A greater GM than I cometh...

edited December 2007 in Player Lounge


  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Greetings, all. My name here is FemmeLegion 'cause I didn't want to use my real name and I sure as heck didn't want to hear all of my characters bicker over which one got to be the username. =P I found this site via a suggested link in my GMail account.

    Anyway, I'm here in a sort of "Joan the Baptist" capacity. For about a year and a half now, I've been gaming under a GM who has been running games for over 30 years. One trademark feature of his campaigns is that all of his settings are part of the same universe, and it's very common for NPCs in one game to show up again in other game. PCs in ended storylines also occasionally make cameos in later games. I especially thought of this place as a great resource for him when he announced his plans to run a single campaign that takes place in several different settings at the same time (with each player having a different character for each setting).

    I gave him the URL, and he also thinks this is a neat place, but he's just a little computer-shy and SERIOUSLY intimidated by the idea of having to type out 30 years' worth of campaign information. So I've been noodling around on the site to get the feel for it so I can help him with it.

    Anyway, I'm sure I'll be posting more on the forums as he comes up with questions I can't bludgeon the site into answering for me. And I'm also very sure that once his cosmology is fit for public consumption, I will be back to tell you all about it.

    Best regards,
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Oh, I know what you mean. One of my DMs is my soon to be brother in law, and has a similar theme with his setting. Fortunately he's quite competent with computers, but I think he's still intimidated by the mountain of info. Well, anyway... Good luck with your DM, and I hope to hear about your campaigns in the future!
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I should probably put together a "best practices" document on how to get started using the site. Point #1 would be "don't try to do it all the first day"

    A lot of people have the same issue where they have a huge backlog and are overwhelmed by the idea of typing it all in. My answer is simple: don't. Start adding stuff a little at a time as you go forward, and fill in the background as necessary. Let the game be the driving force as to what needs to be added. Instead of adding your 1000s of NPCs at once, add them as you need to when you meet (or re-meet) them in-game.

    This makes the task of getting started much easier.

    Anyways, welcome! I hope your group enjoys the site.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Welcome to the site!

    bq. I especially thought of this place as a great resource for him when he announced his plans to run a single campaign that takes place in several different settings at the same time (with each player having a different character for each setting).

    Ooh, how avant-garde!

    bq. I gave him the URL, and he also thinks this is a neat place, but he’s just a little computer-shy and SERIOUSLY intimidated by the idea of having to type out 30 years’ worth of campaign information. So I’ve been noodling around on the site to get the feel for it so I can help him with it.

    To be fair, it is a daunting concept, but you don't really have to update everything that has ever happened to use the site. At any rate, enjoy yourself, and I'll look forward to seeing more.
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