Yggdrasil Saga

edited February 2010 in Campaign Submissions

This campaign is still in the making (aka not playing yet) so it may be a bit early to ask for a featured submission.
However, I am uploading a MASSIVE amount of content into my wiki, and there is much more to come.
In terms of art work I have only my banner and one map. Im not as good as some when it comes to formating and embedding artwork.
Im not a premium member ether... dose that count against me?

Anyway, Id appreciate any comments/suggestions/votes from my fellow players!



  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited March 2010
    I can tell you are putting a lot of work into your campaign. Here are some minor suggestions if you don't mind:

    * Gods: try giving the titles (Law - Chaos - True Dragons) a heading, right now they look like the rest of the links.

    * Characters: just a tip I figured out, if you give each character a 256 x 256 picture (maximun size it allows) all the names in the list will be lined up. If the picture is thiner, just paste it in a white 256 x 256 square and it will look the same way it did, but all the character names will be lined up.

    * Map: the same thing I said before for characters can be said for the map. If you resize the original map it will look weird, but if you paste it in a square the map will be shown correctly, and you don't have to worry about the square 'cause it will be white and that's not annoying. BTW: I see that you've already written about some location, try adding some markers to your map to let your players have an idea where each place is.

    Hope that helps. Keep up the good work.
    Post edited by sandman on
  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Thanks for the impute sandman =).
    I am working on a complex map thingy that will let viewers click directly on the map image to link to the wiki page concerning each location, but its tough.
    Id like to change up more than just the heading on the "gods" But im looking for the right font, in this case bigger just isnt enough ;)
    I didnt know about the 256x256 character image rule. Thanks for the tip!

  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    I know there's like a million font sites out there, but I've used this one a couple of times and it has nice fonts: "Fantasy Fonts":http://www.fantasyfonts.com/

    I'm intrigued about the complex map you mentioned... what's it about?
  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56 edited March 2010
    Thanks for the link. It can take quite a bit of searching to find a font that gives off the right expression.

    On the map: At this point it looks like a failure. You can see what Im working with on my wiki http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/yggdrasil-saga/wikis/khorvaire
    Below the map image is a list of all my current locations. Id like it to be so that the hyper-links to these locations were actualy impeded in the map image, allowing the veiwer to simply click on portions of the map inorder to jump to that location's wiki.

    Arsheesh has been helping me with this a lot. Here is a recent message he sent me:
    Hey Nick. So, I've tried a couple different methods out for attempting to make an interactive map, using the Eberron map on your site as a test case. The first map was a painstaking ordeal that yielded only mixed results, which you can view here:


    The problem I faced with this method is that while I could adjust the alignment of the "blank" interactive image linked to "Syrania" and "Kythri" from right to left, I could not adjust the height alignment; hence, this method is too imprecise. The other method I attempted uses HTML area map coding (check out this link: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_area_href.asp). Unfortunately, I don't think that Textile supports this kind of coding: see my attempt here:


    As a result, I'm stuck. I don't know if creating this interactive map is possible or not, but it is beyond my pay grade if it is.


    So you see things are pretty much at a stand still.
    Post edited by DiceMasterNick on
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Oh I see. I wanted to do something like when I began with my campaign, but to be honest what I know about CSS and HTML I learned using this site, so I don't think I'll be able to help you on this.

    I'll keep my eyes open if I find someone that knows how to do this.

  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Got the "map":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/yggdrasil-saga/wikis/khorvaire working.
    Soon it will be a three tir map =)
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Congratulations Nick, that is just absolutely awesome.


  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Congrats men, and just in time before starting the campaign right?

  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Indeed. We finish the last session of our current campaign this thursday, after word I will go over house rules and character creation one more time so that next thursday, Yggdrasil Saga can begin
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