them, but I don't know everything that's out there, so I depend on others to clue me in.

    In your request, please include a link to a page either describing the game system or a core rulebook or ruleset (for systems w/o actual books).

    Note: No guarantees that any particular system will be included! If you make a game system in your basement and post it on your MySpace page, it probably won't make the list.
  • jaskogomad
    Posts: 1
    Hi Micah - I'm trying out Obsidian Portal - I already use a tiddlyspot tiddlywiki to manage my campaigns on and offline, and I've always let my players do campaign blogging wherever they like. But I'm interested in trying your site out. While I'm here, I thought I'd suggest several RPG systems that I'm currently running games in or prepping games for:

    * "Pendragon": - still a great game after all this time
    * "Scion": - Play the children of gods. It may be so close to Exalted or WoD that it's not worth adding, though, except to help people find campaigns. I don't see (and I don't _want_) any system-specific features on OP so far
    * "Spirit of the Century": This system blew my mind. I never liked FUDGE until I played the much-evolved FATE 3.0 in SotC
    * "PDQ - The Prose Descriptive Quality system": This innovative system powers _Truth and Justice_ (superheroes), _The Zantabulous Zorcerer of Zo_ (fairy tales), and _Dead Inside_ (ummm...Angst?)

    Thanks for pushing the edges of what RPG sites are. I hope I end up liking OP a bunch.
  • vikingmonkey
    Posts: 1
    Could you add "Burning Wheel": to your list?
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I've added Burning Wheel, Spirit of the Century, Scion, and Pendragon.

    I'm not too sure about PDQ. It looks like a rules system, but no one would use it straight out. Instead, they would play in a particular instance, like the ones you mentioned. Is this correct?
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    How about "Buffy the Vampire Slayer": ?
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Yep, just added Buffy. Sorry it took so long, it just kept slipping my mind.
  • TroyAlford
    Posts: 33
    Could you add something for "Custom" please? I run a Fantasy-Setting AD&D world with White-Wolf style D10 rules... I don't expect you to add something specific like that, obviously, but I would very much like to be able to classify my game as something other than "AD&D" or "White-Wolf"
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I'll second the request for "Other" or "Homebrew". My DM can take something like Diceless Amber and *STILL* make it nonstandard, and it'd be nice to warn others when they're looking at the "crunch" for his NPCs. =)
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    It's currently possible to not select a game system. Is that not the same as other?
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Would it be possible to list various settings for D20 games. I ask because I know character from Forgotten Realms can't swing it with characters Eberron and that items from Midnight function much differently then items from Iron Kingdoms. They all fall under the OGL rule set but there are vast differences in some cases.
  • Arkanoth
    Posts: 5
    Seasons Greetings:
    I am writing to see if you would include the "Grimm Roleplaying Game": in both its d20 and linear d6 format from Fantasy Flight Games, as well as include Ravenloft in your lists of Campaigns. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    I don't mean to sound nitpicky, but Ravenloft is a campaign setting, and not its own system.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    bq. I don’t mean to sound nitpicky, but Ravenloft is a campaign setting, and not its own system.

    Yeah, I get confused on these points too. Should I relax the definition of system to include settings? I can't think of a good reason not to, but I wanted to get some others to weigh in. It's honestly fairly easy to add a new system, so I can add as many as people want, but before it spins off into crazy confusion I want to make sure it's worth it.

    Before someone suggests, I don't want to go the route of more complexity (ie. a field for system and a field for setting) because I don't think it's really warranted, at least not yet. This is already a pretty complex beast, and more is not always better.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    You could always add settings onto systems, example:

    D&D 3.5
    D&D 3.5 (Ravenloft)
    D&D 3.5 (Forgotten Realms)
    D&D 3.5 (Iron Kingdoms)
    D&D 3.5 (Eberron)

    This way you get to keep things system specific while allowing for added definition within they system. I know alot of the campaign settings have custom rules that make them like slight enhancements on the system. I'm totally for it :D
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    I can see the merits of dividing a system up into campaign settings, but at the same time, it seems like things would become pretty voluminous, pretty quickly. If we have D&D divvied up into different settings, it only makes sense to do it every other major system, and before you know it, you have a veritable deluge of options- and while options are generally good, they can get a little excessive. Right now, I think it is worth asking the question- is there actual demand for it?

    The reason I personally wouldn't want to differentiate as such is that I think no matter how different the worlds of a campaign setting, the base system is intact and unchanged. The only difference between Eberron, Forgotten Realms, and many other settings are minor rules details and flavor, but they are functionally the same systems, requiring the same core books to play. Iron Kingdoms is a bit of a different case, since the rules are pretty dramatically different- it is effectively another d20 system game altogether despite the fact that it operates on the same skeleton as the others, whereas all the standard D&D settings (FR, Eberron, Ravenloft, et al) are still definitively and inarguably D&D.

    This, of course, is just my opinion, and I'm not going to be greatly bothered no matter what the outcome. Obviously, if the community wants it, it should be addressed, but I personally don't think the Ravenloft players and the Eberron players are going to complain too much if they have to rub elbows in the same category.
  • Arkanoth
    Posts: 5
    I would say that RobJustice's idea is pretty good in "adding settings onto systems". Make things more clearcut.
  • Arkanoth
    Posts: 5
    Hello again and Happy New Year:

    A couple of weeks ago i asked if you would include the "Grimm Roleplaying Game": in both its d20 and linear d6 format from Fantasy Flight Games, as well as include Ravenloft in your lists. I wanted to see if you had decided to do so. Please let me know. Thanks!!!
  • Heretic
    Posts: 1
    I would greatly love to see FUDGE put up here. It may not be super-popular, but it's pretty innovative, and it's a wonderful system.

    Also, White Wolf would be appretiated.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Could I get, perhaps, Savage Worlds added to that list?
  • viz
    Posts: 19
    I would also like to see Savage Worlds included. Thanks.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Savage Worlds is in, I'll add Grimm and FUDGE as well. Sorry for the slowness.
  • darkliquid
    Posts: 21
    Could Feng Shui (the one by Atlas Games: be added to the game system list?
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    I'd second Feng Shui (originally by Daedalus Entertainment, newer products from Ronin Publishing and Atlas Games).

    I'd also like to see the Saga System (which included Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game and Dragonlance).
  • Tikanni
    Posts: 9
    Could we get an entry for "Star Wars Saga Edition": ? Wizards released it last May and it's different enough from the previous version of d20 Star Wars to warrant distinguishing it.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I just went on an adding frenzy:

    * Feng Shui
    * Saga System
    * Star Wars Saga Edition
    * Warhammer 40k Dark Heresy
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I just went on an adding frenzy:

    * Feng Shui
    * Saga System
    * Star Wars Saga Edition
    * Warhammer 40k Dark Heresy
  • mcoorlim
    Posts: 39
    I'd like, if possible, a "homebrew" option. I create the occasional system from scratch.
  • IceBob
    Posts: 98
    Can we separate Shadowrun into 3rd and 4th editions?
  • granger44
    Posts: 1
    I'd like to see Truth and Justice added to the system list.
  • mcoorlim
    Posts: 39
    Or a general PDQ might be useful.
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