Obsidian Portal Podcast...



  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106

    (hides back in my fan girl cave)
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Micah you made my day, I should hopefully have all of that info for you in a couple of days.. Thanks for the advice it's appreciated...

    *Holds Eve back* Down girl!
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    also I know it'll be Eve, Garaan and I, anyone else want to throw there lot in with us? just so we can discuss this and get the stuff to Micah
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Not too sure what I can do to contribute, but if you need something, let me know and I can try to oblige.
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    K ^_^ Really I just need people that will discuss stuff.. I figured if we have 5 people we can rotate people in and out and then if someone can't do the cast for some reason then we can snag someone else and bring them in..
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    I'll probably doing it with Embir because I'll forget to do it otherwise lol
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    lol, I'll probably be in ever cast.. this WAS my idea and I'm not going to force it off onto someone else unless I absolutely have to...

    Right now Though I'm compiling a list of questions to be proposed to try and get the basics down for the cast itself..
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    How many casts a week?
    How long should each cast be?
    Should we write our own articles?
    Should the show be scripted?
    Should we let listeners choose content?
    What sort of segments should we have?
    Should we have a themed night every week like interviews or Q&A?
    Should we use real names or our obsidian tags?

    That's all I got for right now...
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    I only have suggestions.

    We should use our Obsidian Tags.
    A themed night every week would be fun for everyone, which goes hand in hand with letting listeners choose the content.
    I think it should be scripted, or at least thought out before hand...because I'm not sure about anyone else, but I tend to have rather colorful language when I don't think things through all the way.
    I think 3 casts a week should be sufficient.

    ...and that's all I have.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I don't really know what "defines" a podcast, but if it is something that is pre-recorded and then broadcast, it allows for more flexibility with schedules. You lose some of the "hip, right with you" feel, but you allow for someone to record responses to the list of questions they are presented at their (schedule abiding), leisure.
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    Yeah, but you get to do some fun edits...and even toss it to someone else lol
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    I don't either the ones i've heard seem like a bunch of people at their computers chatting away..

    It would loose the right there with you feel.. but then again we could do live broadcasts nights way later on.. when we figure out how to do that.. Streaming live would be tricky and maybe Ell can't join in then.. :P

    3 casts would be able to work I think..

    Themed nights WOULD be fun..
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    This would be easier if Garaan were online >.< shoot..
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    Why wouldn't I join? I'd just hold my tongue and sound self-censoring lol
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    hmmm... that might work but every curse means you have to put money in a jar.. or something.. wait YOU GET NO PIE if you curse..
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    Take the fun away...and I actually don't swear _that_ much lol
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I don't want to meddle too much, but I do want this to succeed, so I'll drop some thoughts:

    1) Unless done without any editing (which I *highly* discourage), assume editing will take 2-3x as long as recording. So, a 1-hour show will take 3 hours to edit. Quality comes at a price.
    2) 3/week will be *very* tough to maintain. People will burn out very quickly.
    3) A rotating cast is a good idea, with an anchor or 2 that's there every time.
    4) Remember that people's time is valuable, and you're asking them to give it to you when they listen. Squander it on poor quality or poor production, and they'll never come back.

    I'd suggest pulling together a list of your favorite 5 podcasts and trying to come up with their secret formula, then put your own spin on it. That's what I've done with OP: Taken inspiration from everywhere I can think of.
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    I can think of two...well...not exactly podcasts...but still favorites in my book.

    "RayWilliamJohnson's =3":http://www.youtube.com/user/raywilliamjohnson?blend=1&ob=4


  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Yeah I wouldn't do three a week right off the bat.. that would be incredibly time consuming..

    Eve could you do some editing? you mess about with that voice editing stuff all the time..

    finding content to talk about is what i think will be the trickiest thing to go about doing..

    I don't want to just jump into this blind.. I want to learn as much as possible and get as much possible content ideas.. I want this to succeed too.. this site is awesome and full of awesome people and I'd hate to displease them...

    inspiration is always nice to have.. I'll have to go digging around for them again though..
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    I shall spear-head the editing!!!
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Garaan said he'd help with that as well, so you two will have to work together..

    it's a good thing you're moving in with me eve lol..
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    Yeah it is lol
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Micah has some very good advice. Definitely start off slower than you think you will want to go... but stick to whatever schedule you pick! If you post new episodes on Fridays, make sure they go live on time. Having a predictable schedule will help retain listeners.

    You may also want to check out some other rpg-themed podcasts, like the one for Penny Arcade's D&D sessions, "The Dungeon Master Guys":http://critical-hits.com/category/podcasts/dm-guys-podcast/ podcast from over at Critical Hits or "Armchair Titans":http://armchairtitans.com/ which was put together by a bunch of my friends.

    Before starting, you'll probably want to work out the scope of your material. Will it be JUST OP related material? Will you include general RPG subject-matter like GM advice, product reviews etc? Having this sort of thing defined before you start can help keep things focused. Ask yourself, how do I want the Obsidian Portal community to utilize our podcast? For news? Inspiration? Just for laughs?

    Some other things I can think of off the top of my head that might be good to consider/include:

    * Discuss OP's weekly changes like summaries or reviews of the new systems they add each week, or the free systems they recommend each Thursday.
    * Interviews with the OP staff might be interesting, but hard to secure, especially with all the changes taking place round these parts.
    * Interviews with OP members could be cool too, but might be tough since the community is spread all over the world. It would probably also be important to distinguish between the podcast interviews and things like the monthly featured campaign. Who knows... maybe the podcast interviews could eventually be the venue for rolling out the featured campaign.
    * Feature a list of OP GMs looking for players. You could do live games by region and then a general play by post announcement.
    * Will the podcast be strictly audio, or will it be a vidcast? The website is largely a visual medium, so it might be difficult to include programming advice or other site development help without accompanying visuals.

    Anyway, those are the things I can think of off the top of my head.
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Gnunn Can I cuddle you? :D

    That's great and pretty much what I was thinking but.. it makes sense instead of being all jumbled up in my head..

    I figured we could include GM advice and stuff like that as well but a section of it should be dedicated to Obsidian Portal because they are our sponsors..

    As for the vidcasting.. that will have to be discussed a bit more..
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I volunteer to do Grognard's corner.
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    :D Sweeet, what's it about ^_^
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Jim seriously I'm dying to know who is Grognard and why is he in a corner?
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Hmm? Grognard is just a term for an old angry gamer. AKA a "why'd you make a new edition you bastards" kinda guy.
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    oooh... that sounds fun..

    Also i was talking to Garaan and we thought doing a pilot episode would be for the best.. We could let micah and the others listen to it and see what they think.. that way they're not wasting money on people who suck at what they're doing...

    The other thing we discussed was if we did this once a week on what night would the participants be able to record.. I mean certain segments could be recorded at another time but for the general discussion or whatever we'd need a specific night that everyone thinks they'd be able to be available for.
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