Longest Ongoing Campaign

edited March 2021 in General Discussion

Hey, I realized today that I got the 10 year badge. It's been really crazy in many ways to think I've been on here for so long. Anyways, I was looking at the page I have and was wondering, what are the longest ongoing games on Obsidian Portal and if anyone would be interesting in sharing. Mine is on almost 10 years, but I'm wondering about any longer ones that are still player, I'm sure there has to be some that started before joining Obsidian Portal. 

We still play, pretty regularly. Many players have come and gone, but I'm still running it. Most of the players come back for a few sessions a year usually online, but sometimes in person. We play anywhere now from once a month to a every other week. We've taken this group (the fan count is nearly all former players) and turned it into a miniature sort of convention that we've been holding for the last couple years where people come from all over to come and play a weekend of games, which always starts off with a game of Marvel Superheroes.

One of the cool things at running the game at this point has been some of the spinoff games that former players have started of their own that got then reincorporated into the main game. The hardest part, on Obsidian Portal, has definitely been keep anything on the many pages up to date. I'll share the link if anyone is interested. I'll warn you now, the page isn't that amazing aside from the amount of content. Marvel Superheroes | Obsidian Portal

As an aside, this isn't actually the longest played game I've run. We started a D&D game back in 2006 and it's still ongoing though on hiatus. But that's happened to that game a few times and we've always started it back. Most of my games go for a few years it seems and I usually run them to their end. We put D&D on hiatus to play a weekly-ish Pendragon game for the last two years. Getting into the mid 530s!

Anyways, long story short, I'd be interested in seeing your longest running and oldest games! I tried to search it in the campaign menu, but it doesn't work that way.

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  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Bravo on such a long-running campaign. You've got my longest game beat considerably.

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • gastoff
    Posts: 136

    I started D&D during my freshman year of high school back in 2001. One of my teachers got in to gaming under 2nd edition back in college and hadn't gamed in years after he had graduated. He wanted to start up a 3.0 campaign that picked up where his old campaign left off. A handful of us students were misfits and dorks and needed a way to socialize, so he started up a gaming group as an after school thing.

    We played almost every week all through high school, and I still game with them today. Same campaign, but different characters along the way. I've taken two different characters from 1st level through 24th level and retired them. They are both now recurring NPCs on opposite ends of the political power struggle and working against one another. Our current group has taken up the mantle where our old PCs left off (around 50 years later in the timeline) and we are all just now starting to see how all the pieces are fitting together from decades ago.


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    My longest was A God...Rebuilt which lasted over 6 1/2 years.... but we finished at the end of 2017.  Very impressive to get past the 10 year mark!

    Just trying to help out.

  • username
    Posts: 9

    Kallak and Gaming Megaverse, I've seen both of your campaigns on here before. The Obsidian Portal pages are pretty cool. It seems like you both regularly paly your games to their conclusion, right? How long do they usually go? Marvel has been a special one for us since like the comic books, there's really no conclusion. It just keeps going. 

    gastoff, that's great! I've never actually had a D&D game make it from level 1-20 which is still a gaming goal for me! Is your old teacher still the DM? Or did one of the group takeover the role? Going on 20 years is impressive! Hopefully we're still going in another 10. Are you all still playing 3.0? As a player, I've never played in a regular game that last over a year, so, to me making it to level 24 is pretty impressive. 

  • gastoff
    Posts: 136


    Same DM all these years; he is one of the best story tellers I've ever known. Supernatural DM. We are all still close friends even though we now live in different states. We game every other week and he hosts the campaign at his house for those that still live in his area and the rest of us join in through roll20 and Discord.

    We migrated to 3.5 when that was launched and have stuck with that over the years. I migrated to Pathfinder for the campaigns that I run. Our DM has kept up with all the PF content though and will often borrow content from the adventure paths to incorporate into his Greyhawk world.


  • username
    Posts: 9


    Super cool. Thanks for sharing. It blows me away all of the ways people are able to keep their groups together.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,011

    Good going!  I started out with "Shimring", which ran for about 5 or 6 years.  My current campaign, "Mysteria" has been going for about 7 years.



    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • HumAnnoyd
    Posts: 300

    My Dresden Files game has been going for over 11 years now.  We started it with the original DFRPG and migrated it over to DFA when that came out in 2017.  But it is in many ways the same campaign although only one of the PCs made the transition between the two versions. Both can be seen in my sig below.

    November 2012 CotM:  Dresden Files RPG: The Emerald City

    June 2016 CotM:  Star Wars: Rise of the Infinite Empire

    JUNE 2020 CotM & 2020 CotY:  Mass Effect Accelerated

    FEBRUARY 2022 CotM & 2022 CotY: Dresden Files Accelerated:  Emerald City-Requiem 

    Current Campaigns:  Traveller Osmium Buccaneers: Pirates of Drinax, Cyberpunk 2077 Accelerated

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    My group tends to prefer campaigns of 6-18 months Real time. Then again, we meet weekly, exclusing the rare occasion to cancel.

    However, the 2nd edition AD&D campaign that began the group, many, MANY moons ago, ran for almost 3 years

  • gastoff
    Posts: 136

    @thaen @kallak

    Spam on this thread.


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090

    Got him!

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Frak_Lou_Elmo
    Posts: 174

    My current Gaxim Plague campaign just passed the 1 year mark and it's the longest I have run as a DM. I think the longest I played in was just under 2 years, but that was in my uni days. Ironically, covid has allowed for (online) gametime that previously could not be found.

    after a year the players have gone from level 1 to level 7, with about 2 sessions per month. I do have the campaign written out to beyond level 20 (I found some 20+homebrew rules to get them into demigod playing) so if this pace keeps we should have a game that runs to completion in 3 years or so. 

    twitter: @Frak_Lou_Elmo

  • Dungeon_Master_Loki
    Posts: 358

    It all depends on how you count it. I've been on Obsidian Portal since 2008, and the game I started using it for is still running (The Spelljoined, CotY 2011), so that is 13 years. 

    All of my games are interlocking and generational going back to the AD&D days, so technically the MetaCampaign started in late 1979/early 1980, which would be 41 years. 

    The Metacampaign is made up of individual campaigns that take place within a shared multiverse. These groups often crossover with each other and many are made up of the children or descendents of the PCs in the prior campaigns. I've been piecing together the dates and other details from my surviving notes, if you're curious the details are here.Each individual sub campaign usually runs 3-5 years of real time. 


    Game Designer, Pro GM, multiple ENnie Award winner

    GM of Planejammer: The Spelljoined (Pathfinder 1e) Campaign of the Year 2011 and still going strong!

    GM of The Planewalker's Guild (Pathfinder 1e) 

    Need a GM? Book me today!

  • HumAnnoyd
    Posts: 300

    It does really depend how you define it.  We started our Emerald City campaign in 2010 when the DFRPG rules first came out.  We played that until Dresden Files Accelerated came out in 2017 and then we advanced our game time a few years forward (to after Changes) and changed out all but one of the PCs.  We have been playing Emerald City: Requiem ever since.  However, we take breaks from EC and play other games like Mass Effect Accelerated, Star Trek Adventures and Star Wars in between EC scenarios.  So 11 years? Technically less if you coun't the side games.  

    November 2012 CotM:  Dresden Files RPG: The Emerald City

    June 2016 CotM:  Star Wars: Rise of the Infinite Empire

    JUNE 2020 CotM & 2020 CotY:  Mass Effect Accelerated

    FEBRUARY 2022 CotM & 2022 CotY: Dresden Files Accelerated:  Emerald City-Requiem 

    Current Campaigns:  Traveller Osmium Buccaneers: Pirates of Drinax, Cyberpunk 2077 Accelerated

  • Abersade
    Posts: 422

    If we are talking from the beginning to end of a major storyline which involves a specific set of players and/or time period the games I run tend to last 3-4 years on average.

    If you count multiple games in the same setting with the same players playing during a different epoch or age to see the changes on history that their previous characters caused... eh. Hmm. Well that's not as clear cut. RotD-WotFG was the follow up game to the Book of Destruction, which we started playing during the summer of 2007 (though it didn't make the jump here until 2010). The Book of Destruction was the sequal to The Book of Creation which was a game that I ran for several of the players who ended up playing in Core, and that was from 2000 to 2002ish. The Book of Creation was a prequel to a game that I played in while I was a sophmore in High School. That game only lasted a year, so the total time spent in this setting so far is around 11 years of actual playtime with weekly sessions.

    With that said, Forbidden Empire is also in that world and will likely last 3-4 years once we start playing, then there's one more shorter game that's also in the planning as the follow up to Forbidden Empire to cap off Wrath of the Fallen Goddess and the campaign setting as a whole.

    GM of Rise of the Durnskald: Wrath of the Fallen Goddess - February 2016 CotM

    GM of Core: The Ashes of Alcarna - April 2020 CotM

    GM of Stream of Kairos

    Need CSS Help? It may be covered here: Abersade's CSS Hub

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    I have the 10 year badge, but Unconquered Kingdoms didnt "formally" start until Jul 2012.

  • ruleslawyermark
    Posts: 9

    We've been playing ours for over 10 years as well. Same DM, same 3 players. 2 others joined in briefly but didn't last that long. We were recently wondering about how many long running campaigns were still active, and if ours was up there. That's what made me look this up so late in the thread.

    The campaign is still going strong almost every Saturday, I'm happy to say. Congrats to all who've made it a long, long way.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    Nice to see so many long-time games!

    Just trying to help out.

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