A Noob approaches.

edited July 2010 in Player Lounge
Hi all:

After somehow managing never to be exposed to a DnD game for 37 years, I played my first DnD Encounters game this past Wednesday and I am hopelessly hooked. As someone with a family and a lousy geographic location in the US, I'm hoping to find some folks who can guide me into a game that takes advantage of the net (cam, online tools, etc) and is newbie friendly. Hoping there's a game out there! I'd love to meet on weekends if at all possible.

Looking forward to meeting you all.



  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Howdy and welcome! Here at the portal you have several options. There are several people here who run 4E, and some of those are PBEM or PBP games (on a forum or email, obviously) and I'm sure there are one or two that use net tools like Fantasy Grounds or something similar to support real time play over the net. But be sure to check out the map on OP's main page, just because you're in a out of the way place doesn't mean others aren't in your boat. In fact, my favorite two groups of players were here in Elmer, NJ, and the other in Bostwick, FL. If you have a local store (possibly where you played D&D encounters) ask to put up a bulletin, couldn't hurt.

    I'm getting ready for my own game right now or I'd search a bit and see if I could find a couple for you to look at, but I'll be here tomorrow, same bat time/channel, to see how you're doing.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hey, welcome to the forums and OP, unfortunately, only a small number of the DMs on OP frequent the forums, but there are there are two suggestions I have that might help you out. Hopefully one of the PBP DMs will see this and scoop you up, but in the event that waiting doesn't get the desired result try the following: One, take a look through the campaigns that are currently "looking for players." If it's a play by post game, chances are they'll have that listed on their front page. Another suggestion is to check out "ENworld.com":http://www.enworld.com/ it's a HUGE site for all kinds of role playing games, and you might be able to find something on there. But I don't want to steer you away from OP, just try ENworld as well. :)

    Glad to have a brand new player in the fold!
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    Welcome to the hobby and the Portal! I'm afraid I don't have any advice or help to offer that hasn't already been mentioned, but if you have any other questions about the site or gaming just post 'em up here. If not I, then someone here will be sure to know the answer.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Egad, 'tis a noob! Should I.... should I roll initiative?

    No, but seriously, welcome to Obsidian Portal. Avoid Duskreign. That guy's crazy. Besides that, I think everyone else has it all covered.

    But if you need any help, advice, or what have you, feel free to send me a message. And good luck finding a game that's right for you! Welcome to D&D, the best hobby in the world that only involves implied violence instead of the real thing (Unless you're into that sort of thing.)


    "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wyrmshadow
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome Teknophyl!
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Careful, Sandman! I hear Noobs have an infectious bite! Always present a noob with an offering of fresh meat before approaching too closely!
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    Hi, Teknophyl. Enjoy OP. It's good stuff.
  • kenurion
    Posts: 80

    Here's a D&D 4.0 on-line campaign. http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/sow_luruar
  • Teknophyl
    Posts: 8
    thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I truly appreciate it :)

    I've scoured a few sites that offer PBP play and while it's not ideal (I'm at work most of the day, and it would be perfect with Tapatalk functionality so I can play via my iPhone), it's better than nothing!
  • Teknophyl
    Posts: 8
    And kenurion - thanks for the link, looks very interesting but I'm also in US EST, so the timing won't work for me this time around.
  • kenurion
    Posts: 80
    I've been slowly building this list since there's no easy way to search for PbP or On-Line games on OP.

  • Teknophyl
    Posts: 8
    That's a great resource. Thanks for the link!
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    bq). Careful, Sandman! I hear Noobs have an infectious bite! Always present a noob with an offering of fresh meat before approaching too closely!

    I could always offer him your spleen, haha, don't think you'll miss it.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I said fresh meat, Sandman. Spleen is a spoiled brat...OWWW! I think I hurt my spleen!
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Welcome to OP, Teknophyl! A word of caution when assembling an Online group - if you get one, just one person, from the west coast, it can mean for many late nights of online play. Enjoyable, but difficult when you have work.
  • Teknophyl
    Posts: 8
    Yep. I found an online game that runs on the WC, but its a saturday and it starts reasonably early. Problem is I can't start until September :(
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