Close GM Only NPC backdoor

edited October 2009 in Feature Requests


  • Saintv812
    Posts: 1
    A player in my campaign told me about this one. I created an NPC and marked it "GM Only" before the NPC made an appearance in my game. I fleshed him out ahead of time so that when the time came, I could just uncheck "GM Only" and the new NPC would be there all done

    The NPC did not show up on the NPC tracker for my game, but it did show up on my profile and on the player's, who is a friend of mine, friend activity feed. And what was worse, the player was able to click on the name, view the page and read about things that had not yet come up in game.

    The player was good about it, he realised what had happened and told me about it. But I think this is a rather large backdoor and a severe annoyance. I now have to make the NPC "GM Only", uncheck Public, uncheck Visible. And even then the name still appears on my profile.

    I checked and did not see anyone else requesting this, if someone has I apologize for reposting. I think that the same internal logic that applies in the campaign should also apply on our profiles. If something is marked "GM Only" it should not appear on the list for anybody else. For my game it has only come up concerning NPCs but anything else marked "GM Only" should function the same way.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    We've got a lot of updates coming for characters that should fix this problem. It may be a couple weeks, but this is high on our list.

    Thanks for the report!
  • Acetaminophen
    Posts: 20
    In the meantime, I would suggest putting everything in the "GM Only" part of the page. That way even if they accidently see the page, that section should still be parsed out. That way you only have to cut it from one section and enter it to the "right" section before checking the box.

    That should help with those catostrophic release of campaign info. :)

    I have the same concern about seeing the names & tags of things I'd rather not the players to know. Especially when it comes to NPCs like you describe - then my players may change their decisions when they hear new names... "Oh, he's on OP now, so we better talk to him!" I try to limit the meta-gaming, too.
  • proemial
    Posts: 1
    I agree. Though I've been using this against my players by creating pages/npcs that they can see but have nothing to do with my game
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