Game Demos in the Santa Cruz, Ca. area...

edited June 2010 in General Discussion
I was looking for someplace on here that would tell me if this would be a prohibited topic (since it doesn't have anything to do with OP and isn't specifically related to roleplaying) but I couldn't find any forum rules area...

Anyway, my friend owns a game store in Scotts Valley and is running a Demo day this saturday, the 26th. It's mostly gonna be board games and CCGs (not gonna be demoing any RPGs since it would take too long but he does sell RPG books). If anyone in the Santa Cruz area is interested please PM me for more info.


  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Dang, I live in capitola. Sorry I didnt see this post earlyer or I would have showed.
    Theres only one game store I know of in Santa Cruz, and I've not heard of one in Scotts Valley. Where is it at exactly?
    Also, dose it have a bulletin Board for RPG players or something similar to help groups form?
  • Fluke
    Posts: 16
    It's in the King's Village Shopping Center in the same building as Nob Hill "Here": is the website. Unfortunately we don't have much of a roleplaying community any more as many of our regulars have moved away and some of them seem to have simply lost intrest in gaming, which is sad (not only for the hobbies but also the store). I'm hoping we can generate some interest in roleplaying (and other forms of gaming for that matter) in the area again! Please stop by sometime soon! I'm there quite often (I'm actually un-officially working there on certain days to give my friend some days off)
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