Private info for PCs

edited April 2010 in Feature Requests
I decided to open a new topic instead of answering in the *How to request a feature* post because I think this could be interesting enough to deserve it's own thread.

*Zoberon* came up with the idea, so credits go to him. You can read it "here": if you like. I thought we could try giving it form in this post.

*What does it do?*

Basically, the idea is to have some way to let a player access more information than the _basic_ one, according to the level of knowledge each character has. The access could be not only in the wiki pages, but in the character's tab too, so that they can know more about certain NPCs, or have some private information on their own PC page.

*What does it look like?*

I think this could be implemented as an additional text box in the edit section, with a check-box for each character (just like the "E-mail notification" drop down), that would allow a GM the option to let certain players access that information or not.

When a player is able to access that info, they could even edit it. It would be kind of a "GM-Only" section made available, but for the PCs (it could even be called "PC-Only" or something like that). Sort of a middle ground between having a PC account and a GM-promoted account.

The reason I suggest it as a different text box (instead of just adding a drop down to the "GM-Only" text box) is because even in the the case of "Private PC Info" (another suggested name), the GM still need his own private section.

What do you guys think?


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Sounds like a fantastic idea to me! This could be a really useful feature.
  • wsocrates
    Posts: 18
    I love this idea. I would also like to suggest an addition to this. Allow for a only PC view button for the whole page. It would also make use of the check boxes to see what players get to see the page. The reason for this is for player only items or npcs or knowledge the player may not want the rest of the group to know. This way the GM and the player who needs to see it can.
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Ditto to the above. There are a few players in my group who almost ALWAYS have some sort of secret they want to keep from other players. The PC only section would be a great place to keep these musings, and have correspondence between the GM and player as to how to approach the information in-game in the future.
  • zoberon
    Posts: 4
    Hey Sandman, thanks for picking up the ball and running with it. I really hope to see this feature added to OP in some way and your expansion on the concept sounds great.
  • jemmasmum
    Posts: 33
    I love the idea of this feature, it really makes sense especially when it comes to certain players focusing some of their roleplay into developing relationships with NPC's that can give them knowledge about certain things that other players wouldnt get... Double thumbs up to Zoberon!!!
  • Monstah
    Posts: 7
    My opinion: the easiest way to do this would be to add a "player only" text box, similar to "GM only", but *only* in the *player character* pages. This way, you don't need to select which players can see it from a combo box, or something like that. Only the player *who owns that character* can use that info.

    It's a single space for information per player (or at least per character the player owns), but there's little fiddling to do and it's easier to use.
  • Dameon
    Posts: 3
    I have seen others post similar requests, but I figured that more requests might push it higher up the list of things to do. I believe that that subdividing the GM info box into disclosable and non-disclosable sections, similar to Monstah's idea of player only text, would be a great way to go about this. The disclosable section could then have player check boxes that would allow the disclosabel info to appear on their accounts but not others; it could then be done on a page by page level. Also the non-disclosable section would help keep some information from ever being accidentally released to a player.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    You replied to a *really* old post (over a year old) - this feature has already been included.

    It appears as a button that allows you to add separate text boxes, and you use check-boxes to determine who can see each text box. It appears on both wiki and character pages (and item ones, too, I believe - basically any place you used to have a GM Only box).
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