A new challenger approaches!

edited November 2010 in Player Lounge
Greetings, friendly denizens of the Obsidian Portal. How's everyone doing?

So, I've been with the Portal for a bit over a year and I'm just now discovering the wonders of the OP forums/community by the suggestion of my personal friend and DM, Duskreign. Though this is only my first post, I already want to say thank you to the users of the forum here. Between Mike's help and reading through posts on the forums I've learned a metric buttload of extremely useful knowledge, from DMing tips/ideas to help with coding and making my personal page on OP look all fancy-like. So... Yeah... Thank you, OP community! Many kudos to you! Haha.

Now I suppose I'll write a bit about myself...

My name is Vincent and I'm a 23-year-old that was born, raised, and still resides in New York. I'm a musician, an artist, and a hardcore gamer. I've been playing/DMing D&D for about five years now. In the most recent two years I've played with Mr. Mike Scott (Duskreign) as my DM. Mike once told me a quote that I play/DM by and, subsequently, apply to life itself. "Never let the rules get in the way of a good idea." Words of wisdom, indeed. Regarding art, I've been drawing/making graphics for most of my life. Musically, I'm an East Coast rapper, a rock singer/screamer, a lyricist/writer, and a producer. I've been making music since I was about ten-years-old. I'm in a band (hip hop, infused with rock) with my cousin and a mutual friend of ours. We're currently working on our first album.

If you happen look at my OP profile, you'll see the brand new campaign setting that I'm working on. In the coming weeks I'll be adding all of the content to the pages and prettying it all up so just don't be put off if you check it out right now and there isn't much content on it. It'll all be on there quite soon. I'll also be running the first campaign of my original campaign setting in the very near future. I'm currently creating the world and all of it's content, doing all the artwork, AND producing an original soundtrack for my campaign. I've got a lot of work ahead of me but I can't wait to see the finished results and share them with my group/players and the rest of the Obsidian Portal community!

Sooo... Yeah... Nice to meet you, everyone! Haha.


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Welcome aboard Vincent! As the old addage goes, any friend of Mikes is a friend of mine. You're about to be inundated by helpful comments, but let me be the first to welcome you to the portal! Mike has been a massive inspiration to me, so feel free to pick my brain if you ever need any help with anything here!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Welcome SHINenzo! I'll second what Rase said. All of us here at the forums respect and admire our good friend Mike, and it's a pleasure to meet a member of his party. Also, once you've got your new site fleshed out a bit, throw up a link here at the forums. Like Rase mentioned, you will receive allot of helpful feedback from the community here. Beyond that, I look forward to getting to know you better in the days ahead.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited November 2010
    Way-hey-hey, there, Vin! Welcome to Awesomeland. You're gonna like it here. These forums are fantastic. I see you've already met two of the helpful, friendly folks on the forums. Believe me, there are many more.

    Also, "here's a link to Vin's campaign site,":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/geneseed in case anyone's interested. He doesn't know how to use Textile yet, and he's an HTML newb. But, weren't we all, once upon a time?

    By the by, Vin, you should be thanking Arsheesh for the inspiration of your (and my) campaign banner. When I helped you with it, I was using the ideas I got from him. See? These guys are already helping you out!
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I am totally interested! Also, Vin, if you need any help setting things up/learning HTML, just give me a shout. I'm just an HTML hack, but I know enough to cobble together some pretty nice looking stuff sometimes.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Thank very much for the warm welcome, guys! I really appreciate the offer for helping me gain levels in HTML, Rase. I'll definitely give a shout if I need it, dude. And thank you for the inspiration, Arsheesh. I love what you did with your page for Age of Legends. It looks fantastic! Thanks for the link, Mike. I gotta learn this textile now. I already like it here in Awesomeland. Haha. I definitely look forward to getting to know everyone. Thanks again!
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    I feel a little slow, but I want to welcome you as well Vince! That's an awesome campaign banner you've got there, the text work is top rate! If you wish, check out my page "The Melekar Chronicles":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/melekar and feel free to steal whatever code you wish. It's mostly stuff we've come up with on the forums, but it might help. Welcome again, you shan't be disappointed here in Awesomeland.
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122 edited November 2010
    Thanks much for the warm welcome and the banner-kudos, Gaaran. I just checked out your page. Looks freakin' awesome, bro. I may have to look into your code. Haha. Thanks again, man!
    Post edited by Everdark on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Can we start a petition to Micah to change the name of ObsidianPortal to Awesomeland?
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited November 2010
    Hey again. Wow, that is a really nice looking banner SHINezo and Duskreign. I can't wait to see what the campaign is going to be like. Oh and while I appreciate the shoutout Dusk, I want to give credit where credit is due. I myself got the idea for my campaign banner from a campaign called "World Beneath":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/worldbeneath which was run by a DM named Dungeoncrawlers. The campaign looked to have tons of potential but for some reason it ended prematurely. Since then it looks like the code got really broken, marring the layout a bit. Still, it is a great campaign and it's what inspired me to go with the new format.

    At any rate, glad to know you SHINezo. I'll be watching your new campaign with interest.

    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    I concur with Rase. I'll sign for Awesomeland.

    Thanks again, Arsheesh. I'm glad you like it. I worked pretty hard on my banner. I wasn't sure of the exact dimensions so, at first, it was a bit small. Our good friend Duskreign resized it and did the coding/linking for me. Much kudos to you again for the help, Mike. 'Tis a pleasure, Sir Arsheesh.
  • Dyluth
    Posts: 92
    My my SHINenzo, this certainly is a mighty challenge your embarking on. As everyone's said though that banner you made is one hell of a great start! I'm especially anxious to see what you come up with for this campaign soundtrack. I'll certainly be following Geneseed as it progresses!
  • Everdark
    Posts: 122
    Thank you very much, Dyluth! Thanks for following! I'm pretty excited about the soundtrack myself. I've already started production on it. So far, so good! I'm really liking your Star Wars campaign, man. Awesome stuff!
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