Citing 2E PHB for tables

edited May 2010 in General Archive
I am recreating some of the commonly used tables form the 2E players handbook on our wiki and I was curious if I need to cite the PHB in the page or not. Any thoughts?


  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    What I do is give a general acknowledgement to the company (ies) that developed the game system.

    Shadowrun was developed by FASA Games and is currently published by Catalyst Game LAbs under license from WizKids etc. Some material here has been used without permission.

    In your case, change Shadowrun to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (2nd Edition), change FASA Games to Tactical Studies Rules (or TSR) and Catalyst Game Labs to Wizards of the Coast and leave off the rest of the license stuff.

    The odds of you getting any flak for reprinting them is next to nil, since 4E uses almost no borrowed mechanics, but if you want a CYA clause in your home page that should do it. Wizards would issue you a C&D before they started anything legal, and legal costs money so they probably wouldn't bother with it past that unless you had so much traffic that it impeded book sales somehow.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I forgot to mention, that disclaimer is on the Home page of my wiki, not on the individual pages. I'm pretty sure that's sufficient if links elsewhere point to that page instead of direct pages with the info on them.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I might include the page references as well as what Jim suggested. Not so much for any legal reason (attributing the thing is polite, but doesn't change the original author's rights), but for simple ease of reference. A table will frequently require reference to the rules written near it in the original publication, and I often find it's handy to know right where to look to get the whole story.
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