Obsidian Portal has no Wikipedia page!



  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    Sure, if they are interested they are welcome to. Its not all my work, but as it was intended as a creative commons wiki page I can't see anyone objecting...

    Small council members, Andrew and (perhaps?) KVP take note :)
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Note taken, thanks

    Just trying to help out.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    The wikipedia page should be one of the new customer service persons duties, imho.

    Just trying to help out.

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I still don't understand.

    OP exists...here it is...look around...

    Why do we need "printed" proof?

    Fine...gimme a day or two and I'll print out a local handout...../sigh...
  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    it not just being in print - it has to be recorded by an *independent* publishing body that has some sort of recognized quality control - a newspaper, a government registration document, a publicly recorded legal document, a peer reviewed journal etc. Wikipedia doesn't just publish pages on everything... they publish pages on everything important, and one of the key ways they define 'important' is if its existence is verified by an independent source with proven quality control.

    even if you own your own newspaper skidace and then published a story about OP, the Wikipedians would think twice about accepting that newspaper article as a reference - because it appeared in a paper you owned and you are known fan of OP!

    there are a few wiki pages out there that do not have a single printed/reviewed reference. However the gate keeper i bumped into is (was?) a bit more strict about that sort of thing... we may get lucky next time, but i understand the stricter apllicaiton of the referencing protocols are the norm, and not the exception
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    So then I suppose our next efforts on this project would be to try to find newspapers and journals willing to publish something on OP in print... and I think I may have a few ideas.

    NikMak, do you know what stance would they take on newsletter articles, native advertising, and/or printed reviews?


    CotM Selection Committee

  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    there are no hard and fast rules, but a couple of local newspaper articles would certainly do the job and to my mind is the easiest to achieve ("local firm purchases x and creates y new jobs" is sufficient as is "local firm wins prize at gaming conventions")

    Advertising does not count, and native advertising is still advertising AFAIK

    a newsletter may be classed as a 'primary source'. It is not the preferred standard... but it may actually be enough to count as one of the sources (we need 2 at least). A news letter that reviews the history of the enterprise could actually be classed as a 'secondary source': Though i am not sure if that is 100% true as the implication of 'secondary sources' is that they undergo editing and collation by an independent professional in some way. Traditionally the publishing house that published the newsletter/book is the independent editor.

    To truly count as a secondary source we would need something like a history of online RPG resources to be written by someone with no formal, paid or in kind, connection to OP... Its on my list to do one day! but its a big task. it may be easier to make that the wiki article and then you can create the obsidian portal article on the back of the 'online resources for RPGs' article. a more specifice OP secondary source history could be writeen by Mikha or Dread Jerry. Having sold the company/stopped bneing employess , they would be ideal candidates to write this sort of thing (and the more time that passes, the more independent they become as a secondary source authors) .

    a printed review in an independent magazine is also valid. there are some online blogs and e-zines (do the kids still say e-zines?) that have been used as references in other wiki articles. I guess its down to the wiki-gatekeeper to decide which online magazine counts as a valid reference and which one doesn't. If it were me making the call i would say "Pyramid":http://www.sjgames.com/zines/ is a valid reference for example, as would be 'Dragon' magazine if that still exists in some form. Im sure there must be others as well (rpg.net? gnome stew? criticle hits?)

    My best guess: A newsletter summarizing the history of OP, and updating the new ownership details and local newspaper article would get us over the line. Toss in a publicly registered legal document confirming the creation of the company and/or the change in ownership and Im sure that would be enough. As always though its down to the Wikipedia gatekeepers to make that call in the end.

    sorry i cant be more helpful
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