Base of Operations: Castle, or Airship?



  • LaughingVrock
    Posts: 11
    nice.... of course, when I originally went through the adventure, the braggart holding the title for long hull jump was challenged into proving it. When he jump off the side, my character promptly cut the rope (air sailors have a talent thats the equivalent of feather fall). Hopefully aren't reading this, and come up with this plan on their own...
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    I was picturing that, too. Hopefully there's a back-up plan if you don't make it, haha. Or if one member of the group is just a dick and, like you said, cuts the rope on another guy. And the hilarity ensues!
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Okay, I've already posted this in another thread, but my airship map is "almost complete":

    I still want to tweak some things (e.g. add an elemental glow to the parts of the binding struts included in the floorplan, and maybe some more rigging and exterior piping to make it look extra snazzy.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Nice work, Gnunn. I pictured it much bigger in my mind when you said Wyvern Riders landing their mounts on the deck, though. It doesn't look like a lot of room for a battle (depending on how many involved, I guess) but maybe your plan was to have them engaged in tight quarters. Maybe the squares are 10 ft?

    Anyway, well done nonetheless. I'd be honored if you'd come pick me up in that thing one day to go for a ride.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Yeah, I came up with the wyvern rider scenerio after I already had the basic layout. Since airships are still a new technology in my game world, I didn't want it to be a behemoth like the ships from Eberron, so I based it on a Theurgeme from Stormwrack and made it just a bit bigger.

    My plan is to have two or 3 wyvern riders pull the hull jump trick while others attack the rigging or try to force their way into the lower decks. I'll probably switch the cover over the hold from a net to a grate that people could actually fight on.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521 are a new technology?

    Any bad guys using them?

    Any spells in your game world that would disguise the ship to look like a bad guy's ship without the PCs noticing? Maybe the wingriders have a wizard buddy who casts this, and even better the PCs decide to capture him figuring he's the smart one, he must be the leader? ;)
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Okay, quick update on the castle front. Our next session is tomorrow night, and the group is going to spend the first part of the evening laying out their first orders for the keep. We have been having a lively email discussion about some of the particulars, which will be finalized tomorrow.

    Here are some of the goods for those who have requested updates:

    Formation of an official adventuring company/do you have a flag?

    In order to bypass ownership issues that could arise if players decide to swap characters in the future, the keep is being presented to their newly formed adventuring company, rather than to the individuals who comprise it.

    Company Name: So far the front-runner appears to be "The Seven" so named for its lucky connotations and the seven party members/players. The runner-up to this point appears to be "Electric Death Powny"

    Sigil: If the group goes with "The Seven" it has been proposed that their symbol be a pair of dice showing 3&4. The symbolism being that the group was founded by three of its original members with four new additions.

    Keep renovations: The group definitely wants to focus on security and building the nearby refugee camp into a permanent town. In addition to the obvious (hiring guards, rebuilding walls etc.) They have expressed a specific interest in establishing a mill &/or setting up some sort of organized agriculture in the surrounding valley, establishing a spy network based out of the keep and pocket-dimension storage for their valuables.

    I plan to present them with an initial role-playing conflict between the valley's displaced farmers and herdsmen. They are concerned that it is mid-June and it does not look like they will be able to return to their old homes any time soon, if at all. If they are going to survive the next winter, they will need to get their food production organized and set up soon. (i.e., the players will need to decide if they want to establish a farm guild, herdsmans guild, both or a combined agriculture guild.)

    I have set up a basic cost/benefit breakdown that their advisor may give them: Set up just one guild and they will likely disenfranchise the other group. Set up both and it will cost twice as much, but deliver twice the revenue - but may lead to future guild conflict. Set up a combo, and it will cost the same as a single guild, but will also only yield the same in revenue and will cut off the option of establishing herding and agriculture as separate resources in the future...oh, and may still produce some internal guild conflict down the line.
  • igornappovich
    Posts: 76
    How likely is it that a Xorn might burrow up into their treasure room? :)
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Been a while since I've checked in with this thread, but I wanted to say nice work on the Wyvern Rider ship plans Grunn! Have you started a WIP thread for these yet over at the Cartographers Guild? If not I think you should, I think you'd get some good feedback and maybe some more ideas. Keep up the great work!

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