[Self Resolved]Adventure Log Sticky

edited August 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi there - I was just wondering how people have managed to get an Adventure Log to be "Stickied" and remain on top, regardless of how many new adventure logs have been posted. For Reference: http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/melekar/adventure-log

Not only is the campaign brilliant and inspiring, I can't figure out how the life of me it's gotten that top adventure post, unless -oh, I see... he's craftily edited the log posting to 5 years from now... Now that's class.


  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Haha, glad I could help! ;)

    That function to edit your post dates has been immensely useful, especially since one of my players just dumped like 10 journal entries on me. Makes it really easy to put them in the right order.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I envy! I wish one of my players would dump 10 journal entries on me - 45 sessions, and I've got bugger all for journals - I think, perhaps, two?
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    yeah, I'm two for three with players that are willing to contribute to the site and write adventure logs and such, so I'm pretty lucky. We're trying to get the third guy motivated, but he's just to busy to make the time.

    45 Sessions? Damn! I hope we make it that long in my game :)
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Lucky indeed! I've got two players - one who's actually interested in the wiki and at least provides feedback, and the other who is...well, not as invested, as the campaign has slowed a bit compared to how it started. I managed to keep session logs of every one of the sessions, to boot - I'm lucky that I at least have those in lieu of journals.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I hear you, guys. Believe me. I have, at present, seven active players in my Wyrmshadow game, and four actives in my Star Wars game. In the past, I have had eleven playing Wyrmshadow at once.

    Two people playing Wyrmshadow are devoted to the wiki, though neither feels confident enough to actually produce any major content, like adventure logs and the like. As an artist, I have a backlog of about thirty characters to draw. As the only one writing and placing stuff on my wikis, I have over 15 NPCs to add to my Wyrmshadow: War is Hell section, a new section devoted to the Weapons of Legend (of which there are eleven, and they all need both art and a brief accompanying write-up), and I have about 40 adventure logs to catch up on, just to break even on where we actually are in progress. Considering that there have been over 250, that doesn't seem too bad, but every week, I run two sessions, one of Wyrmshadow and one of Star Wars. If I write only two adventure logs a week by myself, I am just treading water and making no headway on the insurmountable menagerie of stuff I have to get up on the sites. Just to catch up to where I am now in the story for Wyrmshadow, if I managed to write one adventure log every two days like clockwork, devoting no time to drawing or anything else, it would take me until Thanksgiving to get up to speed.

    It doesn't help that when I write, I write big. I don't like to oversimplify something I think is profound. If a player says or does something I find extraordinary, I feel it is only appropriate to treat their words or deeds with respect, and thus my adventure logs are often over 20-30 typed pages in length each. Thus, if I ever do catch up, just on the 40 sessions I have yet to complete and get posted, I will have written between 800-1200 pages of text. That's Steven King numbers, and I am no Steven King. (God, I wish).

    Plus, I am very unhappy with my home page for Wyrmshadow. I am trying to figure out a way to draw attention to the newest things to be added to the site without taking away from the content that is already there. Actually, I am open to suggestions on the matter.

    I was honestly really down on the whole thing until I got some moral support from Arsheesh and JimTriche, and of course, a helpful dose of inspiration from Garaan.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Holy Adventure Logs, Batman! And I thought I had it tough, having to manually edit the HTML of all of my sessions - those are 15 pages on average, but they're more or less direct transcripts of the actual session, and I don't have to type - just edit so that they look nice on the wiki. And I'm only (give or take) 20 sessions short of being done with those uploads. Half the joy of it for me, is rereading the exploits of the party and coming up with dastardly ways of torturing them, and they love me for it. Not so much the torture, but because I remember things that they did/said ages ago - one of my players got put on trial, and he was really upset about it, but he stopped complaining and felt awed and wowed when I broke out the list of charges he was being tried for (To be fair, he deserved to be put away for life - I gave him a reasonably fair trial, and he would have walked, had he not started insulting the judge). A short prison sentence later, and he was equally wowed when I presented him with an official pardon with all of his character detail on it (That I hadn't asked him about for months). Sometimes, it's the little things that count, but in your case, Dusk, I think it might be the big summaries that count.

    I might not be the expert that JimTriche, Arsheesh and Garaan are, but I'll take a crack at trying to help you with your home page, if you'd like.

    With respect to your attempt to draw attention to the newest things to be added, there are a few ways to do it. - One, an idea taken from a forum, you can physically change the graphics (Say, have Link_Graphic_1a for old, and Link_Graphic_2b for things that contain new content), and change the HTML link every time something gets updated - but that's ridiculous, although it would look neat going from a black dragon to a red dragon for new content. Another, much simpler option would be to include a Change-log that you can hi-light the best of the best changes (without relying on the "X person updated Y wiki page of the recent updates). It also lets you hi-light the facts in any way you so choose, once you figure out how you want to do that.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I am absolutely not an expert lol! I just take the advice given and give what advice I can to others!
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Expert schmexpert! Your site currently beats the pants off mine - although I'm trying to change that! (I'm trying to figure out a genre-friendly way of veering away from Plain White Text... it's surprisingly difficult in a world full of all worlds. I'm quite envious of your Shadowrunny goodness. Makes me wish I had been able to play around in that universe, too.)
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Yeah I'm with Jim on this one. My HTML knowledge is minimal. What little I employ in my sites was largely borrowed from the real experts (like Chainsaw and Grunn).

    Duskreign, I am constantly amazed with how much work you are able to put into both of your sites. As one who is currently DM'ing two sites, I know all to well the amount of work that goes into crafting adventures quite apart from the upkeep of a campaign site. My hat is off to you. Likewise I am impressed that you do allot of your own artwork. I wish I could make more time to pursue this myself. I've been meaning to do a group portrait of my Age of Legends party for quite some time now. Thus far I've only gotten as far as creating a single rough sketch of "Mara":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/age-of-legends/characters/68505. However perhaps in a few months (once the grad-school application process is completed) I can purchase a Tablet and begin to do a bit more artwork.

  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Rase : Trying stuff here...

    First off, if you don't have the font for images, "Here's the Exocet font":http://diablo.svatopluk.com/download/exocet.stm

    Some other stuff that may be useful "here":http://mimir.net/files/

  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Oh, it was Arsheesh kept me from posting haha!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    That's pretty cool Jim!
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Fiddle farting around with the positions of the lines can make different effects too. "Neh?":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/the-gibson-institute/wikis/planescape2ndtest
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I like it! I'd have to fiddle with the colors (For some reason - it could be the hour I spent soldering just now - that black on green is painful). I wish I could put Exocet on this computer - thanks for digging it up! I love working with the Mimir, though. I've actually got plans to begin a rather extensive mapping project (hopefully, time permitting), today, which I'm excited about. I'm definitely going to try and use your mock up for the main page - I hope that's okay :)
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Do whatever you wish!

    Here's the code I used:


    Stuff here.....
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Also, save these images for use later if you need to:

    "Header without Text":http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad347/intothebreach_album/Planescape_head.png

    "Generic PScape background":http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad347/intothebreach_album/ps-bg.jpg
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I think I have decided what to do for my home page. I am taking what is currently my home page and migrating it to a "New to Wyrmshadow?" page, then making the home page a showcase for anything new or recent. Ideally, I would like to set up a two column layout, one about 230px wide on the left and the other taking the remaining 500px on the right. I would have all the main information on the right (center, including all the official Obsidian Portal stuff to the far right) column while the left column will be a showcase for several ongoing features.

    I want to have a rotating character spotlight, nation spotlight, artifact spotlight, and player of the month segment in there. I also am kicking around other ideas, for fun or nostalgia. One is "Remember that time..." where I reminisce about something funny or crazy that happened during a gaming session, either in- or out-of-context. Another is a personal wish list for things I would like for the game, followed by a funny rebuttal from one of my NPCs about how I should quit whining, because he or she needs (blank).

    Then, in the center, I will have the intro video, a brief explanation of how to navigate the site, and FINALLY an Acknowledgments and Dedications section.

    I also make a one-panel comic using shopped photos of the minis for our characters. I think I will have that appear at the bottom of the left column.

    Not that I'll ever have time to do any of that, nor that I have any idea how to implement it.

    On a separate note: Holy crap, that Planescape layout is sweet.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Haha, it's the same layout I use for my Shadowrun campaign, and what I've been doing on the Gibson institute. I think it was Gnunn, sandman and Arsheesh who gave me the code to use. Helpful it was. It's readable, easily adaptable as long as you have good images to use for whatever (same basic layout used on Gnorman for instance, with different color set and background image) I think they did me a huge service with that.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Hey Jim - just a quick question - the Planescape head is set on a transparent background, correct? Because I think I have an idea, if that's the case (If not, my idea will still work, it'll just take a bit longer to implement :) )

    Dusk - That's a good idea with the homepage. I've been tinkering with a two column layout, but it turns out, 50% wide doesn't exactly mean 50%, and 50% on one and 50% on the other means they stack, which is not desirable most times. I love the idea of a wish list, especially the NPC banter. Any idea how you might do the rotating character spotlight? Is there any way to make it actually random with the tools we have at the moment?
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Rase: Yeah it's just the box art with the background art deleted to transparency. The original is uploaded on my photobucket as a .png for you if you want it.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited August 2010
    Great question, Rase. Let's ask the audience, shall we? Because I don't have a Goshdarn clue. :(
    Post edited by JimTriche on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Jim - Vunderbar! Yeah, I have a curious little idea with that. Many kudos to you for kicking my butt into gear!

    Dusk - My kingdom for a C++ compiler or a random number generator to be compatible with this site. The site has a Dice roller, but I can't figure out how to activate it (I was looking through the source, and there's a Javascript dice roller in there.) All we need from there is a random number generator and an if statement and I could get what you want going. If d8 = 1, so and so, etc etc. But I don't know if the site allows for that :(
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Just click the little dice on the home bar.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Aha! A brilliant addition... now if Only we could design a script to access a random number, and then run a nested "if" statement, the rest of it would fall into place.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    If you guys are interested, I'm presently futzing around with Jim's original idea, to try and make it look more organic.


    Also, I've got the beginning of my mapping project underway! http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/planescape-campaign/wikis/sigil
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    The same suggestion that was given to me, use the third div tag to make the text more readable, puts it in a little box. Make it a dark green or something.

    If I may?

    "Something like this":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/the-gibson-institute/wikis/planescape2ndtest
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Hey Jim,

    I was actually in the middle of trying to use the third Div tag for something devious, but I can't figure out how to get a second image to overlay on the top of the background (Like it does for the banner graphic). I was trying to overlay a transparent box graphic, with enough transparency to show the background, but enough color to make the text readable, like the back of the old PS boxed set - I couldn't figure out the code to overlay an expanding series of transparent graphics (The same size as the original background tile). I think the capability is there, but I had to leave the computer I was working on, and I won't have time to attempt again until tomorrow.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Although i do like that green color you filled the box with :) I may end up going with that if I can't pull off my other idea.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I know it's possible, but I dunno how to do it.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I got it!! It's called z-indexing! I'm so rediculously excited! I got it to look (more or less) the way I want it to! The key is to set the background image as "z-index:1" to put it at the lowest level, and then put everything higher at "z-index:2" and above!

    If you're interested, here's the Code I used for the indexing:
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