Hello All

edited March 2010 in Player Lounge
Hello All. I am very new to the Obsidian Portal, but I love it so far. I have been gaming since 1988. I have been playing Earthdawn since it has come out in 1993ish. I have played all the editions and even have playtesting credits in the 2nd edtion. I am working on submitting a sourcebook for third edition. I have played AD&D, 2nd edition AD&D, 3rd edition AD&D, d20, modern d20, Nightlife, Vampire, Werewolf, Gurps 3rd edition, Starwars d6, On the Edge, Warhammer, shadowrun second editon, shadowrun 3rd edition and Champions. I used to work at a comic and gaming shop so I was able to see a lot of games.


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Welcome to the Portal W.Socrates! (So does the "W" in "wsocrates" stand for _wisdom_ perhaps?). Wow, that's quite a gaming pedigree you've got there man. So what kind of a sourcebook are you working on exactly? Also, are you putting together your own campaign here at the portal, a player in an existing campaign, or looking to join up with an existing campaign? If the former, send us a link to your site once you feel that its presentable. Also, there are a number of us that regularly post in the discussions forums, so I encourage you to read through a few of these and get to know the community. If you are creating your own site, it's always a good idea to see what others have done or are doing. The "Featured Campaigns" section is a good place to see start. Also, you should check out Chainsaw's sticky on tips and tricks if you are planning to build your own site. Also, I have recently created some "navigational buttons":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/tales-of-darkmoon-vale/wikis/navigation-buttons that I'm making available to anyone here who wants to use them. Well, look forward to hearing from you in the future Wsocrates.


  • wsocrates
    Posts: 18
    Actually my username is based on my old bbs handle whistling philosopher. when I started on yahoo it would not let me pick something that long so I modified it to w_socrates. And now you know the history.

    Working at a gaming store does help you pick up a lot of gaming experience it also helps that I have been with different groups playing different games over the years. the book I am working on is the Travar source book. I am hear as a gm looking to help out in my new campaign. My group is having a hard time meeting together on a regular basis so I am hoping to use this platform as a way to keep the game moving forward. here is the link to the campaign http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/16257 . It is no way near presentable but if I wait until then I might never post the link. It is very much a work in progress and with so many subplots that I will never be able to put it all in until I am done with it. With this campaign there is an endgame it is the finding of the lost elven kingdom. I have had several failed campaigns before because I put to much in how the game should go and not enough on letting the players choose where they wanted to go. So I am slowly putting together the basic frame work of the game. the standard first A then B then C type missions. But I also put in lots of hooks so if they go A then Z that would be ok as well. So I am trying to keep only the main adventures done. with a handful of adventure hooks and a few adventures ready. So that way no matter what direction they go to I will be ok. Luckly 3rd edition Earthdawn has given me a lot of basics that I can just plop down any where so that helps me out a lot. And now with me finding the Obsidian Portal it will make my planning even better.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    I am not familiar with either Travar, or Earthdawn, but I will have to look into it at some point. Lost elven cities are always a great plot thread. My own Age of Legends campaign has a sweeping story arch that will eventually lead the players to a lost ancient Elven city as well. Also, like yourself, I tend to be a planer, and will map out extensive adventures ahead of time. I've been trying to work on allowing more player options, but it definitely a challenge. Well, welcome to the Portal and I wish you and your players the best in your new campaign.


  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56 edited March 2010
    Just wanted to say: Welcome to OP! =)
    There are a lot of GMs hear who struggle to keep their campaigns moving forward (myself included) hopefuly you can benefit from our trials and tribulations. If your players find this website as new and exciting as the rest of us, perhaps you can use that to your advantage. Several of us have found a way to use incentive to draw players into the campaign website via Karma Points (or as I have named them "Fate Points"). Each time the player participates in helping out your website in some way you might want to reward them with a few Karma Points and there is a fairly balanced table for how they can be used:
    "Onsilius's Karma Table":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/minrothad/wikis/karma
    "Arsheesh's Prestige Table":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/tales-of-darkmoon-vale/wikis/prestige-points
    "My Fate Table":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/yggdrasil-saga/wikis/how-to-use-fate-points
    And here "How to get your players more involved":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1231&page=1#Item_30 is the link to the forum thread where (I believe) the idea was first discussed.
    The long term success of this idea is yet to be seen...

    In turn, I hope, that we can all benefit from your extensive experience in the gaming industry.

    Post edited by DiceMasterNick on
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