The "Review my Campaign" thread



  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Keeping with tradition, would someone else please review Darkanglmarine's "Watchtowers of Shadowgate Depths": I reviewed it before (and it looks much better now). Thanks!
    Now to another Wolfhound clone game, Keryth987's "Shadows Over New York": As always, just one man's opinion.
    *Start Page-* As referenced, this uses Wolfhound's templates. The background needs to be one image, not 4- cool pic, but it looks off with the repeats and the seams. When your 1st sentence is missing words "New York is the most populous city in the United States and of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world." you need to fix it. Fun video!
    *Adventure Logs-* There are none.
    *Wiki-* In this case the *City*. One of the things Wolfhound does in his picture wiki is make sure the text is legible. In lots of cases here it is not. To me, this should be the home page. Everyone knows the banner will bring you back to start. General Info should be a linked page- many people, will go looking for the wiki links elsewhere rather than go through basic info about NYC (I did). I love the city themes idea (although city that never sleepsd?), you should go with this!! There are some great ideas in here (the White Court runs Studio 54!!) but you have to dig for them.
    *Others-* Characters- I have to click home to get to Characters? Use the same nav banner on every, every page!! Please! There are no PCs.
    Items- None
    Maps- None
    Rules- Cannot get to templates. Hard or impossible to read text on pics.
    *Overall-* Some good info and ideas buried, but spelling errors, hard to read text on pics, and lack of consistency. That being said, now is the time to clean this up- you have some great ideas, and with some editing this can be an awesome site!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Ironreign
    Posts: 1

    I'm pretty new to the OP so I'm still on a bit of a learning curve with what the possibilities are, however if you could have a look at my site and give a quick overview that would be great.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Quickly, some notes on Ironreign's "Greyhawk When Worlds Collide": . Your start page needs a picture. Your logs do as well. You have not even gotten rid of the original wiki statement. Characters have no bios. There is only one NPC.
    Please look at the last few campaigns of the month, and the most popular campaigns. Most importantly, take a look at the "Help & Tips FAQ": This will help you get moving.
    If you see something you like on someone's site, send them a pm- most of us are happy to help out the people starting out! Good luck!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,014
    I have never made an entry on this thread before, and I do not intend to dwell very long, but I would just like to say that "Watchtowers of the Shadowgate Depths": is one of the best-looking sites I have yet seen on OP and the writing has inspired me. I am very surprised that until now, I seem to have been the only person to leave a comment on the site. I hope darkanglmarine is given due respect and forgives my brevity here. I also hope someone else will give more of the detailed criticism he requests.


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • darkanglmarine
    Posts: 34
    Twiggy, you are to kind, sir! All the updates were as a result of Killervp's suggestions. Killer, you hit the head on the nail with your reviews! Thanks so much for helping me take Watchtowers from where it was, to where it is. In trying to follow killervp's advice I looked over a lot of other sites, and you guys are AMAZING!!! Thanks for the inspiriation and a guidance.
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    Not sure how much weight my review carries (first one) but I figure I'll do my best and contribute what I can.

    *Game:* "The Watchtowers of Shadowgate Depths":
    *GM:* "darkanglmarine":
    *Banner:* The banner image is well done, my only "complaint" is that the title text has shadowing underneath and the lower banner text doesn't. This isn't any major issue obviously. Myself I would just take that text off, it's very similar to the text at the top of the home page anyway.
    *Start Page:* I believe some minor formatting changes would shape the page up quite nicely. Adding in some padding so that the text doesn't butt right up alongside the edges of the color/texture background would make it better. I'm also a fan of justified text alignment, as it makes the work look like book printing, IE giving it an 'official' feel. My biggest issue is a decided lack of hyperlinks. As an example, a paragraph begins "As the Andolorayne Empire begins it slow crumble", in looking around I find that there is indeed a wiki page for the empire, with a wealth of information, but the homepage reference doesn't link to it. Minor oversight that makes a big difference, linking your site together for fluid information browsing is one of the strongest advantages to a game displayed via wiki format, take advantage of it. There's also a DM only link on the page. Intentional?
    *Adventure Logs:* As with the home page, I feel a few formatting changes would really strengthen the logs. There is a lot of information (again, needs more linking) and some really great artwork, and tightening up things with text formatting would really make it shine. Padding and justified text alignment would be my weapons of choice, additionally, there are several instances where you have a small or narrow image and the next paragraph of text is below it rather than to the side, so valuable page space is being wasted. Float the smaller and/or narrower images and put the text next to them. I would probably also center some of the images that are larger, but not the width of the entire page, OR use style elements to make them smaller and float them to a side. Either would be good.
    *Wiki:* As before, I advise padding and justified text alignment, sort of a 'theme' change that would really improve the look. I note that some of the pages don't have the color/texture background, this should be corrected for style purposes. Also as before some images could be floated, centered, re-sized and floated, etc.. to save some space on various pages.
    *Characters:* I note that various PCs have differing levels of completion with respects to stats and backstory, with one character not even having an image. The NPCs have stats listed, but not on the dynamic character sheet. Intentional? Seems as though if you went through the trouble to make stats, may as well use the sheets. Lack of backstory information on PCs is the biggest complaint I have in this area.
    *Items:* A minor bit of cleanup is needed. One item lacks description and backstory, the other item has the name listed in header format in the description area. The name is at the top of the page obviously, so this can be deleted.
    *Maps:* The various maps found on the page look well enough to me. The only thing I would desire to see would be scale meter and key added to all maps. This would obviously be something of a challenge given that it looks like you're using rendered maps from what I'm guessing is a world generator program of some kind.
    *Overall:* On the whole I believe the site is taking shape nicely, I have found a few errors here or there: Some pages don't have the background image/side menu; One of the side menu links goes to a page that is not found; The top header of the side menu is in all caps, while the bottom header is not; etc.. Basically the site just needs to be gone over one page at a time to catch the small bugs, that and the text formatting changes would really help out IMO.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Really great review Kallak! Thanks so much! Your opinion is definitely worthy!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • darkanglmarine
    Posts: 34
    Kallak, thanks for the review. I've already been hard at work on several of the changes you've suggested. I'm in the process of rebooting the campaign, as my party has fallen apart due to IRL scheduling conflicts, but this gives me some time to really clean up the wiki and get more information for the players in place.
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Killervp, thanks for the review. Taking your suggestions to heart and already working on improving the site. It's still a work in progress, as my game is still a few months away from starting.

  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    darkangelmarine, Not a problem, I'm glad I could give something back. The material on your site is good, just needed a bit of polish. Its definitely starting to come together with the new changes. Obviously it'll take a bit of time to get the whole thing converted over, but I think you'll find it well worth the effort. I can already see the difference.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • uktena66
    Posts: 2
    Hi everyone, our campaign "Kingmaker: Lures of Majesty": is looking for some feedback. It has a lot of content because it is in the middle of an actual campaign right now. I am not the DM of the campaign but merely your humble campaign blogger.

    I know I've got some problems like how to add a background to pages that I can't seem figure out how to add code like the main Items and main characters pages. If you would be so kind to add in your comments how to best go about fixing things I would be most thankful. Even a quick link to where to find help would be great!
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090 edited May 2012
    *Game:* "Kingmaker: Lures of Majesty":
    *DM:* "uktena66":
    *Banner:* I like the banner image, text wise I might move "Kingmaker" over to the right slightly, so it's not touching the edge. Also, I can tell that the first K in Kingmaker is obviously capitalized, but whatever font that is is kinda off with the K, because that capital K is no larger than the rest of the text, but the other capital letters L and M are clearly bigger. I'd consider making the capital K a point size or two larger so that it 'matches'.
    *Start Page:* I absolutely love your page background. It is a pity that you can't put it onto all of the stock navigation tabs (more on this later). I would consider changing or removing the first graphic on the home page. Having the source image for the campaign banner appearing pretty much directly below the banner itself is a bit like doing a double take. The character/location of the week is a cool idea - you could probably spruce it up a bit more than it is now, make it into its own mini section between tabs or something, add the picture for the character/location, or into like a side box space or something. Finally I'm curious as to why the Leadership Council table has links to the characters named when the names column can just contain the links, edited to place appropriate titles on where necessary.
    *Adventure Logs:* I might consider throwing in a graphic here or there to break up the wall of text, but this isn't completely necessary. It is a log after all. My issues here are that some of the _'s for making quotes in italic are messed up and need fixed, AND I would strongly recommend turning character names, locations, items, etc.. into links to the appropriate pages. I would also, as I always do, suggest justified text alignment, it just looks better, particularly on something like adventure logs - large blocks of text.
    *Wiki:* A number of pages have the page name manually entered at the top, which places it directly below the obsidian portal's listing of the page name, thus creating a duplicate page name at the top. I would remove this on all pages that have it. I don't know if its this way for all, but the floating side navigation is cut off for me. Move it up perhaps? Also, most of the links are duplicates of the standard navigation bar, deliberate? I also note various flubs regarding characters on some pages. An example, on the Gozran Wedding Festival page (note the double page name at the top) one line reads "Treasurer [[Oleg Leveton]] Leveton weds [[Naudia]]" (brackets added just to show hyperlinks).
    *Characters:* The Calessee Kel'Marcavia character appears twice. Not sure what is going on here. One has the bio, one doesn't. Also each character has various "stats" listed such as position or family. But not all stats appear on all characters. Maybe make a 'form' to copy/paste on each character so it can be filled out and all would be uniform?
    *Items:* I note that numerous items have backstory in their description sections to varying degrees. Also the charter text close up image overlaps the item icon. Should be a simple fix. Finally some items (notably the Log Cabin, two story) the image in the item description differs from the image of the item icon. Intentional?
    *Maps:* No complaints here, I like the sort of chronological reveal of the area through the maps.
    *Overall:* On the whole I think the site certainly has enough story to keep readers coming back, fixing minor annoyances like the double page titles and cut off/duplicated side menu will help greatly. With respects to your background image, if you're willing to put the work in, you can add it to the character and item page, or at least A character and item page. You might wish to consider replacing the OP navigation bar with one of your own creation. This could be done with images (an example of this would be "wolfhound's": game "Dresden Files Dallas": or with coding (an example being my own site "DANgerous Kalamar 4": Either method would allow you to create your own custom character and item pages and then add your background image there. Both methods would obviously require a great deal of work to implement on a site this far along - requiring alterations to be added to all pages. It's certainly a challenging task, but you may find it worth it in the long run.
    Post edited by Kallak on
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Great review Kallak! Thanks for pitching in!

    Just trying to help out.

  • dark_hunter87
    Posts: 4

    Thanks for the review. The DM and I have been working to make changes to the site. It flows a lot better, and that random link to a future game we have never gotten too is gone from the front page. Many of the players aren't very involved in creating logs, but Ozzytizer (the DM) has released the google docs where a lot of the out of session RP is being done.

    Again, thanks for the review and advice.

  • darkanglmarine
    Posts: 34
    Ok...lots of progress completed on the site. Having to take things a few new directions though, due to player issues, I'm rebooting the campaign for another group (TBD). Thanks Killer and Kallak for the reviews and input. The site has gone from marginal to something well beyond my initial expectations. Once again, if I could please get one of you to undulge me, and provide some critique I would be most grateful.

    "The Watchtowers of Shadowgate Depths":

    Also, I've taken what I've learned from you guys, and applied it to my upcoming Dark Heresy campaign, "The Rank and File": if someone cares to take a look and provide some feedback on it as well.

  • The_Eel
    Posts: 4
    Hey all...

    On the advice of killervp, I'm submitting my campaign, "Ghost Wolves":, for review. I appreciate any feedback. I'm sort of a recluse here on OP, so I'm interested in getting some outside opinions.

    Thanks in advance,

    The Eel
  • Malnical
    Posts: 1
    Okay guys, I would love some input and views of on my campaign, I am still pretty new to OP and we are a few sessions into our game and none of the players have used OP previously but most of them seem to have adapted to it pretty well. I took serveral ideas from StephenWollett and encoprated them into my OP site and game.

    "Shadowrun: Let Me Get This Straight...":

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Malnical- You have a good start, and I see that you copied the way Star Trek Late Night does his logs, but there is not really enough there yet to review. Take a look at the recent COTMs and some of the more popular sites to get some ideas on how to dress it up more. I also highly recommend checking out the great "Unofficial FAQ":
    Good Luck, and have Fun!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    PS- would someone else please review Ghost Wolves and Watchtowers of Shadowgate Depths, above, as I have already done a previous review of each. Thanks!

    Just trying to help out.

  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132 edited June 2012
    Regarding "Ghost Wolves":

    Great intro! I like the idea it evokes a lot.
    - Quick note: your sidebar is low; it always seems like there's more off screen when they're too far up or down; unless there's a clear marker that 'ends' the list (e.g. Miscellany, Home, Main, etc.)
    - Oh, as with many other campaigns, you should always specify the system you're using up front, asap. Especially if you use a custom banner that covers up the default tag. In this case it appears your root system is Pathfinder.

    The "Mortality Warning" is a nice touch. A very nice touch.

    Question: why is the self-styled master of deception (Asmodeus) not worshipped in secret? You don't need to answer here, but if I were a player, I'd be asking that point-blank (assuming I were playing a character who might know something of all that).

    "The Known World" map is small and hard to make out: consider importing to the general maps (which are nicely done, btw).

    Looks like you've got a GM-only link in the public section of Harper's Ford; you should try not to let that happen. Solutions include linking from the GM only section, and creating a public section for the otherwise GM-only page. Similarly, Drake and some other publicly linked pages are set to GM-only.

    Other than that, it looks like your organization is well done, your setting is sufficiently fleshed out, and there's a good story coming up. I did find some NPC stats listed out in the open; most DMs I know would be wary about that.

    Hope this helps!
    - Beaumains
    Post edited by Beaumains on
  • The_Eel
    Posts: 4 edited June 2012
    Thanks for the review, Beaumains.

    In regards to my side bar, what do you mean? It's always centered on the side of the screen for me. I'm not very concerned about stating the game system. My players and I know what we're using. I'm not sure why the root system is important to anyone else. Asmodeus isn't worshiped out in the open, but his followers aren't terribly concerned about who knows. At least, not in the Imperium. Regardless, the Imperium is so far away, it hardly concerns the players.

    I agree that the "Known World" map is too small. I'm whittling away at the small details of things like that. Honestly, that map sucks, so I'd rather not make it too large at the moment. When I get around to painting a new version, I'll make sure it's large and in the map section. Glad you like the other maps, though. They're hand done on watercolor paper.

    I'll have to look at the GM only links in the public section. There's a few I know about, like Drake and other places. That's because the players know that they're there, their PCs are aware of the places, but they haven't been there, so their knowledge is limited. I suppose a brief description might suffice.

    Thanks again for the review.

    Edit: I went through and fixed the GM only/Public info. There was more than I thought. Thanks for the catch.
    Post edited by The_Eel on
  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132
    No problem The Eel!

    Concerning the sidebar (I just double-checked), it looks a bit more centered than I remember it being, but it's still close to the bottom for me; perhaps that's cause I have a wide screen, or maybe because I'm using IE, I honestly don't know. Whatever the reason, I'm seeing a gap of ~one line at the bottom, versus several lines at the top. The "Main Page" link on the sidebar appears just above the standard nav bar (Home, Log, Wiki, Char, ...) and my screen cuts off in the middle of "Latest Updates" on the right hand part, when at the top of the page. Maybe that will give you reference for further consideration.

    I figured Asmodeus would be secretive, but it did come across as though he were being bold. He strikes me as the sort of villain behind the villain, behind the villain, behind the villain that won't reveal himself unless he absolutely has to (and is especially adept at concealing himself and his plans). If you're trying for an "off-screen" window into the villain's plot (or just the world at large), consider making that declaration more obvious. I only brought this up because you seem very concerned about what the players know (and I don't blame you). If this were more of a general "here's the way things are" from an absolute perspective, I'd say you didn't have enough (for my tastes, lol). That and with a villain like that, I assume the mention of his name means he'll eventually tie into the story somewhere (or at least could).

    I thought those maps were well done! But my issue with The Known World isn't that it's a WiP, but that I can't read any of the labels. I would encourage you to at least have a version (that we can all get to) that's readable; it's very frustrating to see the labels there but not be able to 'zoom in'. (Note: I may be experiencing some distortion here, but you would be wise make sure that the map wasn't inadvertently distorted.)

    Once again, no problem! I'm glad I could help.
  • The_Eel
    Posts: 4
    Ah, I see what you mean about Asmodeus. Honestly, it was really just for comparison to Aerne, the area the game is taking place in, versus the home continent of most of the PCs. I removed any mention of Asmodeus to avoid any confusion. Took down the map of the known world, for now, as well.

    Side Bar is still vertically centered for me. I checked on different browsers, as well. I copied the code from the guides list on the unofficial help and tips FAQ, so I still don't know why you see it the way you do. Ah, oh well. Seems it must remain a mystery.
  • Savannah
    Posts: 188 edited July 2012
    Your sidebar is also a little low for me. However, I find that almost everyone's sidebars are low or off the page for me, so I suspect it's my screen that's affecting it. I will say yours is at least high enough that I can tell where the bottom of the list is (sometimes I can't tell if I'm seeing all of it or if there's a line or two on the bottom that's off the screen), so it's better for me than most.
    Post edited by Savannah on
  • EarlofBurrito
    Posts: 11 edited July 2012
    Hello All, appreciate any criticism & critique on my game. I am a historian so the theme of Filibuster & Killers is a 'revolver & sabre' RPG set in American Southwest, Mexico, and perhaps other more exotic locales from the late 1840's to the early 1860's and the start of the American Civil War.

    My history blog below for those into Warfare history
    Post edited by EarlofBurrito on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    First off, a link for "Filibusters and Killers":
    Your start page needs a picture. You do not have a log yet. There is only one PC. Your entire site needs color.
    Please look at the last few campaigns of the month, and the most popular campaigns. Most importantly, take a look at the "Help & Tips FAQ": This will help you get moving.
    If you see something you like on someone's site, send them a pm- most of us are happy to help out the people starting out!
    I did enjoy your blog, and you obviously have some real skills in writing and storytelling- incorporate them into your OP site!
    Good luck!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Aenor
    Posts: 20
    "The Ferdiad Cycle":

    Would love to hear some comments about this baby of mine I've been working on for the last month or so. Just a couple of notes: the campaign won't start until next month, so there's nothing under the Logs and Character departments until the first session. Also, I intend to add and extend most of the wikis as the campaign progresses and the PCs explore the world. The current fluff covers about 10-20% of the total world I've got bubbling inside my brain.

    Anyway, hope somebody likes, I kinda do.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001 edited July 2012
    Aenor's "Ferdiad Cycle":
    *Start Page-* Unique banner, softer than most- makes it stand out. The quote and pic are cool, but plain white background is just that- plain.
    *Adventure Logs-* As mentioned, no logs or characters.
    *Wiki-* I like the people, nations, history, etc links- I would keep the theme for all of them, or vary it slightly- the other subjects appearance does not fit in.
    *Others-* Items- None
    Maps- Book map with no tags
    People, Nations, and Religion- Some absolutely awesome info! I would use the themed links that were in the wiki- same style- for all the links. You have done a lot of really good work on these pages.
    History, Arcana, Campaign, & Rules- I would try and make them like the above 3 pages, with the same theme link suggestions.
    *Overall-* There is a ridiculous amount of potential here. It just needs some tweaking. I would also highly suggest a nav bar to cover the standard links, and focus on the strength of your campaign.
    Good Luck!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":
    Post edited by GamingMegaverse on

    Just trying to help out.

  • Aenor
    Posts: 20
    Thanks for the valuable feeback, killervp! I had a slow afternoon and ended up messing around with the codes. Here's what came up:

    "New main page": & "New main wiki":

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Love the tree on the main wiki!!

    Just trying to help out.

  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Yeah, I just had a peak and the site is looking really nice Aenor.

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