Request editable character sheets

edited November 2009 in Feature Requests


  • Iago
    Posts: 1
    It would be cool when you chose the game system for a particular campaign, the npc/pc section had editable character sheets for that system instead of having to type out everything over and over again.

    Also, is there a way to link to an npc's name to his sheet or do I have to create a separate bio page?
  • MichaelTrevino
    Posts: 2 edited February 2010
    I too would like a Character Sheet Option but more in lines of a file up load. I have a specific character sheet I would like to use, namely the Neceros PFRPG Character sheet(fillable). It is a pdf and would be handy to have as it is easy to update for the player and easy to review for me and surely there are similar versions for other game systems. This would make the sheets Lago desires availible but allows for flexibility in the specific sheet being used.
    I like the Crunch section of the Character page, it is a great step towards making stats available. But it is too cumbersome, especially for those players that don't have time, nor patience, to be learning code. I know the PC does not need to know code to input info, but then it becomes a chore for readers because of the lack of standardization.
    Despite what I have said that is negative, this is a great site and what it offers is unique and needed.
    Post edited by MichaelTrevino on
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    This kind of thing would be great, and in fact that's the inspiration behind tools like "the one I made": for 4th Ed, but creating a fill in the blanks, code driven sheet for a system takes a fare amount of work, and there are dozens and dozens of systems supported by the site. That would be time taken from the development of features that support every game on here, rather than just a subset of them. I can't fault them for making that call.
  • MichaelTrevino
    Posts: 2
    Yeah. like that sheet, but I was speaking more about us being able to upload and download those fillable character sheets. They don't need to create and maintain the sheets. The various communities do that. I'm sure just about every system has one or someone is working on it. We just upload for example, a pdf, and it is available for the player,DM and those that may need it, to download through the portal.
    I'm sure the ability to do this is there but it's the amount of storage space needed would jump up alot.
    Meh just an idea.
    Thanks for the input Chainsaw
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    If you're just looking for a way to host downloadable character sheets, I've heard Google Docs now allows you to upload and share documents without altering them to the Google format. You could host your files over there and simply include links in your OP wiki so your players can download their sheets when needed. The biggest issue is if you also want to be able to view the sheet online.
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50
    For the systems it supports, "Hero Lab": outputs Plain Text, HTML or BBCode stat blocks. I use the HTML blocks to good effect.
  • FailRogue
    Posts: 2
    I also think this is a great idea, I'm a web developer, so I'm more than happy to write out a character sheet template all in code, but most of the people I play with aren't comfortable mucking around with all those tags, having a system for players to just fill out a form to edit their sheet would be awesome. Start with the popular games first, and develop from there. Once you've got the system in place, doing different versions should be easier.
  • Tuathal
    Posts: 3
    Another solution would be to make a template that is user fillable with html forms and then have an "export" button the user could push that made a wiki code version they could cut and paste.
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