Remove myself from player list?


  • lmyrick
    Posts: 3
    I'm listed on my profile page as playing in a campaign that went for two sessions and then died a year ago. I haven't been able to find a way to remove myself from the campaign list. Is there a way?
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    There is currently no way to remove yourself as a player once you have accepted an invitation. The GM can go to "Manage Members" from the campaign home page, then "Remove Player." So, either convince the GM to do that for you or convince OP that there is high demand for such an option for players.

    I must admit that I don't understand why you would want to remove yourself as a player. You should be proud of the work you did, even if it was only for two sessions.
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    _I must admit that I don’t understand why you would want to remove yourself as a player. You should be proud of the work you did, even if it was only for two sessions._

    Maybe you're not proud of it. Maybe you don't want to be associated with the campaign now. Maybe the campaign never actually went anywhere, and you just want it off your list of "Is a Player In..." because it clutters your profile up for no useful purpose. And maybe the GM isn't responding to requests that you be kicked out of the campaign.

    I would _love_ to be able to simply remove dead/never-got-off-the-ground campaigns from my profile, if for no other reason than clutter reduction, without being held hostage to a non-responsive GM who lost interest and isn't responding to emails.

    Elsewhere on these forums, someone else asked how to do this, because even creating another OP account didn't eliminate the campaign-forum messages from being emailed to him for the prior account. Perhaps he managed to get the GM to listen, eventually, but perhaps not. Not being a programming sort, I don't know how difficult it would be to add the capability, but I enthusiastically support adding the option for a player to unilaterally withdraw from a campaign.
  • Runnetib
    Posts: 5
    Another reason could be for those non-ascendant members who have a max of 2 campaigns and would like to join something that is going somewhere, but are unable to.
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    This is a really interesting topic, and one that I think the devs should be aware of. I'll let them know and see if I can't get an ETA on allowing players to delete or leave games.

    *EDIT:* After speaking with the devs, the 2 campaign limit only exists for DMs, not for players. Hurray!
  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    After speaking with the devs, the 2 campaign limit only exists for DMs, not for players. Hurray!

    That's great, but doesn't address the original question -- why can't players be given the option to remove themselves from campaigns?
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