"Family Tree"

edited January 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Okay, so I'm detailing some heraldry for several noble families and I'm wondering how best to format the family tree, so to speak. Rather than just listing each individual in a table and link to them seperatly along with text based relationship information, I'd like some sort of visual guide detailing who's who in relation to the noble house. Now, the simplest way to solve this challenge would be to just draw up a family tree, post the picture and provide the links to each member below, but I'm curious if anyone has a better suggestion?
I'm not terribly well versed in coding and I'm not sure what the Portal limitations are, it would of course be awesome if I could make some sort of interactive map, but I wouldn't know where to start. I also guess I could create a family tree image and then cut it up into seporate pictures and align them like a puzzle piece, but I'm sure there's a more sophisticated solution :)

So, any suggestions?


  • Tempest
    Posts: 25
    I need help of the same nature as I'm wanting to build a political power structure tree starting with the main leader at the top and working down... I've tried several ideas but with two forms of formatting (Textile and HTML) I've not found a style that works and looks even half way presentable.. Any ideas out there from the folks who seem to have mastered formatting?

    Thanks! You guys are awesome even without help!
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Hey, how about this as a low programming solution!?

    1. Create a tree using Power Point's flow chart shapes and upload it to Google Docs or alternately, just create it directly in Google Docs.

    2. Put a link in the tree that will take you back to your obsidian portal site and/or format the names in the tree as links that will go to their respective npc pages if you like.

    3. Create a link on your Obsidian Portal wiki that will send your players to the google doc.

    Bam! you have a makeshift family tree and the only programming you need to use is to create external links that will send you back and forth between the documents.

    I haven't used this technique with a family tree, but I did just use it to create a linked calendar of events for my campaign... Feel free to check it out as an example.

    "Campaign page with link":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/the-westerlands/wikis/the-adventure-so-far (Click "Calendar of Events" to navigate to the Google Doc)

    "Direct link to calendar":https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ApgBfncCduKOdG9wZ21FRjlucTVYSEVVaHpwWENCQmc&hl=en
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Thanks Gnunn, that's not a bad idea, though I'd welcome more suggestions.
  • Anubitz
    Posts: 4
    Why don't you try the freeware Diagram Designer. It allows the creation of flowcharts and such, and you can export them as .jpg, .gif, or .bmp as well as a few other formats.
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