Campaign viewable by friends only?


  • naarok
    Posts: 2
    Is there a way of marking a campaign (or at least some of the wiki) as being only viewable by friends?

    We'd like to use Obsidian to record information about our campaign. But we would like some (or all) things to not be publicly viewable. Is there a way of marking some parts of the wiki as viewable only by friends?
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Currently no, and it's not planned anytime soon. Even when we do get around to it, it will probably be a global flag of entire campaign public vs private.

    Note: Sorry to be so blunt, but I prefer to be straight with people about these things.
  • naarok
    Posts: 2
    I appreciate the bluntness.

    Just for what it's worth, a global flag would be sufficient for our purposes.

    Great work so far on the site.

    Thanks for the response.
  • dungeoncrawlers
    Posts: 32
    Well, depending on how you're using the Wiki, and how secure you'd like to keep your data. I suppose you could share your DM account, and then use the DM Wiki for the information you'd like to keep private, and then only others with the account would have access to see the data. I could see this being useful; for example: if multiple DMs/GMs where working on a single campaign setting and wanted to collaborate. This probably isn't the solution you're looking for, but it would work.
  • wyrmul
    Posts: 36
    So just to clarify any thing I put in the Party Wiki, or anything in the descriptions that is not in the DM space is freely available to anyone browsing the site. Even if I only want it to be available to my players that I invite?
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. So just to clarify any thing I put in the Party Wiki, or anything in the descriptions that is not in the DM space is freely available to anyone browsing the site. Even if I only want it to be available to my players that I invite?

    Yep. Anything that isn't in the DM Wiki, in the secret information section on NPC profiles, or an NPC with the GM only tag is open to everyone. However, only you and people you invite to your campaign can edit or post on your campaign site. The rest of us can just read.
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