Hiya people

edited August 2010 in Player Lounge
So i just say some stuff about myself? Cool!
Ive been playing in my Gaming group since 2004...? lol, cant really remember, but I've done alot of D&D 3.5, we have just started trying pathfinder, which i am DMing a Drow campaign, this is my second time DMing, but the 1st time was a bit of a flop. Ive also played All flesh must be eaten and ZMed for one, Paranoia, With Great Power (a super hero system if u don't know), and Serenity. Have not tried D&D 4.0. I favor D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder.
I'm a character Buff, give me a bit of time and i will make a story. In 3.5 i try a different class and race every time. I've made at least a two dozen characters and played them half of them.
I don't have a preference on one shot campaigns verses long ones, they both have their ups and downs, but i do like the option to design my character as much as i want.
Thats about it i think...Any questions, comments, things i should say, don't hesitate to ask
Oh! is there a 3.5 or pathfinder Campaign that i can join?


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited August 2010
    Hello Likrin and welcome to the portal!

    I too am a fan of Pathfinder (I'm currently running two Pathfinder campaigns: "Tales of Darkmoon Vale":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/tales-of-darkmoon-vale "Age of Legends":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/age-of-legends), and I absolutely love the Firefly/Serenity series! Couple of suggestions for you. First, if you would like to get feedback on your Drow Campaign, I would suggest posting a link to your site. Second, are you looking to join an online campaign, or one that meets near where you live? If the latter, then I would suggest letting the community know whereabouts you live. Also, you can check to see if there are any Obsidian Portal campaigns looking for players in your area. Just go to the "Maps" tab of the Portal's Homepage and then select "Looking for Players only".

    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Yeah, Likrin, pop that drow campaign on the OP! We all want to see what you have going on.

    And yes, I, too, am a Browncoat.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I've found that the most interesting people are Browncoats. They tend to fight better than redcoats, too.

    Just the other day, my sister was looking at the Serenity sourcebook in B&N (I didn't know it at the time), and suddenly, I hear stuff that I can vaguely recall from the show by way of insults.

    I've never seen a Drow campaign before... they aren't all heroically outcast chaotic good drow, are they? With two swords?
  • likrin
    Posts: 3
    well it just started, i gave the party a story plot and they made characters to face the threat
    ill post what i can, but heres what they were given: ignore typos
    The capital city of Talis is one of the riches city in the world. Talis is on the continent/country of Halos, a small peaceful country not far from the coasts of several other war-like countries. Due to its ability to trade with other countries without quarrel, it is the most important port for trade. Talis has no enemies, with one exception. Just to the west of it is a small island that has the only entrance to the Underdark on northern half of the globe, and is the entrance to the Drow city of Araushnee, named after Loth, the Spider Queen's original name. Due to the ever changing leadership of Araushnee, it was never able to pose large enough of a threat to Talis. But one year ago there was a huge shift in power. A Lich Matron Mother (a high priestess of the Spider Queen) Drathir, and a Drider (Half drow, half spider) named Qu'mados assumed the role of Queen and King. This paring strengthened the power of Araushnee to a point were it threatened to destroy Talis. Due to risk of triggering war with any other country, no surrounding country wished to attack Araushnee, and Halos being a peaceful country can do nothing. The King of Talis sent word throughout his kingdom which spread throughout the world for help, for someone to infiltrate Araushnee, destroy the Lich's Phylactery and kill the Lich Queen and Drider King of the Drow.
  • likrin
    Posts: 3
    But i am looking for an online campaign, anyone know of one?
  • kenurion
    Posts: 80
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