Hidden items/characters still listed

edited November 2009 in Bug Reports


  • Mechafishy
    Posts: 3
    hello. i had just entered in a whole bunch of characters for a campaign im trying to put together. i was thinking I'd keep them hidden till the party runs into them in game. but i have come across a problem. while I'm the only one who can get to their page proper (stat blocks, description, what so...) they are still all listed in my profile! granted if you click on one of them it goes straight to a 403 page. but there are things that I'd like to keep hidden
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Hey Mechafishy,

    Can you link us to your campaign?
  • Mechafishy
    Posts: 3
    of course

    if i'm correct in how the site is supposed to work there should be 1 visible npc.

    ive also been poking about the forums some more. i found that this issue has been brought up in the "feature requests" board. i apologize for the repost.
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Reposts are ok, don't worry about it :) So I do see there is one NPC in the NPC tracker, poor ol' Necro Larry. I also see that you updated the private NPC Ike the Pigsticker in the Latest Update side bar there. Is that what you meant by 'they are all still listed in my profile!'? That is hardly ideal, eh? I'll talk with the devs and see what can be done. They are busy as beavers though, so no promises on a quick fix. Until we have a resolution, what about using fake names for those npcs and then changing the name when the information is available to the players? Like HIDDEN_NPC_1 or the like. Adds some intrigue, don'tcha think?

    Good Gaming,
  • Mechafishy
    Posts: 3
    yep. renaming em for now is the plan. thanks for looking into it.
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