From london to your eyes.

edited November 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Prberts
    Posts: 1
    Couldn't think of an original title, so your stuck with that.

    I'm a gamer whose recently moved to London (UK) and is trying to get involved in as much RPing as possible. I'm alredy in two games (DnD 3.5 and CoC) but I'm looking to run my own game.

    The games I play in are run and populated my mostly older members of the community (from my perspective as I'm only 19.) and really hoping (with posts like this one) to find other studenty types in London who are looking to game.

    My preffered style of game is one with a serious story, rife with dark story, but allows for players to have fun outside the game. Setting and story serious, game light hearted and fun.

    As a quick note, I might be missing it, but does OP have a function for finding gamers by their locale?
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