Duskreign seeks to win friends and influence people

edited July 2010 in Player Lounge
I have been a member of this community for a year and a half, now, and I just realized that I never properly introduced myself to this community. I am Mike Scott, aka Duskreign, because it sounds cool.

I am using Obsidian Portal for an ambitious purpose, and one that I am far from completing. I wish to create a complete guide to my campaign world, Wyrmshadow, including archives of every campaign that has taken place upon it's troubled lands and wave-torn shores. So far, I have done quite a bit of the skeletal work for bringing this goal to fruition, but I acknowledge that the mind is as weak as the soul is devoted. I'm trying, though, OPites.

I am also running a Star Wars campaign set in the KOTOR era, Heart of the Force. I'm using the D6 rules because, lucky me, I won a Facebook contest from Obsidian Portal and got the 2nd Edition Star Wars Roleplaying Game from West End Games.

I want to say something from the heart (and my spleen would also like to add something immediately thereafter):

I have met some incredible people here. Our common passion, even if it is just for a unique and fantastic form of personal diversion, has created a solid bond between us, all of us, that we are fortunate enough to share through this wonderful website. Obsidian Portal is more than a place to host information about your rpg campaign, though that's all it might have originally been intended to be. It is, for me and many others, a shrine to our glorious hobby. It's like Facebook for pen-and-paper gaming nerds like me, and like you. I want to thank, with all the sincerity and heartfelt gratitude my typing skills have to offer, the creators and staff of Obsidian Portal. You gave me a safe place to talk D&D with people without looking over my shoulder and seeing the other kids mocking us from across the lunchroom. Or was that just me that happened to?

Now, my spleen would like to say a few words:

What am I even for? Does he need me? Should he be eating a special diet or something, because this guy drinks way too much diet soda, and I bet I'm gonna pay for that somed...

Ok, thanks, spleen.

But I wasn't fin...

yes... yes you were.


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hi Mike! I greet your shameless grab for attention with a warm "how do you do" ;) Seriously though, glad you decided to introduce yourself. Your a cool guy and you've got some killer sites there. I look forward to seeing more of you, and your spleen, here at the forums. By the way, the name's Tad Davis, aka, Arsheesh, because it _doesn't_ sound cool!

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Arsheesh... It was fifty/fifty an ethnic thing or a "nobody else is gonna go with that" thing.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Also, I had some shame. I spent it all with this rebuttal, but there you go.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    A much better choice than losing friends and alienating people (a pretty funny movie, btw) Mike. A valiant goal to put your whole campaign up for everyone to see. I too am trying to do that with my Melekar Chronicles. But ever since i actually started the newest campaign, I haven't done much work on the backlogged stuff, and have been focusing on the new stuff (which makes sense, I suppose). Eventually I want to have everything completed and fleshed out, but I still have a ways to go. Also, nice to meet you, the name's Zach.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited July 2010
    Hail brave Duskreign!

    I also feel that this community is extraordinary, full of people willing to help, greet, or learn from.

    I live in Argentina so here the hole "without looking over my shoulder and seeing the other kids mocking us from across the lunchroom" doesn't apply too much. Don't get me wrong, RPGs (D&D in particular) are popular here too, but to be honest 1 out of 30 or 40 people will know what the hell I'm talking about when I say "Reflex save", "Action Point", "Dice" (well, maybe not "dice", but they probably just assume I'm talking about a d6). I have had my bad moments for being an RPGer though, but I can't say anyone ever mocked me really.

    Anyway, I just saw your Wyrmshadow campaign yesterday and I think it's great, I can tell you are putting your heart into it.

    As for your spleen, it will probably be the most suited to understand what a "Reflex save" is (physiology joke, haha).


    SANDMAN (not the Spiderman character; it's based on Neil Gaiman's comic: The Sandman, hence my user's image)
    Post edited by sandman on
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Ha! Hi there, Duskreign, my real name's Katie Simpson (the handle comes from the plethora of characters I've played over the years - I didn't want to play favorites by using one of their names as my handle here).

    When I first discovered Obsidian Portal (through a GMail sponsored link, if any of the PTB are keeping track), I immediately thought of my favorite GM, Andy (aka Florimel, which is how I usually reference him here). He's been running games for over 30 years and has compiled a pretty extensive universe, so I thought OP would be a great resource for him to archive his world notes online. For a while I was doing a lot of the data entry, and then he finally started to get the hang of using the site and now I just go in and do editing once in a while. So you're definitely not alone in wanting to create a _magnum opus_ here.
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    Sweet baby Jeebus, Dusk reign. That is a very ambitious undertaking, and one I solute you for. I remember coming across your site awhile ago and thinking, "My gods, this dude has a lot of time on his hands."

    As for your spleen, don't let that punk push you around. Stupid, useless organ...

    Welcome to the forums. With the amount of posts you've made in the last 24 hours, I'm assuming you're making up for lost time...
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    Howdy, Duskreign, pleasure to meet you. I can definitely hear you on wanting to create a complete record - my own weakness is an inability to confine myself to single world/genre/anything. I haven't come across your site yet, but I would definitely love to, as it sounds like you've put a lot into it. If someone were to post a link...

    I'd mention my real name, as it seems to have become the thing to do in this thread, but I prefer to remain mysterious.


    P.S. Am I the only one who kept hearing "I am Jack's bursting spleen," repeating through their head as they read that interjection?
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    "Here it is":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wyrmshadow

    Sandman, I got who your avatar was immediately. I love Gaiman (say that out loud, I dare you!)

    FemmeLegion, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been doing this for so long. I'm also quite interested in checking out Florimel's work.

    FrankSirmarco, don't get my spleen started. Unless... that's what you're supposed to do with it... (hopeless shrug). Also, yeah, having neglected this whole section for such a long time, I guess I just wanted to toss all my stuff everywhere and make myself at home, like an old school buddy showing up out of nowhere and kind of moving in uninvited.

    JonathonVolkmer, I used to have the exact same problem. I have an idea repository for different genres of games. I stick with Wyrmshadow because it is just fantasy and sci-fi and adventure and old-west and run-on-sentency enough to sate most of my thirsts for role playing variety.

    (sigh...) spleen says hey.
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114
    Wow....just wow. I mean, unholy cow. I think I have dreams in which I'm able to keep a single continuous story going through that much history. Looking forward to reading more.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I would say "Welcome" but you've been here a year longer than I have. IN SOVIET RUSSIA...

    Wait, Yakov Smirnoff jokes weren't even good when they were new...
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Yes, but like a good cheese, Yakov jokes are really old, bad milk.

    Yep, I've been on OP since the aught-nine. Huuuyup, yup, yup.. them was the goodol days. You youngsters wouldn't understand. Back then, we had to code html with a quill and ink and access the Internet from a phonograph.

    I honestly don't know why I never bothered much with the forums until now. I guess it was just the special feature that time forgot. Like my pride.
  • successwarrior
    Posts: 17
    Yes, it does seem like "Welcome" might be the wrong term for someone who has been here since the golden age of OP.

    And is it me or does OPites sound dangerously close to OPiates?

    Just for the record, I would listen to your spleen. Spleen's are important. If your appendix tries to chime in though, feel free to bitch slap that useless mooching bastard.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I hear you. Me introducing myself now is kind of like this:

    "You enter the princess's bedchamber, the scene of the murder, and the reason you and your mystic sleuth agency were dispatched to Reignton Falls. As you press open the thick elm-wood doors and feel the cool touch of the ornate brass door handles, a smell like old cardamom wafts into your nostrils, reminding you of exotic places far removed from Reignton. You see rare silks draped over an antique wicker armchair, a musty old book left open, turned spine-up, and placed on the small round table next to the chair. A spilled dinner plate and goblet of THERE'S A BUGBEAR BEHIND YOU."

    As for OPites... I don't know. OPers? OPians? OPishfolk? I guess I could call everyone here Fellow Obsidian Portal Subscribers, but who wants to be called a bunch of FOPS?

    Spleen and I aren't speaking at the moment. You see, he's an organ, and I'm back on my medication.

    Just kidding.

    I'm not back on my medication.
  • successwarrior
    Posts: 17
    Obsidian Portal Users? OPU or Oh Pooh!

    Oddly, one of my players was just recently commenting about my medication after I spent some time describing an event in the game that never actually happened except as a personal hallucination.

    I thought they all saw the same thing but apparently it was just me.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Perhaps your spleen was colluding with your appendix to place you into an altered state of awareness.
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