There are so many people...

edited August 2010 in Player Lounge
Well I should probably start by saying I've been playing dnd since I was ten, so roughly 11 years. My uncle introduced me to it and I quickly became hooked into the world and adventures that let me use my imagination instead of staring mindlessly at a screen(not that I don't, I do love video games after all) After a few years my uncle began to teach my brothers and I how to DM starting with making us read all of the core basics and a few extra books, just to get the gist of things. He started us off as his assitant DM's and we went from there. I've actually been DMing since I was fourteen.. and as a DM i have one major weakness.. My love of creating new and fantastic magical items.. Which I'll post up soon.. :D

But I'm mostly interested in meeting other players of whatever games are out there, I mostly play DnD though I have played Vampires, Dark Matter(I think that's the name) and few others...

(I'm sorry if this spams.. but I noticed my original post said private so I think I had posted it up incorrectly.. >.> Forgive me I am after all new to this place..)


  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I love that we're getting new people!

    Welcome welcome!
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    I'm new here too. I was actually introduced to D&D by Embirsiphone, and I'm obsessed. She hates me though because I make these ridiculously complex characters (my favorite being Eve) and I have to go to great lengths to play correctly.

    I'm mostly a PC gamer girl. I'm into Role Playing games mostly (go figure, all freaky girls are), but I play one first person shooter: Enemy Territories Quake Wars. I was part of the Wolf Pack gaming clan for 5 years (was the leader for one year) and joined the Hell Hounds (probably the most hardcore gaming clan ever) for a couple of years (my screen name was Silence).

    I'm really looking forward to meeting new people and playing on a regular basis, because when one of your players is in go through withdrawals.


    ((Thank you dear for posting this on FB, I spend more time on here than in Guild Wars and Dragon Age combined))
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Welcome Darling :D and thanks for piggy backing my introduction :P

    and thanks for the welcome :D
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    Hey, I'm just helping to bump ya ^^
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Indeed, welcome to both of you!
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Thanks :D I have a feeling this place is going to be awesome :D
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    You are correct Embir, this place IS awesome! I have to second Jim's joy over getting new people. The old people are great, and very helpful, but new people are always fun! So again I say welcome!

    Oh, and Silence, if you like complicated characters, check out one of the characters my players made (sorry, the bio is pretty long): "Ember":
    If by complicated you meant rules-wise, and not crazy-in-the-head-hard-to-roleplay-wise, then never mind about Ember, but I'm with you there, my characters generally have no less than four classes by the time they level up most of the way :).
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Yeah, screw us old people. New people ftw.

    Gaaran, do you subscribe to the Red Mage school of thought regarding character building and development? Because that last sentence sounds a lot like Red Mage to me.
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    Wow...but I think I got ya beat. Meet "Eve":

    She is actually a character from a series that I am writing, so her bio is technically much longer. That, and I had to change it for the campaign...but yeah lol

    I love your character! Everything about Ember is on an epic level for me! ^^
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Dusk, I don't exactly subscribe to the Red Mage school of thought, I don't try to be decent at everything, but not awesome at anything (could also be called bard :P). I look at it more as taking the parts of classes that most enhance a particular feature or features, and being exceptionally awesome at that thing.

    And Silence, that DOES sound like a pretty epic character. And thanks! I'll tell CrankyPelican (who doesn't use the forums) you liked it :).
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    Yay ^^

    I'm so happy on here =D
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Who the hell is nblack616, and how in the world did he manage to give Ember 2 1/2 stars?!
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    You know Dusk, I often wondered the same thing, since it looks like he was the first one to vote. I don't know, and you'd think if he was a troll, it would be a 1-star. Not to toot my player's horn, but I'm hard pressed to see Ember being a 2 1/2 star character :P.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    How do you vote in .5 increments at all? I did not think it possible. Also, yeah. That score is bull$#!t.
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    Detailed characters are the best of all, the more back history the better it is for everyone, it makes campaigns WAY more fun..

    I can't wait to post up my characters.. I'm hoping they're well recieved...

    I have to agree and two-star character she is not and I merely skimmed it.. o.O
  • Burrito
    Posts: 1
    New, I am. This site is awsome, first off, second, this so far is a great help when it comes to my campaign.
    Hey, guys, sorry for the quip. I just thought that it is awsome that others are so into their games to talk to each other like this.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    haha, welcome Burrito! another new face, they seem to be coming out of the woodwork :P.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Yes, Burrito. Welcome to Obsidian Portal!
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I blame the ENnies win. It's a good thing.

    I just typed that and my inner monologue sounded like Martha Stewart. Gonna go bleach my brain now.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I'll help!
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    I can't think of martha stewart without thinking about southpark now >.>

    And yeah Welcome! I've just arrived to this place as well and I have to say it's pretty awesome!
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Awesome is an understatement. Welcome aboard! You have to be careful on the forums, though: One wrong word, and if one of us hasn't been taking our dried frog pills, shenanigans will invariably ensue. *Eyes Duskreign nervously*
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    You should be far more worried about me and Silence Rase
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I have plenty of worry to go around, when shenanigans are concerned!
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    shenanigans are fun :D As long as they're happy shenanigans
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I don't think shenanigans can be unhappy. Anything that isn't happy, isn't a shenanigan. ...although, I suppose, you could have sinister, or serious, shenanigans, but they'd be still fairly benign.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Why it gotta be female? Where all da HEnanigans at?

    The concept of serious shenanigans makes me happy somehow.
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    It does, Serious shenanigans are probably the best kind

    Because females are awesomely fun :D
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890 edited August 2010
    Henanigans just... I don't know... looks wierd. I don't know what to make of that.

    Cue action movie sequence: A pair of Irish cops walk into the district police house - the denizens within are all dead/seriously wounded.

    _Cop 1_: *Howls of rage, while dropping onto his knees, shaking his fists in fury*
    _Cop 2_: *Loads gun* These Shenanigans just got serious...

    _Cut to title sequence_: *Deep Booming Announcer Voice* What would you do if everything you knew turned out to be a lie? What would you do if things got completely _out of control_? What would you do if you had no other choice? What would you do...(Voice trails off)

    _Amazingly awesome title screen explodes onto the screen_: Shenanigans II: Serious Shenanigans (Alt Title: Shamus Shenanigan Strikes Back)
    Post edited by RaseCidraen on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Embir, I cannot argue with that.

    Rase, tag line: All right, show's over, nothing to see here, move along.
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