Obsidian Portal Podcast...



  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    ooh that sucks Rase.. but it's fine considering my dad has commandeered my laptop for a few days so he can take online classes for his HasMat test.. ^_^
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    HazMat tests are...interesting. I particularly hated getting suited for a rebreather. That was a rather arduous and uncomfortable process.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I have recorded something for the podcast project. Umami, I am sending you the link in a private message.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    OK, Dusk, what kind of mic and recording software did you use? The logitech I got sounds muddy and I used Windows Sound Recorder. Came out like crap.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I wanna recruit Duskreign to read my script LOL. Nice voice.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Oh stoppit, you. I'm blushing. No. No, that's ketchup from lunch.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    I just wanted to stop by to give my support to you guys, I hope this idea becomes a reality soon.

    Good luck, hope to _hear_ from you.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    lol, nice wordplay, Sandman!
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Hahaha, yeah I know, it's SOOO sofisticated right xD

    Anyway, for real guys, I hope your proyect goes well, so that I have something better to listen to when I'm studying, haha.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Urk. I need a $800/hr sound guy to make something passable. My voice sounds like a smooshed turd.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I work a lot cheaper than that, Jim :P

    I'll read what you write. But I imagine you with a light british accent, so I'm doing your portions of the podcast as a "Gumby from Python.":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M68GeL8PafE
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    ^_^ Thanks Sadman I hope it does too ^_^
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Sadman is happy!
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    crap I meant sandman >.< sorry
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    :P heehee
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425 edited September 2010
    Hey Duskreign, if you're going to talk like Gumby you guys should also try to include time for a "Dead Familiar Sketch"! ;)

    Sounds like you guys have the wheels in motion for something really awesome! Looking forward to hearing the final product.
    Post edited by DarkMagus on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    LOL, That's a great idea! But I would so quickly destroy the podcast if I went into too much Pythonism. As it is, I recorded it and dropped the tone a bit to make it sound less like I was reading it. I didn't bother with the accent (though I do a killer Gumby. Seriously, I am wanted for murder for killing a whole room of people with my Gumby impression. Or wait... MY BRAIN HURTS!

    I, too, cannot wait to hear more of the podcast details. I hope things are going smoothly!
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    The only issue we're having is finding a free software that'll record skype conversations... because well free is better than paying :P

    I'm not sure how to get the hollow sound out but I bet it you could when it's edited..
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I dunno. I'm still trying to figure out this Audacity thing. It's like photoshop for audio.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Oovoo is what I used when I had multiple people playing Wyrmshadow by remote, and it has a nice recording feature.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I actually used to do a fair bit of Audio work back in the day - never quite used Audacity, but I used Sony Soundforge, which uses the same principles. Same thing, different name.
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