Search results for '%232'

  • JayDoubleA

    Sure.  - expand the accordion at "Hero Forge Models".

    Even without links or any additional text, it starts off as a blank slide (just the dots) and doesn't kick in until an arrow button is clicked. As in screenshot, below.


    Markup for this is:
    [slideshow-content] [[File:1258383 | class=media-item-align-none | 280802005_579805830087787_1946262335994708914_n.png]] [end-slideshow-content]
    [slideshow-content] [[File:1258172 | class=media-item-align-none | 282632258_364278489016736_5561470902988085088_n.png]] [end-slideshow-content]
    [slideshow-content] [[File:1258157 | class=media-item-align-none | 283243102_5256994354357838_3323296639420303907_n.png]] [end-slideshow-content]
    [slideshow-content] [[File:1258379 | class=media-item-align-none | 283321358_1034077357477011_1990241367069693783_n.png]] [end-slideshow-content]
    [slideshow-content] [[File:1258365 | class=media-item-align-none | 283813409_343289461207697_7435881292718714095_n.png]] [end-slideshow-content]
    [slideshow-content] [[File:1258388 | class=media-item-align-none | Nal.png]] [end-slideshow-content]
    [slideshow-content] [[File:1258190 | class=media-item-align-none | Screenshot_2022-05-25_22.42.23.png]] [end-slideshow-content]
    [slideshow-options] true | 3 | 1 | 300 | false | false | 2000 | false [end-slideshow-options]
  • marshalljames1

    Stage 2

    The country is very similar to Rohan, but its not Rohan, by that I mean that it was once part of a country many times its size but its 1st ruler was the area's ruling Duke and he performed a service to his king that was so great that his Dukedom was made A Kingdom that was both eternally separate and eternally allied to the country it was once part of

    Lands wise it is made up of 19 Very Senior Barons that all rule A Gargantuan sized Barony that came with a subordinate Senior Baron, 9 fairly Senior Barons that all rule A Very Large Barony that came with a subordinate Senior Baron and 3 Earls that are slightly more influential then normal that all rule 3 fairly Large Baronies that came with a subordinate Senior Baron and the Royal Estates that consist of 5 fairly Large Baronies

    Theirs also 15 fairly Large Land Holdings that were established by adventurers and in return for both official rulership of Small Land Holding they’d established and being made A Land Owning Noble that doesn’t hold A official Title they swore loyalty to The Royal Family


    Sadly theirs not definitely not enough Land to support any more nobles then that, no one has ever tried, the number of people that have seriously considered trying that changed their minds by no later then the late planning stage can be counted on 1 hand and even the 29 Nobles the land supports don't have as much land as nobles of similiar social standing in other kingdoms do

    A few of its obscure laws about slavery

    Rolls show that my characters homeland has legalized slavery but only when it’s a punishment that fits the crime and even then the children of Slaves can only be Slaves if their parents did something so heinous that it was decided that death was too good them and the only appropriate punishment was the condemning of their lines to spend the eternity as Slaves

    This has actually resulted in the creations of several families whose bloodline has consisted entirely of Slaves for more then 2,000 Millenium but before that their families were nobles until they did something so heinous that death was too good for them and the only appropriate punishment was the condemning of their lines to spend the rest of eternity as Slaves

    When they think Slaveries a warranted punishment my characters homeland as a whole and its royal family/his family, in particular will tolerate Slavery they don’t like the fact that 9 times out of 10 the Slavery when it’s a punishment that fits the crime but children of slaves are automatically slaves

    My character isn’t yet king and his country isn’t, and likely will never, have the influence to stop this thing my characters sense of what’s right and what’s just means that if he see’s A Child Slave aged 6 years or under being unfairly given a sound beating he will step in and stop it

    In his opinion he thinks that theirs only 2 things A Child Slave under the age of 6 could ever do that would warrant a sound beating, and if The Child Slave actually did do 1 of those 2 things then compared to what would normally happen to him or her a sound beating would be A Act of Super-Human Mercy

    Generally speaking my character will have enough cash either on him or nearby and available that if he sees A Child Slave aged 6 years or under been unfairly beaten, he will put a stop to it, by buying the kids freedom

    What happens next will depend. If the now freed Ex Child Slave is clearly beyond training by either him, A Pc or A Retainer he may drop him or her off at a orphanage, along with a big enough donation to ensure he or she is very well looked after

    On the other hand if its likely that The now freed Ex Child Slave is about the right age he may either train him or her himself or assign A Pc or A Retainer to do it

    He will also know which, if any, of his homelands nobility, gentry(to those that don’t know gentry are wealthy land owners that aren’t Nobles) or very wealthy Commoners either have a child that’s roughly the same age as The now freed Ex Child Slave that would be willing to adopt A Ex Child Slave to be A friend to their son or daughter

    He’s kind enough that if he finds a orphanage that clearly has more children then they can cope with but can’t bring themselves to toss any out that he could arrange for several of nobility, gentry(like I said earlier to those that don’t know gentry are land owners that aren’t Nobility) or very wealthy Commoners to adopt the orphans

    Orphans adopted by nobility, gentry(like I said earlier to those that don’t know gentry are land owners that aren’t Nobility) or very wealthy Commoners that weren’t Slaves can always inherit if their adopted parents have no children


    Saying that though for a adopted Ex Slave to inherit then even if his or her adopted parents have no children he or she still requires a royal permit, thankfully even though the king or queen can refuse the last time A Reigning King or Queen did was 1,232 years ago

  • Parmeisan


    (I'm sorry if this has been suggested before, but searches in this forum seem to be by post instead of thread, making it near impossible to check.)

    So, I know it's possible to perform a search/filter in this manner and then link to it:


    And I know it's possible to filter characters like so:


    What I'd really love is to be able to link to the second one too.

    For most purposes in my campaign I have been able to just use the first one and it meets my needs.  But there is one place where I actually had to create a second campaign so that I could provide the experience I needed.  I have one campaign for enemies only and one for everything else.  Characters in the main campaign include NPCs but not enemies.  This lets me set up both "NPCs" and "Enemies" links in the sidebar and still have the images displayed.

    The lack of this isn't a huge problem, but as someone with some programming experience I suspect it would also be very easy to add.  And it would make a big difference to the visual impact of my campaign to the various users.

    (I should perhaps mention that this isn't a campaign, exactly, I am using Obsidian Portal to host an entire setting for a tabletop RPG that I am making and hope to publish.  In almost all regards, it is perfect for this purpose!  But being able to link to all characters used in a given adventure module, and have it go to the nicer-looking version, would make the modules look a lot more professional.)

    Anyway, that's it.  Thanks for listening. :)

  • Dropbeartots

    I'd like to submit my campaign for review.

  • Sting52jb

    Okay sweet that was easy enough but for some reason my 7th box wont change the photo. 


    .my-menu-1 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 150px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .my-menu-2 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 200px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .my-menu-3 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 275px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .my-menu-4 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 150px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .my-menu-5 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 150px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .my-menu-6 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 150px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .my-menu-7 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 150px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .my-menu-8 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 150px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    .my-menu-9 {
    background-image: url('';);
    background-size: 100% 300px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;


    is all my code don't know what's wrong the others all worked easy enough. 

  • Kallak

    @Sting52jb, first and foremost, I think it's awesome to see you trying some of these more advanced things out - so bravo on that front! They can certainly be challenging in the beginning, but proficiency will come quicker than you think. That said, let me jump into your questions:

    Firstly, for the page background, all you need to do is swap the background-color to be "transparent" from "white". So in your CSS, you would want to put (using the wiki page as an example):

    .campaign-public-layout {
    background-color: transparent;

    Regarding the menu block item images, when I wrote the article, I just put a sort of template style entry for how the background images would be applied. The idea was to try and save some space in the article, but I can see now how that might not be sufficient for folks just starting out, so let me supplement that for you here with a specific example on your particular page.

    I note that you appear to already have (at least some of) the images for the menu uploaded to your Media Library, so that's good. I'm going to use the "Corporations" block and your "Corporations.jpg" file to show you how it's done. Then you can give it a go with the other ones and see if you get stuck (and if you do, by all means let me know and I'll help get you squared away).

    In your menu, the "Corporations" link is associated with the "my-menu-5" class, so this is the selector we will use to add the background image and size it.

    .my-menu-5 {
    background-image: url('');
    background-size: 100% 150px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    We begin by assigning the image as the background for the block via the "background-image" property. Our image is significantly larger than our block however, so we need to scale it down to fit better inside our box. Now, in this particular case, the image in question is a landscape oriented rectangle, just like our block, so we can simply set the width to be 100% of the block, and then set the height to be the same 150px as our block. We do this with the "background-size" property. For good measure, we make sure to set things up so that the image doesn't repeat.

    An important thing to note is that our "background-size" property will not necessarily be universal all of our menu items. If you wish to use a portrait oriented rectangle image, or a square image, then the "100% 150px" value could result in some pretty noticeable distortions. Depending on the images you have selected, you may need to play with these values, or only show part of the image. You can scale the image with "background-size" and then move which part of the image is in the viewable area with the "background-position" property (I encourage you to do some googling on that if you end up needing it).

    Hopefully this clarifies some things, let me know if you get stuck or need any additional help.

  • Lord_of_Woe

    The new Secrets tab refers to the Player Secrets by number order on the page for the GM or Player that is looking at the page.  So for example, if there are 10 Secrets on a page that the GM and/or Players have created, but the GM can only see 3 of them, then the GM's Secrets tab will list them as #1, #2, and #3, even though they might really be #4, #8, and #10.

    @thaen There seems to be an issue with displaying secrets in the Secrets tab. The secrets tab lists in my campaign Die Entflammten lists more secrets than I can see, if I go to the character page. For one character, I can see 8 character secrets but I can only see one on the character page.

  • Glyph3x

    I am wanting to add some Meta tags to the home page so that it shows up the link properly on Facebook. Is there a way to add this?


    <meta property="og:url"                content=""; />
    <meta property="og:type"             content="website" />
    <meta property="og:title"              content="A Manifestation of Chaos: Entinction Event! | Obsidian Portal" />
    <meta property="og:description" content="A Pathfinder RPG Campaign set in the World of Greyhawk" />
    <meta property="og:image"          
     content=""; />

  • Leonidas300



    I cannot seem to get this Font to display correctly on any device other than my home system.

    Font - Greyhawk Gothic


    /* Font */ 
    @font-face {
      font-family: GreyhawkGothic;

    any advice?



  • ketherian

    As a GM, I use a tiddlywiki for content creation. The player information gets copied to my OP sites. As a player, when I'm journaling for another game, I tend to write in notepad++ and then rewrite it for posting to OP.

  • cgregory

    I'm testing out some ideas about getting an RSS feed working for my campaign. Right now I am seeing if I can get more than the 7 items listed in the current stream to show up. I should know in about 6 hours whether it works. My solution only polls every 6 hours, so it is possible if more than 7 updates happen in 6 hours it will miss some of the updates.

    The initial polling captured the 7 items as you can see.

    X-Com RSS Feed

    It all depends on whether the polling overwrites the initial data or appends to it. Here is hoping for appends.

    Looks like it overwrites rather than appending to 20 items. oh well
  • Jim_Mount
    Hi my name is Jim and this is our Pathfinder campaign, Age of Serpents!
    Though we are not looking for new players at the moment, we certainly appreciate visitors. I'm no graphic designer, but I'm really proud of how the image map turned out and the site styling in general. Also, I have a capital group of players who are having a ton of fun making their own legend in this highly customized version of the Serpen't Skull adventure path. Hope you enjoy the site!
    imageLanding PageWikiAdventure LogCharacters
    ItemsHouse RulesMaps

  • UselessTriviaMan
  • Tau_Cetacean
  • Lxcharon
  • UselessTriviaMan
    As for the shiny bits, I came up with a plan for two squat metal posts to be on opposite sides of each ring (see above). These would be both functional and game-related; they're handles for turning the rings, and in-game they're magical trap generators. I drilled holes, and added a bit of hardware I picked up from my local hardware store:
    I painted the caps metallic red and blue (red for fireball generators, blue for lightning generators).
    And here's what it looks like with the tower in place (note the case of minis to the side - those were all the available gladiators the players could choose from):
    Somewhere early in the process of dreaming up and making this beastie, I saw a video clip of "an industrial shredder": and I was impressed enough that I decided some very enthusiastic gnomish/dwarvish engineers built a monumental stone shredder under this arena. If anyone falls through a trap door in the floor they'd get turned into a cloud of fine red mist in mere seconds. Thus, the name. I swear, it had nothing at ALL to do with any Tarantino flicks or basketball venues. Honest.
    I made a simple black-and-gray pattern that kinda resembled the shredder cylinders and printed 'em out on 3x5 cards, then cut them to size to represent the pits. (I did discover though that the heavy amounts of ink on those cards made them curl up; next time I'll use heavier card stock.) I wanted the trap doors to be completely random, but in early playtests we decided to streamline things a bit by pre-rolling the random trap doors. (The little red and yellow numbers on the rings were added so the GM could count spaces more easily.)
    I found green glass gemstones at a local Hobby Lobby, and scooped 'em up to use as treasure chest "loot generators." (Gladiators that reach into a gem find two magic items, but they're only allowed to take one of them. The other stays in place, and a PC can't reach back into a gem until after someone else takes an item from that generator.) Rubber cement holds them in place.
    And finally, I used "Bendy Walls": to create the various walls throughout the arena, and again used rubber cement to temporarily glue them into place.
    Here's a few shots of the finished product, being played at XenoCon a couple of years ago (with hover text descriptions):
    ! players begin to gather. It's almost time!)!
    ! early-round shot of the action.)!
    ! this one, the GM -GrindMaster- is using The String™ to determine who gets blown up.)!
    ! gladiators vying for the top of the central tower.)!
    ! simulate the constant rotation of the floor rings, they were moved twice each combat round. Everybody helped. Except Dan. But he's just like that.)!
    "More photos here": "and here": if you want to see more...
    Also, note that the inner ring of wall actually has two layers - entries into the center would periodically get blocked, forcing players to find alternate routes or risk standing still...
    And that's the story of the house that UTM built. Next post, I'll go into the creation of 75 gladiator PCs, and how I wound up using over 2500 3x5 cards...
    I've now hosted this event twice a year at local conventions ("XenoCon": and "Gamicon": for the last three years. Players keep coming back for more, so I'm apparently doing something right... ;-)
  • ketherian
    On the Adventure logs page, Color is defined in:
    * .campaign-public-layout p and .main-content p as #232323
    * and body p as #767676;
    So, try adding following to your CSS:
    @.campaign-public-layout p,
    .main-content p,
    body {color:aliceblue;}@
    + whatever you did to make things transparent.
    This might miss something (like sidebar text, titles, ...), but should be a good start.
    As to tables, you could move the style information into your CSS so all tables get that style.
    @th, tr {background-color:transparent;}
    table {border:0px none transparent; text-align:auto; background-color:transparent;}@
    "Signs & Portends":
    "Textile help":
  • cgregory
    Well two pictronic fonts are being used on this site (at least as far as I can tell)
    @font-face {
    font-family: "op-generic";
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    src: url("/assets/op-generic-cd159f0ac534fbadd5940d6ec1091925.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("/assets/op-generic-1d1e42708d5228dba9d734243b6ce5af.woff") format("woff"), url("/assets/op-generic-f7a4cd9edfe1d3f373b1e04b79128f61.ttf") format("truetype"), url("/assets/op-generic-748a7a1a022ed6b60b5f51156cb24743.svg#op-generic") format("svg");
    and pictronic
    @font-face {
    font-family: "pictonic";
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    src: url("/assets/pictonic-75b4cc48379ce7de60e0c5bffa0ecc6e.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("/assets/pictonic-0c23804dd0ee6b5668608162a06175b8.ttf") format("truetype"), url("/assets/pictonic-dcd6f3d46c44a8e232896fb21eb24e5b.woff") format("woff"), url("/assets/pictonic-de67be5252eee95ebe7729ad739f1f9d.svg") format("svg");
    The .svg file contains the id for the icons. For example the pictronic font one for the calendar is e01a
    pictronic svg
    op-generic svg
    You'll likely need to view the page source code to read the svg files.
    .icon-calendar-empty:before {
    content: "";
    if you change that code in your css to e001 you get the feather icon instead (I changed the front page icon to a "feather on here": ). That site is still in planning so i don't mind leaving up there.
    .icon-calendar-empty:before {
    content: "";
    Like I said the number of icons in pictonic and op-generic are fairly limited, but you might find what you want.
    "Devils and Dilettantes":
    "Deus Ex Machina":
  • ChainsawXIV
    Since you're using opaque images, there's actually a super nice and easy way to do this using multiple background images:
    You'll want a handy class in your CSS:
    bc. .sidebar{
    background-repeat: no-repeat,no-repeat,repeat-y,repeat-y;
    background-position: top,bottom,left,right;
    padding:50px 20px 20px 20px;
    And then your content is as simple as:
    ParagraphParagraphParagraphParagraphParagraph hahahahaha haha haah ahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahaaah aaha aha aaah
    If you decide you want to use transparent borders that's a little more complex, but still doable. Let me know and I can set up an example.
  • Aurin777
    Thanks for the quick response!
    I did make the top and bottom pull across multiple rows, I had thought. Here's the code that I am using:
    table, th, td
    border:0px solid black;
    th, td
    ParagraphParagraphParagraphParagraphParagraph hahahahaha haha haah ahaha hahaha hahahaha hahaha hahaaah aaha aha aaah

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