Help! My map markers have become too large?

edited March 2018 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi there, I think this might be my first time posting in the forums. I've loved the site for years but the recent changes have given me a much harder time in trying to create my campaign wikis. As I'm not a programmer I'm hoping someone knowledgable will have seen this issue already. My group used to love the map feature, but recently the colored markers have changed from the small circles to the large squares. That might not be an issue on its own, but the maps also (understandably) have a maximum size requirement. Our issue is coming from the markers now being too large to see the map beneath, and they're numerous enough to overlap each other. We've been using large and complicated maps which it turns out were perfectly made for the circle approach, but now can't really be viewed. I know many might say "redo the maps," and I really do get that, but I'm also not sure quite what I'm paying for when I come back to see that my perfectly good map from autumn is now unusable in winter. It might be my fault for being out of the loop, but I had no idea Obsidian was going to do an upgrade: I didn't realize till I came back in as our campaigns come off hiatus. Specifically, we're using Freedom City from Mutants & Masterminds. It's a large city map, and being a photoshop person I made it as large as the old Obsidian Portal would accept it (not sure if that size has changed since the upgrade). At the time it used the Google Maps style of colored markers, and while I admit they weren't the most "fantastical," I did love how small they were. Actually more than that, I *needed* how small they were, since the locations from the Freedom City campaign setting are sometimes directly neighboring others. As long as you zoomed all the way into the map, there was enough room to see all the markers distinctly. Breaking it up into smaller maps isn't a good option because super powers like speed and flight can get you across the entire city in one round; the old map was perfect for this need. Now, however, they've replaced those tiny circles with the large dragon squares. It's not the look that bothers me, exactly, as much as the increased size: the difference is more than substantial, it's overpowering. I spent hours recreating that map into Obsidian and now all the markers are too big and overlapping to really use the map for anything. It's gone from super useful and amazing to a nightmare we can't refer to. Does anyone know any ways to shrink the size of these colored markers? Wishful thinking, I know. At the very least, I wanted to put my two cents in for a suggestion to partially revert the maps to what they used to be. I have a feeling there's no solution to this problem so I've placed this into the Feature Requests category. I've been Ascendant since 2011 but the upgrade has only downgraded so many parts of my campaigns that I'm not sure how much I'm really getting out of the site at this point. Thank you so much for your help. ~Megan
Post edited by OPAdmin on


  • Pils
    Posts: 149
    Hi Compass Rose,

    I'm sorry but the new map maximum size is 4096x4096 pixels now (5 MB max), and I think you have to change your maps to this size if you want to take advantage of the new maps features...

    "Dark Sun / La Décade des Héros": Face the Fire of the Dark Sun... a World ravaged by Sorcery!
    "Al-Qadim / Golden Voyages": Who among you dares to challenge the high seas?


    Dark Sun ● La Décade des Héros : Face the Fire of the Dark Sun... a World ravaged by Sorcery! (CotM - Dec 2012)

    Les Royaumes Oubliés : A D&D 5e old school style Forgotten Realms campaign!

    (And I'm so soooorry for my poor english...)

  • The_Compass_Rose
    Posts: 10
    Ah shoot, I was afraid it might be something like that. Thanks for your help, Pils! I put so many hours into the first map (clicking on each had a photo of the location, as well as a summary description and a link to its page in the wiki) that I'm not sure it's worth it to redo it all. We might just switch to Google Docs instead of a wiki. Thank you for all your help.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Pils is dead on. Sorry Compass Rose! I have a map with over 50 markers that is now trashed, so I feel your pain.

    Just trying to help out.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,012
    I don't have so many issues with this as I don't have so many markers but I agree with the marker size. Although I like the OP Icon, even with limited entries on my new map I can see that the coloured PINS worked much better.


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • The_Compass_Rose
    Posts: 10
    Might there be a way for me to re-upload a new image to replace the old, while still keeping all the markers? Even if I have to reposition them all, the thing that really took me all the time was writing those individual entries. Even if I have to make smaller broken up maps of the city, salvaging half or a third of what I'd done before would be that much less I'd have to redo.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Sorry @Compass Rose, you have to start over. New image, new markers.

    Just trying to help out.

  • Calion
    Posts: 144

    Obviously this is too late to help the OP here, but just in case anyone else with the same problem runs across this thread, there is a fix: Decrease the marker size.

  • Calion
    Posts: 144

    Also, you can now replace one map with another, saving all of your markers. Awesome! Don't know when that got implemented.

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