Creating hordes of enemies.

edited November 2010 in General Discussion
Why not? I'm sure it would be more interesting than lighting a lantern to solve a puzzle...unless that puzzle leads to amazing things, or you get overwhelmed.
The point is you tried, right?

PS-Is there a wrong way to do this?



  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Is this post a response to a different thread?! I don't understand what idea you are trying to discuss.
  • Neithan
    Posts: 16
    Haha, this is my response to the topic, creating hordes of enemies.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Kewl. So in order to disambiguate your original post-

    Why not what? Why not create hordes of enemies for the PCs as a GM?

    The point is you tried.. what? Tried to fight hordes of enemies? Tried to include them in a game? Tried to run a massive combat with or without crunching numbers and abstraction?

    Is there a wrong way to introduce hordes of enemies, a wrong way to run a large combat, a wrong way make it believable?
  • Neithan
    Posts: 16
    Why not create an army of minions? It seems like fun, and a challenge for PCs.
    As to the you tried part, and the rest of it. How many enemies are too many? I want the PCs to be strained but not obliterated.
    The less number crunching the better in my opinion.
    I appreciate your vigilance.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Depends on your system.

    Generally in my games - a horde of enemies means either "run away" or "think up some really creative way to win".

    If you happen to be using a system that doesn't include rules for fatigue or being outnumbered and surrounded - the the only constraint is the boredom of the PCs, throwing die roll after die roll until they run out of health, or all enemies are dead.

    You could even use a prop for that - get them to try a quest on World of Warcraft. Time it. If they do it within a half hour, it's a win.
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