Table/background help

edited August 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi all!

I'm having some issues with HTML that refuses to behave.

I'm trying to get a "torn parchment" edge to overlay over a repeating background parchment pattern. I've noticed that in most cases, image borders are usually done as a table with the sides and corners as separate cells. I made something like this in Dreamweaver, and it seems to display properly, but after copying the text to the wiki's HTML editor, it doesn't work as expected.

This is the "wiki page": I've been testing it on.

I've already noticed that the background image attribute for tables doesn't work, so i've had to add it via a div tag. The html's included below. It should give a better idea of what it's SUPPOSED to look than the mess that is the wiki page. The white space in the border images is meant to cover the background of the div completely, with the transparent centre giving the parchment a torn appearance. But for that to work, the images would need to sit flush with one another.

So the main issues I'm having are:
Cell spacing seems remain, giving a border along the outside and between the cells. I've stated cellspacing="0" but the spacing refuses to go.
Secondly, since the "background" style doesn't work within tables, would anyone have any ideas on how I could get the horizontal and vertical borders to tile properly?

I would just use a single image as a background in a div, or for that matter a top, repeating middle, and bottom, but I would like to apply this basic template to other pages of various height and width.
This way seems a little more versatile, I think.
If anyone knows of any campaigns that got this to work, just a link would be more than enough to start me on the right track and would be much appreciated.

Thanks, everyone.

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  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    You'll need to use inline CSS (style="stuff") to get what you're looking for, as many of the parameters usualy used for tables are filtered out by the system. For what it's worth though, the content area on OP is always 730px wide, so unless you want to do partial width sections, you don't really need variable widths. Here are some CSS values you'll want to mess with:

    *background-image:* url('http://host/'); - _Sets the background you're looking to set in whatever element_
    *border-collapse:* collapse; - _Fixes the cell spacing issue you mentioned, since the default OP styles are what set that_

    You can also find ready to use examples of this "here":, and "here":
  • praxisnz
    Posts: 2
    Thanks for the help, Chainsaw, that's fixed it :D
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