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  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Many thanks for the kind remarks Nick, I would take you as a player in my campaign in an instant, but for the issue of geographical distance.
  • Grokkit
    Posts: 23 edited October 2010
    Insert shameless plug here: "Eberron: Return of the Lich Queen":

    Post edited by Grokkit on
  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Another wonderful little "character": I cooked up. This time its a tiny construct dragon that houses the consciousness of the awakened/intelligent airship. (functioning as the AI or the ship's computer and pilot)

    Hope you like the pick ^_^ Cheers!
  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Id also like to "show off" a couple of my Gods.
    "Silqelath": , a water based goddess and "Valejin": a death/undead based goddess

    I have 8 custom gods in all but these two are perhaps the most "flushed out"
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited March 2010
    Hey Nick, I like the way you've laid out the gods in your pantheon, and those pictures are beautiful (if perhaps a little anatomically exaggerated). I've been meaning to lay out the pantheon-like Angelic host of my campaign, and I might borrow a few tips from your work here when I finally get around to hashing these out.


    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    I know I've "showed off" once already, but I've added quite a bit of content to my wiki for _Flashing Blades_, "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_": - your comments on the work so far are most appreciated.
  • VegasDM
    Posts: 14 edited May 2010
    Here is my campaign to show off.

    "Shadows of the Dragon God":

    I try to crosslink as much stuff as I can for easy reference.

    I have not included maps because I don't like how the map interface works yet. I'll be putting up my own adventure map soon, so for now just know the party has made it from Suzail in Cormyr to Iriaebor in Elturgard (Forgotten Realms, 4E) and is continuing west.
    Post edited by VegasDM on
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483 edited May 2010
    "Shadowrun: Into the Breach":

    I have had much help by -cannibalizing- reading other campaigns and -stealing- getting ideas from them.
    Post edited by JimTriche on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Well, i suppose this is a good way to get some exposure :). My you can find both my campaign setting and current campaign at "":

    I didn't create any of the art, but I did put together the trailer on the main page, and the map is hand (well, digital hand anyway) crafted by me. Let me know what you think!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    In-between writing papers I have also been working on creating a regional map for my Tales of Darkmoon Vale campaign. It's still a work in progress, but you can find a link to the latest iteration of my map, "The Western Baronies": at the Cartographers Guild. I'd love to get feedback.

  • VegasDM
    Posts: 14
    Your map is looking good. I know I'm going to have to do some mapping at some point in my campaign. Fortunately my players are still in a part of Faerun that is pretty heavily mapped.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Thanks Vlarg. I like the layout of your site as well, though I haven't had a chance yet to go over it more thoroughly.
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    Arsheesh, that is a great map. Followed the progression on the Cartographer's Guild and I am definitely impressed, particularly with your forest techniques.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Coming from someone who is well versed in the art of making of maps, I take that as a high compliment Idabrius. This map has certainly been a work in progress. My goal was to try and branch out a little and come up with my own style for photo-realistic mapping. I wasn't too thrilled with the early versions of this map, but I kept at it and bit by bit, revision by revision, the map began to take shape. There is still allot of room for growth, but I can honestly say that I'm happy with the results so far (near the beginning I was close to scrapping the map and starting over afresh). Thanks for the feedback Idabrius.
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52 edited May 2010
    I'm always stunned by the photorealistic map school; my attempts have always been to replicate a representative style, something that might conceivably be available in the game world (though for the sake of playing one must do away with things like inconsistent or incorrect scale and distance), but after browsing through the evolution of that map there I was almost wishing you'd put up a tutorial of exactly how you accomplished those techniques.

    Truly, if I were to endeavor towards a photorealistic representation, I would take cues from your map of the Duchies.

    EDIT: Duchies, baronies, whoops!
    Post edited by Idabrius on
  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    "Shameless self-promotion":
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    More showing off, I decided to add a little "Official Dossier" section on the main page. Purely a fluff mechanic, but I think I had more fun making it in general than anything else.

    "Scroll Down":
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    So, I would like to show off a "low-tech initiative tracking system": I developed, which has done wonders for speeding up combat in my campaign. My players all like being able to see the initiative rotation because it allows them to more efficiently prep for their turn and to time quick bathroom breaks or trips to the kitchen without disrupting play. Most of the time, I don't even need to flip the sand timer. Instead, I just use it as a play marker.

    The biggest drawback to this system is that it takes some space to display all the cards, but my group currently plays on coffee tables for the most part and still manage to make it work.

    Also, I added a new element to the system last night, which is to place small stickies on a player's card to represent temporary effects (spell buffs, poison, physical effects etc.) I write the spell & or condition on the sticky, along with the round it will end and put it on the player's card. For area or other multi-person effects, I stick a big post-it at the top of the rotation list. There are still a couple rough spots, but I found it very useful for remembering things like to roll for ongoing acid damage or secondary poison damage. I'm pretty sure the temp stat tracker will become a permanent addition just like the initiative tracker.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey, that's a really simple, but effective system you've come up with Grunn. I might have to put that one to use. In my campaign there is one player in particular who tends to take too long to decide what to do in combat. He's a perpetual "dice shaker", meaning, that he shakes the dice in his hands for a long time-while trying to decide what to do-before actually rolling them. I try to encourage my players to roll attack and damage die simultaneously to speed up combat, but he often forgets, so one long extended die-shake-roll is often followed be another. I have been trying to think of a way to get him to focus a little more and this might be just the ticket!

  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Yeah, I definitely have the player who takes a long time to decide his move... and then also rolls each attack and damage die separately.

    A couple weeks ago in our other campaign, his he announced that his character was enraged by a group of enemies and that he was going to charge headlong into battle against the wishes of the rest of the group. He then proceeded to take FOREVER to try and plot the ideal path for his charge and which enemy he would attack. I mentioned that for someone who is charging headlong into battle in a blind rage, he sure was spending a lot of time plotting his move. Our DM finally flipped the timer on him to get him to "play or get off the pot"... the DM for that game is a more lenient than I am with turn-length issues. He was also using the timer, but not a card system.

    In my game the system has definitely helped curb the perfect move plotters.
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    I've added another wiki for a play-by-post game, "Cold Warriors":, for TSR's _Top Secret_ roleplaying game.

    I'm using the wiki to represent what the agents know as the game unfolds, so right now there's not much there, just briefing notes and a couple of dossiers. This will change as the agents begin digging . . .

    Anyone recognize the computer screen capture on the wiki home page?
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    "How about a nice game of chess?"
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited August 2010
    I just totally ripped Garaan the f#%^ off by creating and posting an intro video on my "Wyrmshadow Campaign Setting": page. This is me shamelessly flaunting my vicious larceny of Garaan's excellent idea!
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Very nice! I don't mind if people rip me off and then make a good product, and then give me credit for the idea ;).

    Thought the video was pretty top notch, and I've actually been meaning to re-do mine a little bit, so now you've inspired me to do so :). Thanks.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Speaking of ripping off, I'm totally copy-pasting huge chunks of old stuff into "TGI": right now, did you know you have to go through the Wayback Machine to find the CLUE Foundation files now? Putting them on the wiki in the interest of preservation. "The CLUEless Files":
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    That's not ripping off, Jim, it's archiving. I remember visiting a lot of fan sites during the early days of the Internet boom, when people still called it the Information Superhighway. They are gone, now. Every single one. If I had ever thought I wouldn't be able to access that stuff, I would have found a way to preserve it and post it myself, just as you're doing.

    Garaan, I can't wait to see what your new video is like. Let me know when it goes live, k? Also, thanks for the compliment on my vid. It is essentially patterned right off of yours. The only challenge was to get the slides and titles to transition during appropriate times during the music. I think given time, I could produce something even cooler.
  • balhaza
    Posts: 2
    Going through all the campaigns listed here and others on the site have been exceptionally inspiring and educational! I don't think there is a better way to learn and "cheat" around making a campaign site - except perhaps, if you happen upon ChainsawXIV's excellent "primer":

    I have to thank quite a lot of campaign sites for inspiring me to do up my campaign site - primarily "both": of "arsheesh's": "campaigns":, and "The Nemedian Chronicles": .

    So here's a shameless plug for my ongoing campaign, the "Shadows of Change":, a campaign set in D&D's Eberron with a little modification.

    Please bear with me as I am still working out an optimal solution to the locales page. I am quite tempted by the Interactive Map that's been employed by many GMs, but I somehow feel it a little lacking for my own campaign. It is indeed great to provide a map as I am trying to evoke the feeling of "Indiana Jone's red line tracing all over a worn map" as an essential part of my Eberron campaign.

    Cheers and kudos to all GMs on Obsidian Portal. It takes effort to GM, and even more effort to set up a campaign site!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Balhaza, your site layout is nothing short of top notch! I particularly like your Glossary. I had been toying around with doing something similar myself but seeing yours in action really inspires me to go ahead and design one of my own. Hang around the forums long enough and I'm sure that when others discover your site they will be equally impressed. Thanks for sharing and good luck with you campaign.

  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    There are some ridiculously talented people on this site. Great stuff, balhaza!

    Can't wait to check out the video, dusk. Unfortunately, work blocks all sorts of video-streaming, so I'm SOL until I get home.
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