Greetings from zee mountains!

edited December 2009 in Player Lounge
Hey everyone! I'm rather new to this site, but I'm loving how easy and wonderful it is to organization campaigns and create a fun webpage for campaign creativity! I've been playing 3.5 DnD since my sophomore year in college about 4 years ago, and have fallen in love with campaigning since. My favorite setting is Scion, just because I'm a modern fantasy enthusiast, but I'm also still loving 3.5. Right now I'm in a Scion campaign with my beloved character, Naia and also plan sometime mid-January to start my own Scion: Heroes campaign called After Dark. I'm just making teaser bits as of now, but it should prove to be fun!

Since I just moved, all my campaigns are done via online using the IC/OOC dual channel idea. My three guy friends are always doing the campaigns with me so we usually have a small group but we know our styles and our settings are pretty free flowing! Uh... I also like to draw, write, party and video game it up! I play WoW too. >.>;

*waves* Nice to meet everyone.


  • Taloff
    Posts: 14
    Welcome aboard. Looking forward to the "post-teaser" content phase of your campaign :).
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