Is there a way to let player's edit the wiki?

edited February 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Is there a way to let player's edit the wiki? Basically, I want the players to be able to edit the public information on the wiki, while keeping the GM only information secret. It would be great if I could also approve all content edits by a player. Is this possible already?


  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    Yes, in fact, that is the primary concept around which the pages are built! :)

    Anything in a page in the GM-only section is exactly that. Any page that has the "Make Entire Page GM-Only" checked off will hide the whole page from players. Everything else, the players can edit just as the GM can.
  • Styrixa
    Posts: 3
    Excellent. Thanks!
  • VegasDM
    Posts: 14
    Yes, but there is a major flaw in this: what if the players enter incorrect information? there is no "revert to previous edit" functionality.

    Also, and this is a good feature request, what about the ability to make a page or a section of a page editable by GM only but visible to all? There is some information that i'd rather the players didn't edit.
  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    A solution to the "revert to previous edit" problem is to copy/paste the entire page into the GM only section... keeping it as a back up.
  • VegasDM
    Posts: 14
    That's a sloppy solution. If I decide to use the GM only area as intended, I don't want an old page edit in there mucking it up.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    A "revert to previous edit" button would be useful, I give you that.

    Since it's not available right now, the solution *DiceMasterNick* provides should work just fine if you are worried about your players messing with the codes your wrote. I also understand your concern about the GM Only section, so one additional solution could be:

    In the GM Only section write:
    * *First:* write the information you want to keep to yourself, as you would normally do in that section.
    * *Second:* add a horizontal rule, to separte the previous information from your "backup" information that will follow. Here's how to do it if: "Horizontal Rule":
    * *Third:* a copy/paste of the page visible to the players, as your backup.

    That should keep things tidy. It might be a lot of work if you've already written a lot of pages, but it's the only solution I can think of.

    You could always add a marker (or a simple written note) in the pages you don't want your players to edit, or just ask them not to.
  • onsilius
    Posts: 50
    Worried about losing content accidentally? Back it up by copy/pasting into a txt, html, or whatever file on your own computer. No, you're right. It's a pain, and the revert to previous version found in standard wikis would be superior.
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