502 Bad Gateway



  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,016
    I had three days of KILLER 502's.

    Seems to have settled down a bit now and I am able to use the site again.



    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • kettle
    Posts: 72

    Thank you for the update on this. The site is working for me again. It was a bad weekend, but I am glad to see the programmers jump on this issue as it gives me hope for the future. Thank you and the programmers for the hard work in resolving this issue.


    "Rise of the Dead: COTM June 2013":https://rise-of-the-dead.obsidianportal.com/wikis/main-page
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Glad it is working again, although now the email notifications are broken.
    "A God...Rebuilt":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com

    Just trying to help out.

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Yea, I was able to work on Shadows again! YAY!!! :)

    Got one 502 error, when saving an edit, but all things considered not bad

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shadows-over-new-york
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/2013-coty-shadows-over-new-york/
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/shadows-over-new-york-julys-campaign-of-the-month/

  • andreww38
    Posts: 239
    good to hear that, everyone.

    Hope to reduce 500/502s to a minimum.

    We're aware of the email notification issue (our email quota was exhausted after we mailed out 400k emails last weekend to announce the server migration) - we're replenishing it.

    Noted about the tags, techs are working on a fix, likely done by Tues morning.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Down across the board again- at least the forums and help work.

    Just trying to help out.

  • andreww38
    Posts: 239
    @killervp - I'm having the techs look specifically at your account cos you seem to be facing more issues than some others. If there's specific bugs we find, we'll fix them and see if there're other users facing the same issues.

    Else, the 500/502s should be less frequent now.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Working better today.

    Just trying to help out.

  • HumAnnoyd
    Posts: 300
    For me as well. Thanks.

    November 2012 CotM:  Dresden Files RPG: The Emerald City

    June 2016 CotM:  Star Wars: Rise of the Infinite Empire

    JUNE 2020 CotM & 2020 CotY:  Mass Effect Accelerated

    FEBRUARY 2022 CotM & 2022 CotY: Dresden Files Accelerated:  Emerald City-Requiem 

    Current Campaigns:  Traveller Osmium Buccaneers: Pirates of Drinax, Cyberpunk 2077 Accelerated

  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Haven't run into a single 502 today, and pages are loading quite quickly. Haven't tested email functionality yet.

  • Tau_Cetacean
    Posts: 285
    not encountering any 502 errors... good news

    weird/semi-bad news is now the secondary problem I've had, where the edit window doesn't fully open automatically (and OP never provided the workaround, I got that from forum users)... and the embed menu is detached...

    example of what it looks like from my previous bug report:

    this is now sort of fixed too, but in a way that's comically counter-productive... the edit window will still not fully open, but after a lag over several minutes (but not all the time, it's still crap shoot!), the edit window will fully open and the embed menu will snap into place (and appears to be functional...), but this has the side effect of pulling me out of place from where I was editing / undoing my manual widening of the edit page, and sometimes kick me off of the page (think the server is misinterpreting something I'm typing when it hiccups like this as a save command?)
  • Lxcharon
    Posts: 189
    I've never had this issue Tau. Can you just drag the widow larger from the corner?
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    Tau, I suspect that might be something in your CSS. Might wanna double check your code.

    As for the 502 errors, so far so good for me.

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shadows-over-new-york
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/2013-coty-shadows-over-new-york/
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/shadows-over-new-york-julys-campaign-of-the-month/

  • Tau_Cetacean
    Posts: 285
    I can drag the window open larger from the bottom right corner (that is the workaround... a work around that it would have been nice to have heard from OP tech support when I first sent in a ticket... literally would have spared me MONTHS AND MONTHS of agony trying to edit wiki pages only seeing two lines at a time... the issue I have now is that I can do that workaround, but now that the servers magically decide to sometimes fully open the edit window / snap the menu into place, minutes after I've started editing... it can screw me up)

    aside from uploading a custom background image, I haven't changed the CSS at all... unless you are talking about the html I post into the wiki page edit window? in that case... don't think that's the issue... this will still happen when I create / open a new wiki page to edit
  • Tau_Cetacean
    Posts: 285
    obviously this is way better than non-stop 502 errors, but, still, this is the hill I am fighting on today
  • Bortas
    Posts: 645
    Does this error show up on a new campaign with no custom CSS?

  • Lxcharon
    Posts: 189
    I think Tau said he hasn't used any CSS
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I have seen the issue Tau mentions.

    You open a page to edit it, and the edit window is very small. You could drag it wider.....

    but you go and start editing and all of a sudden there is a shift...and it opens up like it should in the first place. Making you lose your spot in the edit.

    I used to sit and watch it pop open after 30 seconds to a minute, now I just drag it open manually, and it "usually" doesn't shift on its own after that.

    (using Chrome)
  • Lxcharon
    Posts: 189
    I guess the same thing happens to me as well SkidAce but it happens so instantaneous that I've never thought about it. (Like it happens within 2 seconds for me not 30) I didn't even realize that was what was happening until you mention that.
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited January 2016
    bq. literally would have spared me MONTHS AND MONTHS of agony trying to edit wiki pages only seeing two lines at a time…

    @ TauCetacean:

    Have you tried turning down your difficulty setting? Sounds like you are running OP in Nightmare mode... (possibly with the Hardcore flag enabled?)
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • Tau_Cetacean
    Posts: 285
    @ Basileus:

    certainly feels that way, though I do feel stupid not noticing the different texture of the bottom right corner and figuring out how to expand the edit window myself (or, failing that, not asking question in the forums much much earlier)

    @ Andrew:

    can I get some acknowledgement this is on your radar... I get that 502 errors was the highest priority and it sounds like e-mails are an issue (doesn't affect me right now, playing solitaire of world-building)... but it seems like the wiki edit window should open up full-sized and with menu in-place, more or less immediately, every time, no?
  • andreww38
    Posts: 239
    @Tau - we can schedule this in. Is it ok if our techs log into your account and try out some stuff with your wiki editor to reproduce the issue?

    PS: We promise not to delete the hand sketches of the khaleesi.
  • Tau_Cetacean
    Posts: 285
    @ Andrew - okay to try stuff with my wiki editor

    sometimes it happens for me like SkidAce describes - suddenly it opens up like it should, and lose your place in the editng

    I have also experience two occasions today where it 'skips' and suddenly I am back at the last wiki page I edited/saved (e.g. a different wiki page, not in edit mode)
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Finally a problem I don't get. Making it up to Basileus really seemed to work

    Just trying to help out.

  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited January 2016
    But, I don't remember Tau being on my list...

    Tau, did we meet a long time ago? Maybe you killed my father and I swore revenge? Were you that guy that cut me off on the highway Tuesday morning?!

    I... I may have a problem with the number of people I swear vengeance against...
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    The problem described here is likely caused by slow or failed loading of the script for the editing interface. When the script finally loads and executes, it snaps the edit box to a pre-determined size (what it was meant to do in the first moments after the page loaded).

    In some cases, it may also place your browser's 'focus' on an element outside of the edit box, which changes the context of your keystrokes - for example, when your focus is on non-editable elements, the backspace key is typically a shortcut for going back to the previous page, and the enter key is typically a shortcut for submitting the current form, both of which can take you off the page in question unexpectedly if your text box suddenly loses focus.

    When this happens, it may provide valuable debug information to open the browser's debugging console (F12 in Chrome, for example) and look for any error messages in that regard.
  • Tau_Cetacean
    Posts: 285 edited January 2016
    @ Andrew - thanks!

    @ Basileus - not to my knowledge, but I also have a problem with swearing vengeance against too many people... even once semi-inadvertently summoned an asteroid strike on a country I disliked (true story)... but don't drive on highways on Tuesdays... Mondays and Wednesdays though... ho ho ha ha hee hee (was on the Beltway for 8 hours last night because community college I teach nights at didn't cancel classes and local DOTs don't know how to pre-treat roads, so... a little punchy right now), point is, inability to remember it aside, we probably are whatever the plural for arch-nemesis is

    @ Chainsaw - that sounds like it exactly, will try the debugging console route and post that info to the help ticket
    Post edited by Tau_Cetacean on
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    Having slow loading and 502s in the last few minutes. I'm not editing or anything, just trying to browse folks' campaigns.

    @ Tau-Cetacean: Very well, arch-nemesis-dom it is! I'll pencil you in for fisticuffs at dawn on a date TBD.
  • Tau_Cetacean
    Posts: 285
    fisticuffs at dawn it is

    and yeah, had 502 errors too - one at 1:38pm and another at 2:29pm, and a slow loading at 1:17pm EST, will add to help ticket
  • andreww38
    Posts: 239 edited January 2016
    Thanks, Tau. Putting in tech ticket for them to look at your account.

    For those still encountering 500/502/404 errors (should be happening less frequently now), please put the details in the "tech support ticket":http://help.obsidianportal.com/discussions/problems/17190-keep-getting-500-502-or-504-errors
    Post edited by andreww38 on
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