Hello Gamers

edited September 2010 in Player Lounge
Hi, I been lurking for a while as I fleshed out my game world to work well on the system i have chosen. Love the site so far and absolutely love the inspiration I get from reading others works on the site.
this site will really help manage my games as use the VTT fantasy grounds 2 to play. so it will allow me to centralize game information between players no matter where they are.
now i can only collect regular players i'd be ready to roll.

anyways it is great to be here and meet all of you.
game on!


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey there Saithan, welcome to the Portal! This is a great place, lots of helpful people so let us know if you have any questions regarding formatting your site. Also, once you get your site up and running, throw up a link and you'll be sure to receive helpful feedback.

  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    game on!... why does that phrase sound so freaking familiar..

    But welcome aboard.. and well that seems like a great idea if you desicive regular gamers as well, just shoving them all into one base world.. nice :D

    at least that's what it seemed like you said.. I sort of fail at guessing things sometimes..
  • saithan
    Posts: 9
    I really do not quite understand your comment Embirsiphone.

    my meaning is simple this is a campaign creation and portal site therefore want to
    1 create a campaign world.
    2 gather players you may like to play in that world.
    simple really.
    centralizing players means I use VTT virtual table top.
    in the past I have had players in different places all over. one may be in japan, one in California, i myself on the east coast. this site allows the campaign info to be here on the portal while the players can be all over.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Welcome to OP saithan. We're a little kooky here on the forum.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Jim's being modest. We're VERY kooky.

    Plus, I love the word "kooky" because it reminds me of "cookies" which I now wish I "had" because I am "hungry."

    Also, welcome!
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome Saithan!

    BTW: Duskreign, I was just eating a cookie.......weeeeeird.
  • saithan
    Posts: 9
    cookies yum!!!!
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    What I had meant was have one specific world you host all campaigns in, which would allow for character and player changes, witthout disrupting the story line of the campaign to much..
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited September 2010
    That there's kinda what I got going on with Wyrmshadow, Umami.
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • saithan
    Posts: 9 edited September 2010
    oh, that makes sense. it is how things are going at present.
    but while the players that come in enjoy a fast one shot adventure that progresses the story, as a GM it feels like a shame that not at least one small group is getting the full picture.
    so i wish to collect a regular group of people that wish to meet online weekly or bi-weekly and start their characters at a base 100point (I use Gurps 4th ed) and grow their characters while completing the campaign and then maybe seek out more adventures within that world.

    actually, you have a good idea the world is big enough to host a plethora of genres, with a little imagination crossovers can be fitted in for all types of play.
    I believe TSR did a similar thing way back with "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks" where they mixed world of Grey hawk and Gamma world.
    Post edited by saithan on
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