High Fantasy d20 online game looking for players

edited August 2010 in Player Lounge
Good afternoon,

I joined OP a couple of months ago, but never needed it until just recently. I found the core rulebook for the Wheel of Time RPG which is based on 3rd edition D&D rule set. The game is going to be played map tools from rptools.net and ventrillo for voice. We need between 2 and 4 more players and we can start up the campaign. If you are interested please visit the Wheel of Time RPG page here at OP (http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wot) or just send me a message.



  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    What exactly is ventrillo? Is it anything like skype then?

    And I wouldn't mind being able to play a campaign for once instead of DMing it..
  • DeadlandsDan
    Posts: 6
    Ventrilo (sorry I added an extra 'l') is a VoIP program. Here is the link http://www.ventrilo.com/index.php, it is free to use as long as you have connection to the server through a host(a person who pays a per monthly fee, which I do.) Send me a PM and I can walk you through Vent and talk about the campaign.

  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey there Dan and welcome to the Portal man!

    The _Wheel of Time_ series is largely responsible for initially turning me on to the world of fantasy so I've got a tender spot in my hear for it. Anyway I wanted to let you know that Kenurion, a resident member here, has created a "Compendium of PbP and Online Campaigns":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/compendium-of-pbp-on-line-campaigns. Since your are looking for more players, it might be a good idea to ask Kenurion to add your campaign to the list (I'm sure he'd be glad to do it). I'm not sure just how many people view this page but whenever people show up to the Portal forums looking for online games Kenurion usually posts a link to his compendium, so you might get a little bit more exposure. You might also try recruiting at "rpg.net":http://forum.rpg.net/ and other rpg sites as well. Happy hunting.

  • DeadlandsDan
    Posts: 6
    Thank you very much for your help!

  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    No problem Dan.
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