Problem with the wiki-style links

edited September 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Hey, I'm a new user having some difficulties. I started my wiki section with a main page that lists the major sections I wanted to start working with. For the "Player's Guide" section, there were going to be setions such as "Races & Classes", "Skills & Feats", etc.

My problem is that for sections that have just one or two words without the "&" inbetween them, everything is cool: I put in the tags for a wiki-link (the "[[" and "]]"), and everything turns out fine for stuff like "Treasures" and "Magic Items". I get a link that prompts me to make a new wiki entry. When I click on the link, I can put stuff in and save it, and the link becomes an active page.

But any of the links I try to make with an "&" won't work. They make no new wiki link in red; they just give me the raw text of "[[Races & Classes]]". I tried using the raw code for it (&), but that gave the same thing. I can make a wiki page from scratch called "Races & Classes", but I can't link the damn thing back to the Main Page; when I hit the Link button on the right, it just spits in "[[Races & Classes | Races & Classes]]" and I still have the same problem, no wiki link.

Can someone help me? I've tried different formatting, but nothing seems to work. Should I just give up making it look the way I want and try something else?


  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,013

    I think you will have to use the word "and" instead of the symbol. (The symbol is used in the web coding.) I'm not very technical but I'm sure if you substitute the word for the symbol it should work.


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  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    After trying a few things, I think I've found a way to do what you want Eindrachen.

    First: create the wiki page Races & Classes (using the ampersand just like you want to)

    Second: instead of using the [[Races & Classes]] code to link to the page you created, use the following:

    Races & Classes

    That way it will look just like any other wiki link (blue and underlined), but it WILL include the ampersand.

    Hope that helps.
  • Eisfalken
    Posts: 2
    Thanks, sandman. I was hoping there was some trick to the wiki link, but I guess coding it for HTML will work in a pinch.

    If ChainsawXIV used something other than that HTML code to do it on his own wiki page (under The Setting, for "Geography & Politics"), I'd definitely like to know how he did it.

    At any rate, back to work on it...
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    If you follow it, you'll notice that my "Geography & Politics" link actually leads to a page called "game world", and the code is formatted "[[Game World|Geography & Politics]]" like your final example above. Ultimately, the ampersand is a special character, and will always be problematic when included in things like wiki page titles that are also part of URLs. OP's system could handle them a bit more gracefully, to be sure, but in the mean time I've found it easier to just name my pages with that in mind.
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