
edited July 2010 in Player Lounge
Hello all,

My name is Matt, new to OP, finding it both amazingly useful and hideously tedious. Bane and beauty of wiki, eh?

I live in SF with my wife, currently running a Star Wars campaign using Saga Edition. Enjoying tinkering with the site, but have only run one session of the campaign thus far. Looking forward to more after this weekend! I'm also a writer, chef and blogger if those things are of interest to anyone.

My blog is here: http://loquaciouscoyote.blogspot.com
My campaign is here: http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/the-ascendance

I'm open to advice on how to improve my campaign's wiki, from organization to formatting.



  • erwin
    Posts: 58
    Welcome to the portal Matt.

    Nice to see another bay area gamer hitting the forums.

    A good place to start for formatting/customization guides for campaign pages would be this "thread":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1114&page=1

    Best of luck!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hello Jackwhiscky, welcome to the Portal!

    I agree with Erwin, Chainsaw's Help's and Tips FAQ is a great resource. As far as other ideas for improving your wiki, that all depends upon what you intend to use the wiki for. If you are using it just as your own resource and do not intend it for public use, then presentation is not as important. However, if you intend your players and/or the OP community to see/use this site, you might think about giving some more thought to visual presentation, such as adding images and a campaign banner. Assuming the latter, I would suggest browsing some other good campaign sites just to get an idea of what can be done with the Portal. The first several pages of sites in the Campaign Tab of the Portal are all top notch examples. Also, since you are playing Saga edition Star Wars, you ought to check out Dyluth's "Dawn of Darkness":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/star-wars-dawn-of-darkness campaign site (its my personal favorite Star Wars site).

    As for organization, the most popular site organizational method I've seen used on the Portal is Grunn's "Site-Index Side Bar":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1109, which involves creating a site index that appears as a side bar on every wiki page. The method I use involves placing "navigation buttons":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/tales-of-darkmoon-vale/wikis/navigation-buttons at the bottom of the screen which link (1) back to the previous section, and (2) back to the main wiki page. I've made several button's graphics that are free to use, so if you see anything you like, feel free to use it. Well, I hope that helps and best of wishes in your new campaign!

  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome to the forums Jack!

    Arsheesh makes a good point about presentation, it all depends on how are you planning on using your campaign, man... I'm starting to sound like a broken machine, always saying "Arsheesh's right about this or that", but hey.. you are like an ever-present entity around here Arsheesh, and I usually see the threads after you've already posted.

    Anyway, the important thing is that we all help each other in the community, right? If you need anything Jack just ask in the forums, people will be glad to help you.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Welcome to you Jack. The other guys are right of course, but I find one of the easiest ways to spruce up your site is just a few relevant images here and there. Custom banners and icons are great, but you can get by with just header and bold text if creating that custom content is too time consuming (which is totally understandable, as most of us work on this as a 2nd hobby at best, the game itself coming first). There's no shortage of cool star wars art available online, and if you're simply using it for your own reference, I'm pretty sure a quick disclaimer is all you need. A cool image here and there really does the trick for me.
  • successwarrior
    Posts: 17
    Welcome Jack.

    My OP site is very basic at the moment and I really have no plans to change that. These other guys have mentioned great tips and someday I may incorporate some but for now, it's all about the information.

    Make it work for you and your players and all will be well.
  • EffusiveLight
    Posts: 2
    Names Joe, new to the Obsidian Portal... I run a campaign out of michigan (fenton) playing a game I developed over the last 13 years... called Bionica... I'm interested in incorporating OP into my campaign but some of the things I want to do I havent yet learned how to do.

    Anyhoots not too much else to say...

  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hi Joe, welcome to the Portal. You'll pick things up quick I'm sure. Just hang around the forums for a bit and ask questions and people will show you around. If you need help with HTML/Textile formatting, a good place to start is with Chainsaw's "Helps and Tips FAQ":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1114&page=1#Item_22. Other than that, have fun playing around with your new site.

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