A question of Dice....

edited November 2009 in General Discussion


  • Tempest
    Posts: 25
    Ok, hope everyone reads and responds here, you will be helping me gather info on gamers at large for this....

    When it comes to gaming....

    Do you like options in dice and dice systems?

    Whats your favorite die?

    Do you like custom dice (not worrying about buying or not right now, just the idea of a game run on custom dice)?

    Would the above question be a yes if currently a no if the dice came with the base book or with select books from the system?

    And last but not least...

    If the dice were custom, designed to be used in and out of game (as dice and as a prop in game as well) would you use the in game prop if it applied to what you were doing, or would you just say you were doing whatever and move on?

    --- thank you to anyone who answers these, we are gathering this data from several places and want to give anyone and everyone a chance to put their input in.

  • Tempest
    Posts: 25
    Gonna give this a little bump, was hoping to hear back from folks around OP. Thank you in advance for anyone who takes a few moments to answer.

  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Sorry, I've been away from the forums for quite a while now.

    I would be very skittish about a game that depended on custom dice, because it would either require me to invest in enough dice to share, or convince other people to do so. My crowd, at least, is quite used to having to share one book across several people for character generation purposes, so it'd be easier to sell me on a single book than a single set of dice. =)

    Custom dice as an in-game prop would probably end up going on a gift/wish list. They'd be cool, and if I got some I'd probably want to show them off once or twice, but not necessary.

    I don't know what you mean by "options in dice systems" - the image I get from this phrase is that you create a setting, a world, and then figure out how its power in a d20 system translates to the 3d6 system of HERO/Champions, or to the d10 system of White Wolf. With the increased presence of on-demand publishing, it may now be more feasible to offer to do that work for your customer base, e.g. offering a d20 version and a d10 version. If this isn't even remotely what you were talking about, I apologize to the extent it's not useful in some other way. =)
  • Tempest
    Posts: 25
    Good feedback on the dice front there Femmelegion.

    As to the options of systems -
    Deliria for example offered a version of the system done in Dice, and a version done in Cards from a standard playing deck minus a couple cards.

    Deadlands is offered in their personal dice system and D20 as is Fading Suns.

    Some systems offer a "Level of Engagement" such as a low power, mid power, and high power game with adjustments to character creation based on power level.

    These are things that I'm looking for feedback on, as a player, do you like or dislike the following ideas:

    1. Various levels of power for a game?

    2. Various Game Systems, such as:
    - A D10 Version, D20 Version
    - Dice vs Cards or other method of randomness
    - A system for having or not having magic in the world setting
    - Getting Permission from other companies to release the setting in their dice systems
    - Or other ideas for adjustment to a game

    What I am looking to find out is what the gaming community at large is looking for in terms of gaming systems.. we want to release something that folks will take a hold of and run with.. or are excited to use as a system, but we need to hear from gamers what they do and don't like in a system.. I will be the first to say we will not be able to put everything everyone says in, but it helps to make sure we're not making something of just personal interest to get feedback from the community at large.

    Sorry I wasn't very clear on my questions, but I'm basically looking to start a chat with everyone about gaming systems and dice while we are developing so that I have some basis outside my team for things gamers want.

    Sorry if I sound a bit off or gruff today, been a rough day on my end, but I wanted to respond the moment I found someone had spoken on the subjects here, thanks again to anyone and everyone who speaks on or reads what we're doing here.

  • Triggerhappy938
    Posts: 6
    My favorite die is the D12, I just wish more systems would employ it.
  • Tempest
    Posts: 25
    Funny you should say that, ours is so far looking to be based on 2d12 but there is a very good in game reason for it. You'll have to wait for a bit to find out the secret!
  • Triggerhappy938
    Posts: 6
    You are my hero.
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