available fonts?


  • Lyle
    Posts: 2
    I'm new to OP, and textile, and haven't used HTML in years, so maybe there's something I'm missing. Does anyone know what fonts, other them Times, are usable in OP?
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I don't know of a way to change fonts using textile, but you can style your text to use any "commonly available web font":http://www.ampsoft.net/webdesign-l/WindowsMacFonts.html using inline CSS formatting, like so:

    This text will be in Arial font.
  • Aviona
    Posts: 2
    Hi! Related to the question above, can anyone tell me if there is some formatting that will let you change the font for an entire page? I tried putting the entire page between the < span > tags given in the example above, but the font remained the same. The page uses mostly Textile tags and tables, but has the occasional < hr / > tags thrown in, also, so maybe some of that messed things up.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    If you want to do the whole page, use a _div_ instead of a _span_.

    Upon investigation, it seems that _span_ tags are being parsed as regular text by the wiki system, and so if they are followed by a line break, they will be enclosed in a _p_ (paragraph) tag. The closing _p_ is placed at the first line break, and implicitly closes the _span_ as well, keeping the span from effecting anything further down the page. By comparison, the _div_ tag seems to be correctly identified as HTML code, and not tampered with in the parsing process.

    A span followed by a line break like so:

    This text will be in Arial font.

    Produces the following brokenness when parsed:

    This text will be in Arial font.

    Where as the _div_ version:

    This text will be in Arial font.

    Produces correctly formed code when parsed:

    This text will be in Arial font.

    _Note: Cross posting this to the Bugs forum as well._
  • Aviona
    Posts: 2
    The < div > tags did the trick. Thanks, Chainsaw!
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