Greetings fellow RPG'ers

edited January 2010 in Player Lounge

My name is Barad the Dwarf. I've been playing for a couple of years, but with a great gap between groups. I discovered RPG's at 21 years old. Some friends from my student fraternity told me about AD&D and wanted to start a new group. Me and my girlfriend (now my wife) jumped in and we all gradually learned the game. We played with this group for about 2 years. Since then we didn't really had a gaming group. After a couple of years I found some friends who wanted to give it a try. We used the 3.5 D&D editions (mixed with AD&D rules, but hey it worked). It was rather difficult to get this group together so we didn't play a lot and it all has stopped now.

A couple of years ago I met someone in my local bar who also played D&D and they we're still looking for some new partymembers. Me and my wife joined in and we've been playing for about 2 years I think. First we played AD&D with 3 DM's (including me) who all had their own campaigns. To play something else, I have started to play Call of Cthulhu since yesterday when I'm the DM.

I don't really know a lot about RPG's. I'm just learning and therefore I spend a lot of time on RPG geek to.

Well nice to get to know all of you.


  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    Good to meet you Barad. I hope you find the site as helpful as I have. :)

    If you're interested in learning more about RPGs in general, another site to visit that may suit your fancy is

    Feel free to ask any questions you may have, otherwise!
  • Bahne
    Posts: 11
    Greetings Master Dwarf,

    welcome to the wonderful world of magic and illusions ;)
    in my opinion, basically RPG's is all about stories and giving them a backdrop setting to work in, anything goes ... im even gonna go out on a limp and use a klich
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,014
    Greetings, Barad. I am sure you will find OP to be a brilliant tool for whatever your designs are.

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  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Welcome to the OP community Barad
  • wsocrates
    Posts: 18
    You have found a good place to be. I have found a lot of people on OP including my self that have years of gaming experience and all of them are eager to help. So if you ever have a question please ask.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Welcome aboard Barad the dwarf!
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome Barad!
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