
edited September 2009 in Player Lounge


  • drubixcube
    Posts: 19
    hey guys - just signed up yesterday and started loading content for my new game using the conan rules by mongoose (although, as you will see NOT set in Howard's world). check it out @

    as a GM who puts a lot of time and effort into world building, i think this site is amazingly helpful. i've already gotten a huge response from my players. gimme some feedback. oh, and if you like the map, i'm happy to lend out services (i worked as a concept artist for a while and have some skill in digital painting). anything to help out the pen-and-paper community.

    anyway, hello!
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    Looks good so far.

    What drew you to use the Conan RPG for your own campaign world?
  • drubixcube
    Posts: 19
    thanks, figmet. in answer to "why conan," i had looked at rolemaster, DnD3.5 and a few others. Ultimately, it came down to a few things:

    1. what are my players comfortable with? they know 3.5e and feel comfortable making characters in it.
    2. whats going to be simple and portable for me? what do i feel most comfortable authoring new rules in?
    3. which system will provide rough, gritty rules that will scare my players into using combat as a last option?

    in the end, me and the players know 3.5e and, with all the optional rules available (Armor DR, Minimum damage, daelth save @ any 20HP hit, armor and weapon degrade and breakage, parry / dodge bonuses), a few simple house rules (mostly re: magic and the stone - a power point (PP) system similar to DnD Psionics systems makes MUCH more sense in this world than the standard 3.5e system), and the gritty feel of conan just made it a good match.

    any suggestions?
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    I really like your content, but you did ask for suggestions. I hope I didn't go overboard for you:

    I'd make the home page and main page differ more than they do. They are mostly duplicative. If you really want them to be duplicative, make the home page a shorter summary of the main page or make the main page a much longer and more detailed version of the home page.

    If you don't want them to be as duplicative, you have many options. You can make the other page a table of contents (either one, you find examples of both around OP). You can make the home page resemble a book or DVD-Video cover with big splash art and minor teaser blurbs about the campaign. You could make the home page part one and the main page part two of a longer narative of what exists now. The options are numerous. Use your obvious creativity.

    You might also take out the extra brackets around "Jhuska Toor" on the main page where it says, "[Runestone | [Jhuska Toor]]."

    Throughout the site you sometimes you spell it, "Zhurasca," and other times, "Zhûrasca." Does that matter? It's hard to tell.

    I couldn't easily find an explanation of your calendar's "AI." Eventually I found it on the "Empire of Solgard" page. Even when I found your timeline page I didn't see an explanation of "PAI" nor "AI" on it. You might think of adding either a table of contents or an index so people can find such facts or link "AI" once each page.

    On a related note, your calendar has a year zero according to the timeline page. Is year 0 in PAI, AI, or neither? The page "Linett Masar" lists the same event as happening in 1AI, which would match real world calendars which are zeroless. Correct one or the other.

    On your timeline page you bounce back and forth on listing the "PAI" or "AI" and not. I'd either list it once each (the first time and let people assume it continues until you change it) or on all of the years of the timeline (unless 0 is neither, then 0 would be the exception, obviously).

    One further thing about the timeline page is that I would link out of it. Many of the items on the timeline already have pages, so linking out of the timeline to those pages shouldn't be too much extra work.

    You link "Wodin" to the "Stone Cults" page on several pages, but spend most of that page explaining the Stone Cults. Either add a quick paragraph on wodin or (preferably) add a new page dedicated to wodin with as much detail on them as you have on the stone cults.

    On the runestone page I noted a mispell in the third paragraph of "dose" as "does."

    On "Imperial Court" you might make the list of honoraries a bulleted list rather than separating by "o"s.

    On "Grannick" you link "Gerring’s Bay" to "Falldallow." Yet the bay is never mentioned on that page by name. Don't assume that people will have the map opened in another tab on their browser. Add a sentence to "Falldallow" about "Gerring's Bay" or remove the link.
  • drubixcube
    Posts: 19
    you did not go overboard!

    i've been working in a vacuum on this world and i NEED some editing - your notes were extremely helpful. check back in, you'll see changes soon. thanks for getting back to me with this stuff.
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    You're welcome. I know what its like working in a vacuum and wanting feedback but getting none. Best of luck with the campaign!
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