Textile Formatting


  • dungeoncrawlers
    Posts: 32
    Is it just me, or does it seem like the majority of the Textile Formatting is not working properly? I can't seem to get any of the quick block modifiers to work, additionally I cant float any of my images or tables. I'm trying to format my adventure log, and I'm not having much luck. Anyone feel like pushing me in the right direction? I've tried the documenation for Textile, but it seems most of the functions listed on the documentation (linked to from OP) don't work at all.
  • TroyAlford
    Posts: 33
    The Textile functionality on the site has some limitations, which I've been frustrated by, too. Part of this has to do with the parser being used... but here is the rule of thumb for updates:

    Your Textile markup must start in the FIRST character of the current line... so - "blah blah bq. test quote" will not yield a block quote - it will output "bq." in-line. If, however, you drop bq. onto the start of the next line, you will get the following output:

    bq. test quote

    The same is true for things like bulleted items, tables and so on, with one caveat: Tables are tricky.

    the table{}. markup line must appear on the line BEFORE the table itself, and then applies to the table itself. Row-level markup must start at the 1st character of the affected line, and have a space between the {}. and the first |. Cell-level markup must start at the 1st character inside the ||'s, and have a space following the . as well.

    I hope that helps at least a bit... if you are unfamiliar with HTML and the way a table is generated, I imagine the part about the tables will be pretty useless to you... but - the general rule holds true:

    Textile markup (for the moment) must:

    * Start at the first character of the line.
    * End with . then a space if you are using the {} format.

    If Micah ever gets back to me about assisting him with the coding (hint hint, Micah) I'll help him write a better text-parser, but until then - try to use what I wrote above.
  • dungeoncrawlers
    Posts: 32
    Thanks, I'm actually a web developer (oldschool notepad/VID6.0 Coder Here) so what you said does make sense; and this is my first time trying to format with Textile so its a tad offbeat for me. One major issue I'm having is with floating images, or even just aligning left. It appears when I align left using the Textile tag it tries to force a reference to the current directory rather than the URL provided. So, I attempted to float a table, but none of the CSS in-line formatting seemed to work. Essentially, I've figured out all I need to know except how to dynamically align text to image (such as image align right). Any clues? Also, I really appreciate your response. Thanks!
  • TroyAlford
    Posts: 33
    Sure :) Take my spaces out - if I actually create the tag without them, it will make the image, rather than displaying the code.

    ! {float:right;} http://www.obsidianportal.com/uploads/images/2712/TA-Logo.jpg !

    This, of course, doesn't want to work for me here in the forums - but, if you would like an example of a page on which it does, take a look at:

  • dungeoncrawlers
    Posts: 32
    Thanks! That's exactly what I needed. I appreciate your help, TroyAlford. :)
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