Conan GM from Finland

edited August 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Majestic7
    Posts: 6
    Hello there, ladies and gentlemen

    I'm a roleplayer from Finland, up in the cold northern Europe. Been playing since nineties. I was drawn in to playing with Rolemaster and Cyberpunk. Traveller was my first big love when it comes to games and the first game I started to run. I bought a Megatraveller computer game, the Zhodani Conspiracy. With it came a huge manual, with told a lot of stuff about the game world. I instantly knew it was a P&P game I wanted to play. I couldn't find anyone running it in my area, so I ended up buying a bunch of books... and that's where it all began.

    I stumbled upon this site about a year ago and a friend eventually convinced me to put up a campaign report here. I had previously kept an adventure log on the forums of Mongoose Conan, but it withered away. Its content has now been moved here in OP. I'm the GM of the game, but another guy handles the graphical and administrative stuff, hence I'm not marked as GM on the site.

    The campaign report/page, check it out:
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    Another Savage Sword of Conan fan! If you'd like access to an alternate cover galley, take a look "here": and click on any cover to see it larger. I've been wanting to try the Conan RPG, and was dismayed to see that it required so many fixes for you to play. If anyone I know ever starts up a campaign, I'll be sure to point them to your site. Thanks for sharing!
  • Majestic7
    Posts: 6
    The fixes were required by the inherent mathematical problems with D&D 3.5/D20, which Mongoose uses as the basic engine of the game. So the main problem is not really with d20 Conan itself, though Mongoose doesn't seem to do very good job with rule planning. If you are interested in the Hyborian Age, any Conan supplement with Vincent Darlage as author is worth buying for the extensive research and good writing. Other books of the line are considerably weaker in my opinion.
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