miniature shoppin'! (and etc.)


  • cowboyhugbees
    Posts: 3
    hi everyone

    i am brand new to this whole "table gaming" craziness and had a few questions.

    1) i'm planning on creating a new campaign, and was looking for a site that sells UNPAINTED models that can INTERCHANGE WEAPONS. help?

    2) can you use the D&D Dungeon Master's guide as a tutorial in making a new game irregardless of style? i'm thinking of designing a steampunk-y kind of world, but using D&D rules. is that a good resource? any other ideas for resources?

    thanks for the time. peace!

  • Kabniel
    Posts: 6
    Unpainted and interchangeable weapons? As in you want to paint everything yourself? Games Workshop, Reaper, Privateer press, scibor miniatures, the plethora of companies that sell through

    for interchangeable weapons, really the only thing I can suggest is using plastic models and convert them to have magnetized weapons. has some magnets that can get tiny and strong enough to hold think elf arms/swaps. And bigger ones for bigger projects.

    There are various resources around for how to strip a system. I'm not too up and up on that front though. For inspiration you might want to look at Iron Kingdom's from Privateer Press. They setup their own universe which has steampunk elements and uses the d20 system. I've never played IK, so I don't know how much you could pull. Maybe take a look at Deadlands as well. ?
  • DeaconFrost
    Posts: 3
    I would say for making your own system and keeping it wth some D&D rules you already have a tool for that. The basic d20 system is great for that. well, 3.x is. If you look at D20 modern and Star Wars you can see how you can use those as examples on making your own world and using the stat blocks and mechanics for a new system. To me its like they have done most of the work for you that way.
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