YouTube Broken Again



  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    Hey, it's fixed. Just in time for my site to no longer be campaign of the month. Also, no, I don't care HOW busy the devs are. 2 to 3 months of this issue is unforgivable to the point where people need to lose their jobs. Period. This is a basic functionality for a site that many of us pay to access. When I'm paying for a service I expect it to work. 

  • JoeSchmoe1
    Posts: 2

    Great, they fix the issue with the plugins (you tube/sound cloud, etc) and break the google+ login ability angry

  • OPSupport
    Posts: 93

    I guess the best way to do that is to keep creating tickets describing your experience and problems and I will forward those messages to the management, so they can see the issues you are confronted with and assign more development time to OP.

  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51 edited April 2017

    And embeds are gone. Again. That didn't take long. 

    Post edited by jasonvey on
  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252 edited April 2017

    Well, I just created an PNG image of my YouTube campaign trailer, and changed the code to point to the PNG with an anchor tag. So it doesn't work exactly like it's supposed to, ie. with the video embedded on the page, but at least people can go watch my YouTube trailer for the game!

    Post edited by Johnprime on


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  • joeschmoe998
    Posts: 73

    Soundcloud links also not working :(


  • barrelv
    Posts: 22

    Same. All of my embedded stuff stopped working today, both YouTube and Spotify. Right before I need it for the 25+ person campaign we have starting on Friday.

  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    I've also begun to put links to my videos below the embed code so people can click and go to watch, but that's a poor workaround. 

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    I agree jasonvey that it's a poor workaround, but it does allow you to have videos for your OP campaigns, at least at the moment!


    Deadwood Deacon Banner

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  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    I've done that for a while now on SHadows...its old fashioned, but it works at least

  • barrelv
    Posts: 22

    The message I got back from support last night... 

    Hi Johnathan,


    Thank you for your message!


    I'm afraid that at this time the YouTube videos are no longer supported in our text editor because of some updates that influenced the way embedding works.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    I got a different message, (perhaps because I don't report it as just a youtube issue), that the issue would be fixed shortly.

    I report them as soundclound, youtube and cloudnet embedded PDF issue. The dev's gave a message last time that youtube wasn't supported and I responded that it wasn't an issue that was affecting just youtube.

    I'll touch back with Alan and see what's up.


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  • abu_is_evil
    Posts: 168

    I have had no reply

    Just trying to help out.

  • barrelv
    Posts: 22

    Yeah, mine was a generic "oembeds are broken" and I gave an example of a broken Spotify and a broken YouTube embed 

  • Rhubarb
    Posts: 8

    It's working again! :)

  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    And it's not working again! I don't know why we expected any less. 

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    This is one of the main reasons we left- and our videos have not been down once since.

    Just trying to help out.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    I only partially use it for video. I really want it working for embedded pdf documents. When it works, it is great for character sheets.

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51

    See, video embeds are a big part of the design and aesthetic of our site. 

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    Anyone hear from them on a help ticket?

    Just trying to help out.

  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Video embeds, pdf embeds or sound embeds when one breaks they all break. It is just important that tickets include that the problem is with all three. Not just youtube, because the dev sometimes uses that as an excuse not to work on it.

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51 edited May 2017

    Anymore I wonder why bother. It seems clear that they are well aware the problem exists, and they can't be bothered to fix it. After all, they've got the money from their subscribers; who cares if they provide the service we pay for? There's always other rubes that'll subscribe if we quit. Not to mention that most of us won't because our players rely on the resource, and the people who run the show know that. 

    In short, they're more than happy providing a substandard product and they're sitting behind the scenes giving us all the finger.
    Post edited by jasonvey on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    So has everyone given up?  Any word on a fix? 

    Just trying to help out.

  • Johnprime
    Posts: 252

    Sorry to say, I've kind of given up killervp. I'm still going to have the occasional video at least on my New York Nightmare site, hope to do an episode intro for each episode we have of the campaign, which could have a years time in between each one, but I'm going to use an image linked to the YouTube video, rather than hope that OP developers fix the problem.


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  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090 edited May 2017

    Do you guys have the same difficulties if the videos are uploaded to the media library rather than YouTube or another external site? I don't do much in the way of videos on my campaigns, but on the one I'm working on at the moment, there is one video. I have it in my media library, and thus far I haven't had any issues with it not working.

    Post edited by Kallak on
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    I'd be interested in seeing that. I use embedded pdfs from the media library and they aren't working.

    As you can see for that character the place where the pdf should be is blank.

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  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    I hadn't originally intended on making the campaign public yet since it's still under construction and still a giant mess, but it's okay I guess. My adventure log entry has an embedded mp4 from the media library on it. So far, zero issues.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • cgregory
    Posts: 780

    Interesting. The external-link class doesn't work for any external links.

    The cloudfront-video class works for videos stored on cloudfront (I tried using it for videos on youtube but it didn't work).

    The cloudfront-undefined class doesn't seem to work for PDFs even though it worked previously.

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                       XCom: Defiance - Campaign of the Month November 2016



  • jasonvey
    Posts: 51 edited June 2017

    You know it occurs to me this whole issue would likely go away if they'd just open up the door to letting us use standard HTML iframe embed code for videos. The option is there for creating reference links with HTML; why not for embeds, too?

    Post edited by jasonvey on
  • alex_redeye
    Posts: 85

    iframe is generally considered to be a security risk is likely why.  Once you start allowing users to serve up content from other sources you have to trust that those other sources aren't injecting malware and such.


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