
edited July 2010 in Player Lounge
Hey All...
Names Joe. I've been gaming since I was 13 and dont intend to stop anytime soon... over the years I have been working on a new game system called Bionica... I live in Fenton Michigan and it has its ups and downs. Game wise I started out with Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition, I picked up the knack for being a Dungeon Master and still to this day love being a game master creating campaigns and the like... always liked telling a good story.

I'm looking to run A campaign in fenton michigan using the game I created, BIONICA, its setting is sci-fi / fantasy ... where magic is an explained phenomon seperated into two schools psionics and kinetics... all types of weapons are available from Mercurial Gunblades to Plasma Rifles to MAWs (Mechanized Assualt Weapons) the game mechanics are simple but I incorporate a d30 instead of the traditional d20.

I like OP but lack the technical know how to get the most out of it... so any tips would be appreciated...

If you have any other questions or comments be sure to drop me a message

With Gusto


  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Welcome to the Portal! As mentioned in response to your other post take a look at "ChainsawXIV's Helpful Tips and Tricks":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1114&page=1#Item_22 for ideas on how to improve upon your site, I learned a lot from it, and used some of the tools in my site design.

    Once you get going and get stuff about your game system, i'd love to take a look, I'm always interested in seeing new systems, and homebrew ones can sometimes be pretty fun (had a friend that designed one for mutants, sort of x-men style).

    Anyway, welcome again, and if you have any questions about anything in particular, feel free to ask, and everyone will be willing to help out.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Hey, Effusive, and welcome. I started playing D&D when I was 11, so I can relate. As for getting a lot out of Obsidian Portal, I can recommend the following:

    Look at the top rated campaigns and glean, glean, glean. I mean, check out how each campaign handles every individual section of their site. If you like the way one person handles their character profiles, you can either try to emulate it yourself or, even better, send that campaign's GM a message, asking him/her how it was done, and whether it would be cool to base your own approach on the way they handled it. I have taken a lot of cues from JimTriche and Arsheesh in building my Star Wars campaign site, for example.

    As for how to handle the code work, there are a lot of simple html codes and their explanations available right when you are editing a page on your site. There is a sentence above every editable section of every page. It reads:

    Textile formatting and some HTML is allowed. Just don't get fancy and you'll be OK.

    If you click the word Textile, that brings you to a list of textile codes and their uses. If you click on the word HTML, it brings you to html codes and their uses.

    Finally, if you run into a problem, send me a message and I'll try to help if I can. That's my final tip. Make the right friends!

    Welcome to Obsidian Portal!

    - Duskreign
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome Effusive, I won't give you more suggestions since the ones already provided by Arsheesh, Garaan and Duskreign sum up the best you can do to help build your campaign (ask other people, seek help in the forums, look at other campaigns for ideas).

    Wait, there IS one advice I can provide: if you are intrigued about the format of something specific (Textile or HTML I mean), always remember you can use "View Source" (from your internet explorer's menu) to see how it was done. It will help you more than once so keep it in mind.

    Anyway, welcome to Obsidian Portal!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I have nothing useful to say except that I'm a fan of Tom Smith and cannot help but think of FENTON THE DEATH SHEEP FROM HELL.
  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited July 2010
    Hello Joe.

    I'm going to ditto sandman on two things:

    1: gaaran and DuskReign have already pointed you towards the path that leads to having a cool site.

    2: View Source is a fantastic tool for figuring out how someone else did something better than you know how to.

    To that, I'll add that arsheesh pointed me towards using the GIMP (an image manipulation program) to spice up my site with custom images, text, and such-like. Allow me to pass on some helpful links:

    1. "The GIMP User Manual":http://registry.gimp.org/node/186 (really useful, because GIMP isn't entirely intuitive)
    2. "Cartographers Guild":http://forum.cartographersguild.com/index.php?referrerid=15127 (lots of handy tutorials for making maps, which can help you get better at making other things, too)
    3. "Layer Effects":http://registry.gimp.org/node/186 (a handy plug-in for altering text)

    Best of luck!

    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Oh, man, Cartographers Guild makes me so damn happy.
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