Non-Video Documentation?

edited August 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Is there any "Getting Started" documentation which is NOT in video format? I read a hell of a lot faster than anyone can talk, and I can cut/paste/review written words much more easily than I can navigate in a video to find the 5 seconds where someone is blathering about the precise information I need. If talking were more useful for conveying information than writing, we would not have invented writing in the first place.

I have found the link to the FAQs (which seem useful), but I can't really start asking questions (frequent or otherwise) until I've begun to use the site, and the idea of sitting around while someone yammers at me on a video before I can do anything is really, really, off-putting.


  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    The video essentially just illustrates a few examples here and there, it's entirely optional. You want some reading material? "Check this thread out": -- Chainsaw covers a wide range of topics from various users in there.

    For the most part, it's simple enough to use, click edit, type what you want to be there, and click save. Some limited textile instructions are up on the editing page on the sidebar, and you can find more "here": .

    The site also allows a good amount of HTML tags.

    Ignore the videos if you want, they're optional and more of a general intro.
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